Genuine Fake's posts
Posted in Hi!
Posted 5 years ago
@Totalanimefan: that's still really cool c: I'd love to travel to different countries one day.
It was temporary so it wasn't too awful since I knew it wasn't forever. Might sound weird, but knowing it would be over soon made it much more bearable. I was working 11-12 hours, 7 days a week at the time as well. So if it hadn't been for being temporary, it would have been horrible lol. But I was just making bank while I had the chance. They wanted to keep me after the peak season, and things had slowed significantly. But like, too much lol. I went from 70+ hours a week to being lucky to get 38 or 40. It was normal to only get 27, AND they dropped the pay by like $5 after peak season was over, so it was not worth it at all to stay. xD
It was temporary so it wasn't too awful since I knew it wasn't forever. Might sound weird, but knowing it would be over soon made it much more bearable. I was working 11-12 hours, 7 days a week at the time as well. So if it hadn't been for being temporary, it would have been horrible lol. But I was just making bank while I had the chance. They wanted to keep me after the peak season, and things had slowed significantly. But like, too much lol. I went from 70+ hours a week to being lucky to get 38 or 40. It was normal to only get 27, AND they dropped the pay by like $5 after peak season was over, so it was not worth it at all to stay. xD

Posted in Tell me an interesting fact about yourself
Posted 5 years ago
@ChiffonOrange: I should try to relax a bit and play more casually lol! I just get bored without goals for myself, but then I go overboard and obsess and take most of the fun out. D:
@Another Movie Addict: Oh cool! I've never been to any kind of convention, but I heard they are fun! c: Did you enjoy it? And what kind of movies do you like?
@Kitalpha Hart: Right haha that's true. How are you today? c:
@Miss Sandman: Oh my gosh O: That sounds horrible! I'm so sorry your experience was so rough. D: That's the kind of stuff that terrifies my about having my own! D: I'm glad you're feeling better now, though. ^-^
@MoodyBats: Aww, I don't mean to call you a liar or anything, but I doubt that! c: What kind of things do you like? Thank you <3
@Aisukohi: Huh, that's so cool. c: I can use my left if I HAVE to but it isn't very coordinated lol! And I agree, that is neat. x3
@Another Movie Addict: Oh cool! I've never been to any kind of convention, but I heard they are fun! c: Did you enjoy it? And what kind of movies do you like?
@Kitalpha Hart: Right haha that's true. How are you today? c:
@Miss Sandman: Oh my gosh O: That sounds horrible! I'm so sorry your experience was so rough. D: That's the kind of stuff that terrifies my about having my own! D: I'm glad you're feeling better now, though. ^-^
@MoodyBats: Aww, I don't mean to call you a liar or anything, but I doubt that! c: What kind of things do you like? Thank you <3
@Aisukohi: Huh, that's so cool. c: I can use my left if I HAVE to but it isn't very coordinated lol! And I agree, that is neat. x3

