Genuine Fake's posts
Posted in Yuck or Yum?
Posted 5 years ago
Yuck D:
V8 Juice?
V8 Juice?

Posted in A to Z Food & Drinks!
Posted 5 years ago
Upside-down cake

Posted in musical artists/bands a-z
Posted 5 years ago
Hawthorne Heights

Posted in A - Z Fruits and Veggies
Posted 5 years ago
Indian Plum

Posted in Names A to Z
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in Continue on letter game!
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in Alphabetical colors
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in A to Z Feelings & Emotions
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in Change 1 Letter!
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in Count to 100 before the staff gets us!
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in Tell me an interesting fact about yourself
Posted 5 years ago
@ChiffonOrange: I agree! (: And yea, I doubt they'll add it too. They'll save it for 5 if they do it at all probably, but we'll definitely pay for it if they do add it surely lol! It won't just be a free upgrade for 4. But yea I don't see that happening, I just heard rumors before 4 came out that they might be including it as a feature. I thought it would've been really cool if they found a way to make it work. o: It would have changed the dynamics of the game to a degree though, I think, to make it work. So I can understand why they didn't/possibly won't.
I don't think I have any stuff packs except for ones that came in bundles. XD And as kind of a rule for myself, I ONLY buy Expansions/Game packs when they're 50% off because the sales are often enough, why not. xD Here and there I'll buy them if it's a new release and I'm SUPER excited and can't wait but not often. I just can't justify $40 (I can buy a whole new game for that T-T) for an expansion when it'll go on sale eventually for half that. o:
@Kitalpha Hart: Ohh wow she sounds like something else lmao. She definitely would know what your name is better than you XD How dare you. Obviously you're the one that's wrong. ;) Lmao. Seriously though at least you guys never had to deal with her again!
I don't know how you remember all of this so vividly, my memory is crap lol! Off the top of my head without thinking super hard about it, I can not think of a single sub I ever had XD I guess it had reason to stand out though, and like I said, my memory is garbage so xD
I get all that though about being quiet in school and stuff. You basically described my HS experience. Although it was a little clique-y, there was probably still more mix n matching than in bigger schools.
@LilMissKushy: Oh yea I forgot about that one! I think I might've posted there just a little bit years ago, but didn't stick around. >: It's not that I dislike any of them, I guess I just don't really like starting over on new sites. Like making friends and starting from scratch with no monies/items. Idk, I just liked having my nice big inventory full of items that I built up from years of playing and donating and events.
@Glume: I've only known (not real well) one person who has that. I'm always interested to learn about things like that, although I really don't know anything really about narcolepsy other than what it is basically. Is that controllable with medication, or is it just something you kinda gotta work around? o: Congratulations on the new little one :D I bet he/she is just precious! <33 I don't gotta baby but my sleep schedule is pretty whack too. D: haha
I don't think I have any stuff packs except for ones that came in bundles. XD And as kind of a rule for myself, I ONLY buy Expansions/Game packs when they're 50% off because the sales are often enough, why not. xD Here and there I'll buy them if it's a new release and I'm SUPER excited and can't wait but not often. I just can't justify $40 (I can buy a whole new game for that T-T) for an expansion when it'll go on sale eventually for half that. o:
@Kitalpha Hart: Ohh wow she sounds like something else lmao. She definitely would know what your name is better than you XD How dare you. Obviously you're the one that's wrong. ;) Lmao. Seriously though at least you guys never had to deal with her again!
I don't know how you remember all of this so vividly, my memory is crap lol! Off the top of my head without thinking super hard about it, I can not think of a single sub I ever had XD I guess it had reason to stand out though, and like I said, my memory is garbage so xD
I get all that though about being quiet in school and stuff. You basically described my HS experience. Although it was a little clique-y, there was probably still more mix n matching than in bigger schools.
@LilMissKushy: Oh yea I forgot about that one! I think I might've posted there just a little bit years ago, but didn't stick around. >: It's not that I dislike any of them, I guess I just don't really like starting over on new sites. Like making friends and starting from scratch with no monies/items. Idk, I just liked having my nice big inventory full of items that I built up from years of playing and donating and events.
@Glume: I've only known (not real well) one person who has that. I'm always interested to learn about things like that, although I really don't know anything really about narcolepsy other than what it is basically. Is that controllable with medication, or is it just something you kinda gotta work around? o: Congratulations on the new little one :D I bet he/she is just precious! <33 I don't gotta baby but my sleep schedule is pretty whack too. D: haha

