Frizz's posts
Posted in I'm a magical girl!
Posted 7 years ago
Not to brag, but *cough* I literally am a magical girl. :D
You are looking so pretty though!!
You are looking so pretty though!!

Posted in YA'LL
Posted 7 years ago
Holy smokey, those cacti got huge. How do you think they will fair when winter comes?
Or are you one of those in an area where winter is practically non-existant?
Or are you one of those in an area where winter is practically non-existant?

Posted in I wish I didn't have whiplash!
Posted 7 years ago
Granted, but it has so much freezer burn that it's more a burden to eat than not!
I wish this thread would get ROCKING and ROLLING and ZOOMING!
I wish this thread would get ROCKING and ROLLING and ZOOMING!

Posted in I wish I didn't have whiplash!
Posted 7 years ago
I REALLY DO WISH STATIC KNEW HOW TO really party!!! (But not better than me.
I REALLY DO WISH STATIC KNEW HOW TO really party!!! (But not better than me.

Posted in I wish I didn't have whiplash!
Posted 7 years ago
Click here to View the ADORABLENESS:
That is me.
And click here to view our winners thus far!
Page 3: @Ralla: for the Marie Antoinette comment!
Page 6: @Dipper: "nightmare loop of your Prince Charming stomping on your face to try wake you up."
That is me.

And click here to view our winners thus far!
Page 3: @Ralla: for the Marie Antoinette comment!
Page 6: @Dipper: "nightmare loop of your Prince Charming stomping on your face to try wake you up."

Posted in I wish I didn't have whiplash!
Posted 7 years ago

Posted in August Crate Items Feedback Thread
Posted 7 years ago

Hey Volties!
Your feedback about last months crates was really helpful! Reading what you think could be done better really gives us a good perspective from your point of view. It helps us rethink the sets in ways we might have not considered in the beginning. We can't wait to hear what you guys have to say about this months crates.
Now we know that sometimes perhaps a set is not your cup of tea or doesn't fit your particular style, so try to look for things that we could use constructively. Like for example: If this pose was made this way and you could equip it like this then I would find use for that set more in my outfits. Or another example would be: This particular mod or pose is being repeated, I'd like to see x and y being offered as well.
In order to create a standard rating we will be doing a five star rating review. So for each set your reviewing do a 1/5 ; 2/5 ; 3/5 ; 4/5 ; 5/5 to let us know how much you like the overall set.
We are looking for feedback regarding the way the sets layer, originality, variety in poses, etc. But don't restrict yourself to these categories, those are just some suggestions for the direction you can take your feedback in.
We do ask that you try to keep your feedback constructive and don't just say "It looks bad, I don't like it." As it's not very useful to us.
Here is a template to start off your review:
Zaz La
Xogud Split
Strawberry Delight
Thank you for taking your time to write this feedback, you are being very helpful!

Posted in July Crate Items Feedback Thread
Posted 7 years ago

Hey Volties!
Your feedback about last months crates was really helpful! Reading what you think could be done better really gives us a good perspective from your point of view. It helps us rethink the sets in ways we might have not considered in the beginning. We can't wait to hear what you guys have to say about this months crates.
Now we know that sometimes perhaps a set is not your cup of tea or doesn't fit your particular style, so try to look for things that we could use constructively. Like for example: If this pose was made this way and you could equip it like this then I would find use for that set more in my outfits. Or another example would be: This particular mod or pose is being repeated, I'd like to see x and y being offered as well.
In order to create a standard rating we will be doing a five star rating review. So for each set your reviewing do a 1/5 ; 2/5 ; 3/5 ; 4/5 ; 5/5 to let us know how much you like the overall set.
We are looking for feedback regarding the way the sets layer, originality, variety in poses, etc. But don't restrict yourself to these categories, those are just some suggestions for the direction you can take your feedback in.
We do ask that you try to keep your feedback constructive and don't just say "It looks bad, I don't like it." As it's not very useful to us.
Here is a template to start off your review:
Urro the Corrupt
Strawberry Delight
Thank you for taking your time to write this feedback, you are being very helpful!

Posted in The Surge: Breaker Beach Opening Day!
Posted 7 years ago
I hope you all enjoy Breaker Beach! The weather is gorgeous and the activities are so fun.

