Frizz's posts
Posted in July '21 Crate Feedback Thread
Posted 4 years ago

Hey Volties, we could really use your feedback on these new crate items. We at Voltra are always watching and listening for ways to improve, so the more responses we get, the better we can make your experience here!
This month's Crate Items are:

NPC Preview Art by Mica
Item Name | Artist | Supporting Artist
Goetia | Priestess of Pie
Seraph | ghost
Onmyodo | KDA Drew
Sets contain a minimum of 3 recolors; only one is shown.

Sets contain a minimum of 3 recolors; only one is shown.

Sets contain a minimum of 3 recolors; only one is shown.

We are looking for feedback regarding layering, originality, pixel quality, variety in poses, colors, etc. But don't restrict yourself to these categories, these are just some suggestions for the direction you can take your feedback in.
We do ask that you try to keep your feedback constructive. Instead of saying "It looks bad, I don't like it", explain what didn't you like about it. What could be improved so that you would like it?
We know that sometimes a set doesn't suit your particular style. In those cases, try to look for other things that we could improve.
For example: "If this pose was made this way and you could equip it like this, then I would find more use for that set in my outfits."
Another example: "We've seen this particular mod or pose before, I'd like to see x and y being offered as well."
In order to create a standard rating, we will be using a five star rating system (1 star being the lowest, and 5 stars being the highest).
For each set you're reviewing, give it a 1/5 ; 2/5 ; 3/5 ; 4/5 ; 5/5 to let us know how much you like the overall set.
Here is a template for you to use:
[b]Sacred Shrine Guard[/b]
[b]Sacred Shrine Guard[/b]
Thank you for taking the time to write this feedback, it's very helpful to us!

Posted in App-etizing Errands: GIF Games
Posted 4 years ago
Sorry about the delay! Goodie bags have been gifted!
Sorry about the delay! Goodie bags have been gifted!

Posted in May '21 Crate Feedback Thread
Posted 4 years ago

Hey Volties, we could really use your feedback on these new crate items. We at Voltra are always watching and listening for ways to improve, so the more responses we get, the better we can make your experience here!
This month's Crate Items are:

NPC Preview Art by Kairu
Item Name | Artist | Supporting Artist
Wind Rider | Priestess of Pie
Queen of Pentacles | Vozzy | KDA Drew | Lilypoo
Draconic Dream | ghost
Sets contain a minimum of 3 recolors; only one is shown.

Sets contain a minimum of 3 recolors; only one is shown.

Sets contain a minimum of 3 recolors; only one is shown.

We are looking for feedback regarding layering, originality, pixel quality, variety in poses, colors, etc. But don't restrict yourself to these categories, these are just some suggestions for the direction you can take your feedback in.
We do ask that you try to keep your feedback constructive. Instead of saying "It looks bad, I don't like it", explain what didn't you like about it. What could be improved so that you would like it?
We know that sometimes a set doesn't suit your particular style. In those cases, try to look for other things that we could improve.
For example: "If this pose was made this way and you could equip it like this, then I would find more use for that set in my outfits."
Another example: "We've seen this particular mod or pose before, I'd like to see x and y being offered as well."
In order to create a standard rating, we will be using a five star rating system (1 star being the lowest, and 5 stars being the highest).
For each set you're reviewing, give it a 1/5 ; 2/5 ; 3/5 ; 4/5 ; 5/5 to let us know how much you like the overall set.
Here is a template for you to use:
[b]Wind Rider[/b]
[b]Queen of Pentacles[/b]
[b]Draconic Dream[/b]
[b]On Guard![/b]
[b]Queen of Pentacles[/b]
[b]Draconic Dream[/b]
[b]On Guard![/b]
Thank you for taking the time to write this feedback, it's very helpful to us!

Posted in App-etizing Errands: GIF Games
Posted 4 years ago
New Gif! Good job guys!

Posted in App-etizing Errands: GIF Games
Posted 4 years ago
Updated with a new gif today!

Posted in App-etizing Errands: GIF Games
Posted 4 years ago
Updated the thread with new gifs!

Posted in App-etizing Errands: GIF Games
Posted 8 years ago

Posted in App-etizing Errands: GIF Games
Posted 8 years ago
Thread Mechanics
Frizz needs your help behind the counter at the Vibrant Café!
Guide her through the café's mobile app to complete customers' orders.
How It Works
Each day, a new GIF will be posted. Follow the prompt, and snap a screenshot of the correct frame.
Use an image sharing website such as Imgur or Postimg to host your screenshot.
Post your screenshots in this thread. Please use a spoiler tag!
Images will be accepted until May 1st 11:59pm Voltra Time.
All participants who submit at least 3 screenshots will receive a Vibrance Day '21 Goodie Bag.
Frizz needs your help behind the counter at the Vibrant Café!
Guide her through the café's mobile app to complete customers' orders.
How It Works
All participants who submit at least 3 screenshots will receive a Vibrance Day '21 Goodie Bag.