Posted in Hi!
Posted 5 years ago
@Totalanimefan: That must have been so cool!! A boat sounds like it would've been sooo much fun. My aunt and uncle had a boat, but they just took it on a lake. Me and my cousins weren't close enough (they were a bit older than me) that I ever went, and honestly I haven't been on many boats. I've done minor things like got on a small row boat to go through Lincoln Caverns when I was younger, and I've been on a ferry a few times like to go to Seattle. Local dams have those little peddle boats, too, so I've done that before. But never a sail boat, and especially not in the ocean/sea.
Sand is a paaaaaiiiiin but I don't mind too much. Honestly something that bothers me is my stupid sensitive skin gets all red/blotchy once the salt water dries on my skin. u-u So I have to stay wet until we leave so I can rinse off when we get back, or use one of those little stations/bottle of water to rinse off. But they don't usually have the stations where we go. We usually go to NC and find vacant stretches of beach all to ourselves, I love it! <3
Ahhh /: Yea, that sounds pretty crappy. I don't remember much from driving through there, really. I remember the housing looking skinny and they were all squished against each other, which was different than even the townhouses I'm used to seeing but that's all that really sticks out.
Ohhh yea the time differences when you're flying sucks! I flew to Alaska I think maybe 3-4 years ago? and the whole trip took like 17+ hours T-T But I had like 2 or 3 layovers because my best friend bought me the ticket to come see her, and that's what she could afford at the time(and I couldn't afford to throw in at all at that point). So I wasn't complaining, 'cause I hadn't seen her in years. But it was a little rough for my first flight alone! I don't enjoy flying by myself lol.
Oh man that does sound brutal. D: That would suckkk. It's not enough to just follow a new routine for a day, either. It's like your body is just so used to a certain routine for so long, it resists against the change and you gotta reallyyyy work at adjusting it. It's a painnn. It's not exactly the same thing, but I had to keep changing my sleep schedule for my last job. They bounced me from 3rd shift to 2nd, back to 3rd, and then I ended on 1st. -.- Needless to say I'd just start to get used to it and it would change again xDD My sleep schedule is always a little wacky though anyway so it wasn't a super big deal. I don't have kids or anything so I'd just sleep whenever I felt like it, as long as I didn't have chores/errands to do first.
That's so cool you've been to England and Japan though! I've never been out of the country. Been to another others? o:
Sand is a paaaaaiiiiin but I don't mind too much. Honestly something that bothers me is my stupid sensitive skin gets all red/blotchy once the salt water dries on my skin. u-u So I have to stay wet until we leave so I can rinse off when we get back, or use one of those little stations/bottle of water to rinse off. But they don't usually have the stations where we go. We usually go to NC and find vacant stretches of beach all to ourselves, I love it! <3
Ahhh /: Yea, that sounds pretty crappy. I don't remember much from driving through there, really. I remember the housing looking skinny and they were all squished against each other, which was different than even the townhouses I'm used to seeing but that's all that really sticks out.
Ohhh yea the time differences when you're flying sucks! I flew to Alaska I think maybe 3-4 years ago? and the whole trip took like 17+ hours T-T But I had like 2 or 3 layovers because my best friend bought me the ticket to come see her, and that's what she could afford at the time(and I couldn't afford to throw in at all at that point). So I wasn't complaining, 'cause I hadn't seen her in years. But it was a little rough for my first flight alone! I don't enjoy flying by myself lol.
Oh man that does sound brutal. D: That would suckkk. It's not enough to just follow a new routine for a day, either. It's like your body is just so used to a certain routine for so long, it resists against the change and you gotta reallyyyy work at adjusting it. It's a painnn. It's not exactly the same thing, but I had to keep changing my sleep schedule for my last job. They bounced me from 3rd shift to 2nd, back to 3rd, and then I ended on 1st. -.- Needless to say I'd just start to get used to it and it would change again xDD My sleep schedule is always a little wacky though anyway so it wasn't a super big deal. I don't have kids or anything so I'd just sleep whenever I felt like it, as long as I didn't have chores/errands to do first.
That's so cool you've been to England and Japan though! I've never been out of the country. Been to another others? o:

