Genuine Fake's posts
Posted in Hi!
Posted 5 years ago
@Totalanimefan: Oh cool! I went to CA once, I loved the weather. It was nice dry heat instead of sticky and humid like it is here.
@ChiffonOrange: Have you been a member here long? (: I usually creep a little right after I join before posting to get a feel for the community... but decided to just jump right in this time and try it out. xD
@ChiffonOrange: Have you been a member here long? (: I usually creep a little right after I join before posting to get a feel for the community... but decided to just jump right in this time and try it out. xD

Posted in Tell me an interesting fact about yourself
Posted 5 years ago
@Totalanimefan: I had thought I heard it was a hard language to learn! That's so cool, even if you didn't finish, you probably still learned a lot. I'm not bilingual but I wish I was. ): Do you know any others?

Posted in Hi!
Posted 5 years ago
@ChiffonOrange: This site seems more active than the other I use; I always seem to miss everyone when they're online. ): I still adore it though<3
It's just nice to see that won't be an issue here c:
It's just nice to see that won't be an issue here c:

Posted in Hi!
Posted 5 years ago
@Totalanimefan: Definitely :D Northeastern US. How about you? c:

Posted in Tell me an interesting fact about yourself
Posted 5 years ago
@Totalanimefan: Thanks n-n
Edit: I read that so wrong lol! That's so cool you can speak Japanese. Was it hard to learn?
Edit: I read that so wrong lol! That's so cool you can speak Japanese. Was it hard to learn?

Posted in Hi!
Posted 5 years ago
@ChiffonOrange: Yeah that's not necessarily a bad thing! (:
It's nice to see some people online, I was worried since it's a little late where I am.
It's nice to see some people online, I was worried since it's a little late where I am.

Posted in Tell me an interesting fact about yourself
Posted 5 years ago
I'm new here and trying to get to know some people and start some conversations. So tell me an interesting fact about yourself. c: It can be anything you like! Nothing is too random. :3

Posted in Hi!
Posted 5 years ago
@ChiffonOrange: I'm not too bad. A little sleepy haha.
I'm browsing the forums, tryna find places to pop in and chat. cx
I'm browsing the forums, tryna find places to pop in and chat. cx

Posted in Hi!
Posted 5 years ago
@eerie: Thank you! I like oxymorons for some reason. XD I like your username too. :3
@Totalanimefan: Thank you for being my first profile comment! lol.
I can't wait to get to know some people here a little bit. It's always more fun once you have friends. :3
@ChiffonOrange: Hi :D Thank you! How are you?
@Totalanimefan: Thank you for being my first profile comment! lol.
I can't wait to get to know some people here a little bit. It's always more fun once you have friends. :3
@ChiffonOrange: Hi :D Thank you! How are you?

Posted in Hi!
Posted 5 years ago
I suck at these, but here goes. I'm new, obviously. Didn't know where to begin so I figured this was a good place lol. I've been active on two other avatar sites in the past, so it's cool to see another to give a try.
I can't wait to meet some of you. (:
I can't wait to meet some of you. (: