Garrister's posts
Posted in Come Roll for Volts!
Posted 6 years ago
Hey everybody. ^u^

Posted in How many lanterns do you have
Posted 6 years ago
Twelve lanterns.
That many.

Posted in How many lanterns do you have
Posted 6 years ago
Nine now. It's funny, when I'm at the bottom it always feels like it'll be a while before I get back up, but then it just sorta happens without me noticing.

Posted in How many lanterns do you have
Posted 6 years ago
I've got six lanterns right now. Good grief I've got a little ways to go before the next scoop.

Posted in What's the story behind your username?
Posted 6 years ago
@ukurtlele: I like it! I used to tell myself I hate puns, but I think I've always secretly liked them a lot.
@uncledaddy: Yeah, that's unfortunate. UncleDaddy does have a nice ring to it but it makes sense why you'd be wanting to change it. vnv
@vengeance: I've never heard of Before the Dawn, I might have to check them out now. :0
@Kairosama: that's one thing I really like about Garrister, since I just made it up it's never taken on anything. Actually it might've been taken once, but I forget where.
@Laufeia: I used to do that a lot when I would roleplay with friends, I'd look up cool or pretty fantasy names for the characters. ^^
@millet: Parrots are pretty lovely, I must say.
@Kozi: I see. XD Yue sounds good too, so rest assured that whichever you end up settling on, it's the right choice.
@uncledaddy: Yeah, that's unfortunate. UncleDaddy does have a nice ring to it but it makes sense why you'd be wanting to change it. vnv
@vengeance: I've never heard of Before the Dawn, I might have to check them out now. :0
@Kairosama: that's one thing I really like about Garrister, since I just made it up it's never taken on anything. Actually it might've been taken once, but I forget where.
@Laufeia: I used to do that a lot when I would roleplay with friends, I'd look up cool or pretty fantasy names for the characters. ^^
@millet: Parrots are pretty lovely, I must say.
@Kozi: I see. XD Yue sounds good too, so rest assured that whichever you end up settling on, it's the right choice.

Posted in What's the story behind your username?
Posted 6 years ago
My username (Garrister) is the name I used when I created a LotRO account to play with my older sister a few years ago. Since then it's been my go-to for game account names, as well as the name of my Pathfinder character who is just a generic warrior/fighter/whatever it's officially called. That being said, it was more suited to be a name for a big buff-type guy, it's not extremely fitting for my avi. XD
What about you?
What about you?

Posted in How many lanterns do you have
Posted 6 years ago
Zero lanterns. It's not working. I have so much determination and passion in my soul but the fish mock me. I'll show them. I'll keep scooping forever.

Posted in How many lanterns do you have
Posted 6 years ago
Forty-four. HERE IT COMES.

Posted in How many lanterns do you have
Posted 6 years ago
Forty-four lanterns, Let's bump it up to fifty and see what happens.

Posted in How many lanterns do you have
Posted 6 years ago
Forty-one lanterns. My feet are shuffling all around in excitement and anticipation.

Posted in henlo
Posted 6 years ago
@ukurtlele: Eeyy nice to meet you! Welcome to Voltra. :)

Posted in New here
Posted 6 years ago
@Luneza: Hi, welcome! I just joined a few days ago myself, and like you my spot was Gaia Online. I forget when I originally made an account, it was around the same time you did, give or take a year. Over the past several years I'd gone back to check in, but there's just nothing holding me there anymore.
I hope you find Voltra as cute and interesting as I do. ^u^
I hope you find Voltra as cute and interesting as I do. ^u^

Posted in How many lanterns do you have
Posted 6 years ago
Thirty-five. Maybe this time I'll get the one thing and not one of the other things.

Posted in How many lanterns do you have
Posted 6 years ago
Thirty-two lanterns!