Posted in Tell me an interesting fact about yourself
Posted 5 years ago
@ChiffonOrange: Mine too! I agree lol. It's not like the old games stop working or something. They can keep using them. Like you said, no one is forcing them to like it or switch. I was really hoping that they would add an online feature though to be able to play with a friend. xD That would have been so cool. I had heard a rumor they might, but nope. ): It's still cool though! I can't wait until I have every expansion pack *_*
@Kitalpha Hart: Wow haha that would be sucky for whoever had the new teacher! Hopefully they were given a chance to actually learn the information XD Lucky you though getting outta there! I wouldn't wanna deal with that.
@Miss Sandman: Right sometimes I'm not sure if I even want them, as much as I adore the kiddos in my life. My fiancee I think would be perfectly happy if we didn't ever have kids, I feel like he'd be doing it more for me. So that kinda influences my thoughts/feelings about it. But other things do, too. Sometimes I just don't think I would be a good mom and labor scares me lol. Hopefully if I decide I want them, me and my fiancee can both agree we are ready and he is more on board! Maybe it'll just happen for us one day if it's meant to be, like it did for you! And it'll just be the right time. :D
Awww okay I will. You're too sweet, thank you<3 n_n
@Kitalpha Hart: Wow haha that would be sucky for whoever had the new teacher! Hopefully they were given a chance to actually learn the information XD Lucky you though getting outta there! I wouldn't wanna deal with that.
@Miss Sandman: Right sometimes I'm not sure if I even want them, as much as I adore the kiddos in my life. My fiancee I think would be perfectly happy if we didn't ever have kids, I feel like he'd be doing it more for me. So that kinda influences my thoughts/feelings about it. But other things do, too. Sometimes I just don't think I would be a good mom and labor scares me lol. Hopefully if I decide I want them, me and my fiancee can both agree we are ready and he is more on board! Maybe it'll just happen for us one day if it's meant to be, like it did for you! And it'll just be the right time. :D
Awww okay I will. You're too sweet, thank you<3 n_n

Posted in Tell me an interesting fact about yourself
Posted 5 years ago
@Kitalpha Hart: Huh. How odd she'd just say "screw it" to that one class basically XD That's so weird. Maybe because she was teaching the other ones though and it was easier to juggle that way. o:
@ChiffonOrange: Yea you can't get CC or mods on the console at all. /: At least not on the PS4. I agree. I honestly haven't tried going back and playing Sims 3 because even it was laggy on the laptop I had. But I used to have Sims 2, and when 3 came out, I hated it at first but stuck to it for the cool new features. Then I LOVED it way more than 2 and couldn't go back. So I'm sure it would be the same if I tried to go back to 3 now. I love the multitasking and the sims do show more personality than they did in 3 like you said. There's so many improvements.
@ChiffonOrange: Yea you can't get CC or mods on the console at all. /: At least not on the PS4. I agree. I honestly haven't tried going back and playing Sims 3 because even it was laggy on the laptop I had. But I used to have Sims 2, and when 3 came out, I hated it at first but stuck to it for the cool new features. Then I LOVED it way more than 2 and couldn't go back. So I'm sure it would be the same if I tried to go back to 3 now. I love the multitasking and the sims do show more personality than they did in 3 like you said. There's so many improvements.

Posted in Hi!
Posted 5 years ago
@LilMissKushy: it is really sad ): I guess it's to be expected though! everything changes and it has been like 10yrs since I found Gaia so it shouldn't be surprising I suppose. Right, honestly now the only thing I really miss is those Gaia events and roleplaying. I'm trying to find rp partners on Caedon though, so hopefully I'm able to. c: I don't think I even saw an rp forum here? but I may have missed it. Doesn't seem as popular anymore.. ): Everyone is super nice and it does encourage you to chat more. (: I feel like I did chat a bit on gaia with my friends I had made, and new ones were always welcome of course. But still, starting out yea, I'd be more shy if it wasn't for how nice everyone is!