Posted in Tell me an interesting fact about yourself
Posted 5 years ago
I hope no one minds I reply, even though I'm a bit late. D: I'm sorry about that. It was my fiancee's days off, so I was distracted. >:
@Kitalpha Hart: Ahh okay that makes sense hahaha. Funny how sometimes authority figures act as though they're above their own rules (even if they aren't "their rules" exactly, they are somebody who should be enforcing them - not breaking them).
@Glume: That's so neat! It would be cool if the feeling lingered around, it sounds like a good feeling! Do you see stuff like that pretty regularly? Like how often? Nightly/weekly? o: I've never experienced that, and for you it probably feels semi-normal. That's so cool. I wish we could make recordings from our perspective, like through our eyes XD
@Miss Sandman: I honestly don't know if she has any kinda after labor treatment. o: I mean she's using these like cooling pad things but that's all I've heard her mention. But I think she's already starting to feel better :3 She went on a really long walk yesterday so she's not quite as sore anymore! c: Thank you n-n
@ChiffonOrange: Right haha. I have one save where I just mess around and build, so I use cheats on that save so that I can have all the items unlocked and unlimited monies for buildin'. c: I usually make my own families like I said, so they already look how I want. If I wanna change their clothes or anything I just go to the world editor thingy and edit the household. I don't think you can change facial features that way though, so I get why you'd need to cheat sometimes.
Luckily, I've been trying to play legacy challenges so I like seeing their "genetics" and it doesn't bother me how the children are born looking lol. A down side of the legacy challenges is having toddlers all the time though >> and it slows me down because I'll obsess like I said, so I'll turn off aging until their skills are maxed XD I've been trying to do a "speed legacy" (it's just setting their life span to "short" basically) to force myself out of that but I haven't been successful. I'll be like, "Wellll... maybe another game could be my speed legacy. This one is a normal legacy" and I go back and change the life span to normal or long XD
@PurpdaBurpPurp: Right! It seems so odd to imagine that that was such a big deal at one point lol. The things people worry about sometimes xDD
@Totalanimefan: I hate it -.- It's nice knowing I'm not alone, though! xD
@Aisukohi: I wonder if you're ambidextrous! o: Have you ever tried to write with your right? And that's so cool! What a fun coincidence c:
@Kitalpha Hart: Ahh okay that makes sense hahaha. Funny how sometimes authority figures act as though they're above their own rules (even if they aren't "their rules" exactly, they are somebody who should be enforcing them - not breaking them).
@Glume: That's so neat! It would be cool if the feeling lingered around, it sounds like a good feeling! Do you see stuff like that pretty regularly? Like how often? Nightly/weekly? o: I've never experienced that, and for you it probably feels semi-normal. That's so cool. I wish we could make recordings from our perspective, like through our eyes XD
@Miss Sandman: I honestly don't know if she has any kinda after labor treatment. o: I mean she's using these like cooling pad things but that's all I've heard her mention. But I think she's already starting to feel better :3 She went on a really long walk yesterday so she's not quite as sore anymore! c: Thank you n-n
@ChiffonOrange: Right haha. I have one save where I just mess around and build, so I use cheats on that save so that I can have all the items unlocked and unlimited monies for buildin'. c: I usually make my own families like I said, so they already look how I want. If I wanna change their clothes or anything I just go to the world editor thingy and edit the household. I don't think you can change facial features that way though, so I get why you'd need to cheat sometimes.
Luckily, I've been trying to play legacy challenges so I like seeing their "genetics" and it doesn't bother me how the children are born looking lol. A down side of the legacy challenges is having toddlers all the time though >> and it slows me down because I'll obsess like I said, so I'll turn off aging until their skills are maxed XD I've been trying to do a "speed legacy" (it's just setting their life span to "short" basically) to force myself out of that but I haven't been successful. I'll be like, "Wellll... maybe another game could be my speed legacy. This one is a normal legacy" and I go back and change the life span to normal or long XD
@PurpdaBurpPurp: Right! It seems so odd to imagine that that was such a big deal at one point lol. The things people worry about sometimes xDD
@Totalanimefan: I hate it -.- It's nice knowing I'm not alone, though! xD
@Aisukohi: I wonder if you're ambidextrous! o: Have you ever tried to write with your right? And that's so cool! What a fun coincidence c:

Posted in Lets play a game!(TNP)
Posted 5 years ago
tnp likes to swim?
tnp likes to swim?

Posted in The Question Game
Posted 5 years ago
how did the ants leave without anyone noticing?

Posted in Count to 100 before the staff gets us!
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in A - Z Fruits and Veggies
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in Names A to Z
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in What's your current post count?
Posted 5 years ago
Now it'll be 162 ~

Posted in Yuck or Yum?
Posted 5 years ago
Sweet potatoes?
Sweet potatoes?

Posted in Animals A - Z
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in Continue on letter game!
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in Alphabetical colors
Posted 5 years ago
Zucchini green