Posted in App-etizing Errands: GIF Games
Posted 8 years ago

Feeling a bit thirsty, you sit down at one of the tables to order a drink. As you peruse the extensive menu, you glance up to greet the barista that's just arrived to take your order. To your surprise, it's one of Voltra's very own Guardians!
"Oh hello! It's you!" Frizz welcomes you excitedly. "Don't you absolutely love this café? As soon as I heard Voltra's citizens were hosting one, I ran right over to help! It's been so much fun and I got to meet so many new Volties. And ohhh Luka's desserts are sooo yummy!"
You let Frizz gush about all of the memories she's made at the café so far. Ah but you almost forgot, you wanted to order a drink...
"Of course! Leave it me!" She gives you a bright smile as she reaches for the tablet in her apron pocket. After staring at the screen for several seconds, she tilts her head in confusion. "Let's see... to make an order, you click here and then... ummm..."
"Oh no! That's not it either!" Frizz fusses under her breath, frowning at the tablet in her hands. "Awww what am I going to do? After I went and told Static I could figure out this mobile app thing on my own too..."
Noticing how upset she seems, you offer to lend a hand with the app. Hearing your words, Frizz's face lights up in relief.
"Really? That would be awesome! Sorry you have to order your own drink like this," she giggles in embarrassment. "But I really, really appreciate your help!"

Posted in April '21 Crate Feedback Thread
Posted 4 years ago

Hey Volties, we could really use your feedback on these new crate items. We at Voltra are always watching and listening for ways to improve, so the more responses we get, the better we can make your experience here!
This month's Crate Items are:

NPC Preview Art by Amber Lynne
Item Name | Artist | Supporting Artist
Cat Cafe | Priestess of Pie
Miss Mary Annette | KDA Drew
Devil's Food Cake | Alethna
Sets contain a minimum of 3 recolors; only one is shown.

Sets contain a minimum of 3 recolors; only one is shown.

Sets contain a minimum of 3 recolors; only one is shown.

We are looking for feedback regarding layering, originality, pixel quality, variety in poses, colors, etc. But don't restrict yourself to these categories, these are just some suggestions for the direction you can take your feedback in.
We do ask that you try to keep your feedback constructive. Instead of saying "It looks bad, I don't like it", explain what didn't you like about it. What could be improved so that you would like it?
We know that sometimes a set doesn't suit your particular style. In those cases, try to look for other things that we could improve.
For example: "If this pose was made this way and you could equip it like this, then I would find more use for that set in my outfits."
Another example: "We've seen this particular mod or pose before, I'd like to see x and y being offered as well."
In order to create a standard rating, we will be using a five star rating system (1 star being the lowest, and 5 stars being the highest).
For each set you're reviewing, give it a 1/5 ; 2/5 ; 3/5 ; 4/5 ; 5/5 to let us know how much you like the overall set.
Here is a template for you to use:
[b]Cat Cafe[/b]
[b]Miss Mary Annette[/b]
[b]Devil's Food Cake[/b]
[b]On Guard![/b]
[b]Miss Mary Annette[/b]
[b]Devil's Food Cake[/b]
[b]On Guard![/b]
Thank you for taking the time to write this feedback, it's very helpful to us!

Posted in March '21 Crate Feedback Thread
Posted 4 years ago

Hey Volties, we could really use your feedback on these new crate items. We at Voltra are always watching and listening for ways to improve, so the more responses we get, the better we can make your experience here!
This month's Crate Items are:

NPC Preview Art by Amber Lynne
Item Name | Artist | Supporting Artist
Femme Fatale | Priestess of Pie
Hardboiled Detective | ghost
Devil's Food Cake | Alethna
Sets contain a minimum of 3 recolors; only one is shown.
Eyes and arms also come in separate left/right poses.

Eyes and arms also come in separate left/right poses.

Sets contain a minimum of 3 recolors; only one is shown.

Sets contain a minimum of 3 recolors; only one is shown.

We are looking for feedback regarding layering, originality, pixel quality, variety in poses, colors, etc. But don't restrict yourself to these categories, these are just some suggestions for the direction you can take your feedback in.
We do ask that you try to keep your feedback constructive. Instead of saying "It looks bad, I don't like it", explain what didn't you like about it. What could be improved so that you would like it?
We know that sometimes a set doesn't suit your particular style. In those cases, try to look for other things that we could improve.
For example: "If this pose was made this way and you could equip it like this, then I would find more use for that set in my outfits."
Another example: "We've seen this particular mod or pose before, I'd like to see x and y being offered as well."
In order to create a standard rating, we will be using a five star rating system (1 star being the lowest, and 5 stars being the highest).
For each set you're reviewing, give it a 1/5 ; 2/5 ; 3/5 ; 4/5 ; 5/5 to let us know how much you like the overall set.
Here is a template for you to use:
[b]Femme Fatale[/b]
[b]Hardboiled Detective[/b]
[b]Devil's Food Cake[/b]
[b]On Guard![/b]
[b]Hardboiled Detective[/b]
[b]Devil's Food Cake[/b]
[b]On Guard![/b]
Thank you for taking the time to write this feedback, it's very helpful to us!