Posted in Salty Sand Castles
Posted 7 years ago
Oh Vregory dear, I forgot to tell you... Don't eat the sand. xD

Posted in Breaker Beach FAQ & Hangout!
Posted 7 years ago
What is this event?
A well deserved, fun filled, summer vacation for everyone to unwind! You can find more information about it here: Breaker Beach!
That's not all of course, some of your favorite citizens will be arranging their own fun activities! Keep an eye out around the Event Forums so you don't miss out!
How long will the event last?
It will be running for about 2 weeks! The event officially begins Saturday, June 23rd and forum activities hosted by NPCs will end by July 7th. Breaker Beach, currency drops, and EIs will be available through Saturday, July 14th.
Please note, Vyc's Tournament will only run during the first week, while Vregory's Hunt will only run during the second.
What are Seashells?
They are the selected currency for this event! As you take part on the summer fun with your fellow volties, be it chatting on the event forum or outside of it, you will collect seashells. You can then use your accumulated seashells to take part on the various activities available and try your luck! You might get something nice!
What are the activities?
You can find all of them in Breaker Beach!
They will be worth a small fee to partake in, and what you get depends on your luck!
Explore the Sea Shore will cost 25 Seashells
Snorkeling in the Coral Reef will cost 50 Seashells
Sailing the Deep Blue will cost 75 Seashells
Explore the Sunken Ship will cost 100 Seashells
What sort of things can you find by using seashells?
That's for you to find out! Be it fun, summery items or some deep sea wonders, I'm sure you'll enjoy what you'll find!

Posted in Breaker Beach FAQ & Hangout!
Posted 7 years ago

"Hi Volties! My name's Frizz and you might know me as one of Voltra's Guardians, but no worries if you don't. I kinda couldn't talk last we met since I was stuck in my sheepig form, but here I am in all my... uh, well, sorta human skin!" She giggles somewhat mischievously.
"That's not important, though! What IS, is this right here," she takes a flyer out from behind her back and presents it to you with a broad smile. "Beaker Beach is offering a discount for a limited time, and wow it's nice! I've always wanted to go with my brothers, but would we be good Guardians without extending an invite to you, our lovable saviors?! The answer is no, no we wouldn't." She shakes her head enthusiastically.
"This flyer or... is it a pamphlet? I dunno. It explains the beach better than I ever could, so I really recommend you read over it. It has all kinds of good info that I couldn't even BEGIN to articulate. We Guardians? Good fighters. Not so much on breaking down rules and such, and I wouldn't want you to miss out on any helpful bits." She gently hands you the paper and you feel a slight shock travel from her fingertips up your arm, but it's unexpectedly painless.

Posted in Frizz's Sandcastle Contest
Posted 7 years ago
There are two styles of base for you to choose from: decorated and undecorated. The decorated version comes with decorations such a flags, doors, windows, etc already on the castle. The undecorated removes those features to allow you to add your own... It's your choice which you'd like to use!
There are two styles of base for you to choose from: decorated and undecorated. The decorated version comes with decorations such a flags, doors, windows, etc already on the castle. The undecorated removes those features to allow you to add your own... It's your choice which you'd like to use!
Can't wait to see what you have in store!

Posted in Frizz's Sandcastle Contest
Posted 7 years ago
Vreg and Virgil may be sandcastle architects, but Frizz the Mischievous thinks all they need is a little competition.
Use the base design she's drawn up to build a great sandcastle and give those boys a run for their money!
Violet may or may not meddle in this one.
A base sandcastle will be provided below in a variety of formats, with a choice of digital or print friendly
Color and decorate the base in whatever manner you wish in the media of your choice
Examples: Pencil Crayon, Digital Paint, Photo Collage, Mixed Media, etc.
Embrace your creativity because anything is allowed so long as you utilize the base
Maximum of 1 submission
375 Seashells!
1st Place
250 Seashells!
2nd Place
175 Seashells!
3rd Place
All other participants who submit a sandcastle will receive 100 seashells
Vreg and Virgil may be sandcastle architects, but Frizz the Mischievous thinks all they need is a little competition.
Use the base design she's drawn up to build a great sandcastle and give those boys a run for their money!
Violet may or may not meddle in this one.
A base sandcastle will be provided below in a variety of formats, with a choice of digital or print friendly
Color and decorate the base in whatever manner you wish in the media of your choice
Examples: Pencil Crayon, Digital Paint, Photo Collage, Mixed Media, etc.
Embrace your creativity because anything is allowed so long as you utilize the base
Maximum of 1 submission
375 Seashells!
1st Place
250 Seashells!
2nd Place
175 Seashells!
3rd Place
All other participants who submit a sandcastle will receive 100 seashells