Posted in February Crate Items Feedback Thread
Posted 4 years ago

NPC Preview Art by Amber Lynne and Keturah
Item Name | Artist | Supporting Artist
Love Bites | Alethna
Misery Loves Company | KDA Drew
The First Star | KDA Drew | Vozzy
Sets contain a minimum of 3 recolors; only one is shown.

Sets contain a minimum of 3 recolors; only one is shown.

Sets contain a minimum of 3 recolors; only one is shown.

Let's not forget to thank our Item Technicians for uploading:
Lilypoo & Kiwi
Hey Volties, we could really use your feedback. We at Voltra are always watching and listening, so the more responses we get to these sort of things, the more we can improve on your experience here!
Now we know that sometimes perhaps a set is not your cup of tea or doesn't fit your particular style, so try to look for things that we could use constructively. Like for example: If this pose was made this way and you could equip it like this then I would find use for that set more in my outfits. Or another example would be: This particular mod or pose is being repeated, I'd like to see x and y being offered as well.
In order to create a standard rating we will be doing a five star rating review. So for each set you are reviewing, do a 1/5 ; 2/5 ; 3/5 ; 4/5 ; 5/5 rating to let us know how much you like the overall set.
We are looking for feedback regarding the way the sets layer, originality, variety in poses, etc. But don't restrict yourself to these categories - those are just some suggestions for the direction in which you can take your feedback.
We do ask that you try to keep your feedback constructive and don't just say "It looks bad, I don't like it," as it's not very useful to us.
Here is a template to start off your review:
[b]Love Bites/b]
[b]Misery Loves Company[/b]
[b]The First Star[/b]
[b]Misery Loves Company[/b]
[b]The First Star[/b]
[b]On Guard![/b]
Thank you for taking your time to write this feedback, you are being extremely helpful!

Posted in January Crate Items Feedback Thread
Posted 4 years ago

NPC Preview Art by Keturah & kiwi
Item Name | Artist | Supporting Artist
Sowa's Soul | Vozzy
Rogue Bot| glume
The First Star | KDA Drew | Vozzy
Sets contain a minimum of 3 recolors; only one is shown.

Sets contain a minimum of 3 recolors; only one is shown.

Sets contain a minimum of 3 recolors; only one is shown.

Pixels by Vozzy
Sets contain a minimum of 3 recolors; only one is shown.

Hey Volties, we could really use your feedback. We at Voltra are always watching and listening, so the more responses we get to these sort of things, the more we can improve on your experience here!
Now we know that sometimes perhaps a set is not your cup of tea or doesn't fit your particular style, so try to look for things that we could use constructively. Like for example: If this pose was made this way and you could equip it like this then I would find use for that set more in my outfits. Or another example would be: This particular mod or pose is being repeated, I'd like to see x and y being offered as well.
In order to create a standard rating we will be doing a five star rating review. So for each set you are reviewing, do a 1/5 ; 2/5 ; 3/5 ; 4/5 ; 5/5 rating to let us know how much you like the overall set.
We are looking for feedback regarding the way the sets layer, originality, variety in poses, etc. But don't restrict yourself to these categories - those are just some suggestions for the direction in which you can take your feedback.
We do ask that you try to keep your feedback constructive and don't just say "It looks bad, I don't like it," as it's not very useful to us.
Here is a template to start off your review:
[b]Sowa's Soul[/b]
[b]Rogue Bot[/b]
[b]The First Star[/b]
[b]Rogue Bot[/b]
[b]The First Star[/b]
[b]On Guard![/b]
Thank you for taking your time to write this feedback, you are being extremely helpful!

Posted in December Crate Items Feedback Thread
Posted 4 years ago

NPC Preview Art by Keturah
Item Name | Artist | Supporting Artist
Silent Night | Alethna
Krampus | ghost
Hexed or Blessed | KDA Drew | Vozzy
Hey Volties, we could really use your feedback. We at Voltra are always watching and listening, so the more responses we get to these sort of things, the more we can improve on your experience here!
Now we know that sometimes perhaps a set is not your cup of tea or doesn't fit your particular style, so try to look for things that we could use constructively. Like for example: If this pose was made this way and you could equip it like this then I would find use for that set more in my outfits. Or another example would be: This particular mod or pose is being repeated, I'd like to see x and y being offered as well.
In order to create a standard rating we will be doing a five star rating review. So for each set you are reviewing, do a 1/5 ; 2/5 ; 3/5 ; 4/5 ; 5/5 rating to let us know how much you like the overall set.
We are looking for feedback regarding the way the sets layer, originality, variety in poses, etc. But don't restrict yourself to these categories - those are just some suggestions for the direction in which you can take your feedback.
We do ask that you try to keep your feedback constructive and don't just say "It looks bad, I don't like it," as it's not very useful to us.
Here is a template to start off your review:
[b]Silent Night[/b]
[b]Hexed or Blessed[/b]
[b]Hexed or Blessed[/b]
Thank you for taking your time to write this feedback, you are being extremely helpful!