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Posted in event freebies Posted 5 years ago

@Moodybats: aslfkj don't be so hard on yourself, I feel like a lot of people would agree that you're very dedicated
it's really hard to stick to studying the way you have, and you've been doing it for so long now.

I understand that, sometimes it's hard when your hobby is also your job, to separate work from play.
But just make sure you take breaks too. Do something fun to relax and enjoy yourself a little, it's important to avoid burnout.

That sounds great I'll try a couple of your prompts too. I won't be able to commit to the entirety of Inktober but I'll do a few here and there

@Totalanimefan: asldkf you don't have to send me anything, it's a freebie

Posted in Anniversary Games Posted 5 years ago

congrats to the winners :vreg-celebrate:

got a trade from Valentina but it was only volts. are we gonna get the event currency separately?

Posted in event freebies Posted 5 years ago

you're welcome dragoness!

@Fizzgig: ahh thank you

@Totalanimefan: here's your freebie but UMMM you rolled a limited color palette, but your avatar was already pretty minimal in colors, so I hope it's not... too weird

Posted in event freebies Posted 5 years ago

@Moodybats: I'm so glad to hear that with the kind of dedication you have, I'm sure you'll go far. that's one of the things that I really admire about you!

HM you know what other kinds of art videos I like watching and spending too much time on are like... storytime vids, where the artist just draws and tells you a story... I think they're relaxing and a nice time-filler.

yeah it's hard to figure out just how exactly it happens. The internet is just... so vast, and there are so many artists. I think there is some strategy involved, but also some luck too. That's something I've come to realize about a lot of things in life, haha
hey let me know when you do decide to open it up, I'll follow you

Posted in event freebies Posted 5 years ago

ADLFKJ I've been slacking on these sorry. I'll try to get a few more done before the forum closes forever

@Moodybats: that's awesome, I'm glad to hear that you're getting the fundamentals down! I looked through your gallery in the art forum a little bit ago, and wow you've improved so much! I hope you keep at it.

oh I think I've seen a few of JelArts' videos, I thought they were pretty helpful! I also liked a number of videos from Sinix Design.

ahhh yeah marketing is tough. It sucks tho bc so many good artists don't get a lot of attention due to low social media traffic, like why don't they have more followers??

Posted in Those Who Matter Posted 5 years ago

thanks for all the nice and thoughtful messages, it means a lot

Posted in event freebies Posted 5 years ago

👀 thanks for the link kiwi

@Amber lynne: oh uhhh posture?? wh-what are you gonna do with this information
honestly he probably slouches a lil? since he's always on a computer or just like.. in general trying to shut everyone out, physically, mentally, emotionally...
sorry is this what you wanted ADLFKFJD

@dragoness129: hhhh sorry idk if I really captured her well

Posted in event freebies Posted 5 years ago

@Tsundererra: next time half of the rolls will be true punishment. I'll draw their avatar as shrek, with my left hand and eyes closed.

@Moodybats: haha I think my issue is that I'm incredibly impatient so I always jump to trying it out without like... really thinking about it. So I end up forgetting most of what I saw in the tutorial and just end up filling in the gaps myself AFDLKFJ I should do studies but also I wanna mess around

nice, I'll check out some of her videos. I don't really follow any particular youtubers although I've watched some helpful videos from several different ones.

and yeah, that's another important thing to include with commission info. something else to consider is advertising/publicity, but that's a whole other ballpark

Posted in event freebies Posted 5 years ago

YA'LL NOT TELLING ME WHAT YOU WANT DRAWN...... I'm just gonna assume avatar, don't @ me when it's too late

@Moodybats: yeah! I remember when I first started by using tutorials on deviantart. it's really nice when artists give back to the community like that, although yeah not everyone's an expert but that's fine too. we've all got lots to learn
for digital I learned a lot by watching my roommate draw
do you have any favorite youtube artists?

and yeah those are good goals to work towards! hopefully by then you'll be ready for commissions

Posted in event freebies Posted 5 years ago

@Priestess of pie: I'M CRYING........ this is so pretty pie, wahh.... thank you so much

@Tsundererra: !! thanks
it'll be a hard choice but I appreciate that your new avatar is also pouty bc I wanted to draw that face

Posted in event freebies Posted 5 years ago

sure thing Kent!

@Xaria: ahh thank you you're too kind

@Moodybats: that's a good idea. the internet is such a great resource I love that nowadays there's a lot of youtube artists, it's really helpful to see the process in real-time

hmm are you thinking of a more realistic portrait or more stylized?

ADFLKJ yeah that's another common concern... I think it's important to build confidence in your work. I'm always afraid of disappointing people too, even if it's just a freebie...

@Priestess of Pie: FROG BLESS YOU
cool dad.......

Posted in event freebies Posted 5 years ago

HEY WOW I SLEPT WAY TOO MUCH LAST NIGHT..... and then also took a nap today....
also I felt that I was looking at something important on my laptop right before falling asleep and I kept trying to wake up to go look at it, but then I kept falling back asleep like 10 times... but I think 80% of that was entirely a dream I'm not sure anymore ADLFKFJ there was nothing on my laptop tho, disappointment

and I'm glad you like it kiwi and thanks pie

@Moodybats: oh yeah I think those would be fun to study! hair is always hard (at least for me ALFKJD) but I think it's also a lot of fun to explore different ways of coloring it
oh nice! what kinda piece were you thinking of painting? like portrait, landscape?

OOF YEAH there are so many horror stories?? I bet a lot of artists/clients have good experiences but man... sometimes one bad experience is enough to put you off for a long time....

Posted in event freebies Posted 5 years ago

ADFLKDFJ NAH just a bunch of us shitposting for like 5 pages tbh.....

@Moodybats: sounds like a good sign to me! what other studies are you thinking of doing now?
ahh thats exciting, seems like you'll have to figure out pricing too? that always seems like the hardest part for a lot of artists

@kiwi: your characters always such a blast to draw....

Posted in Voltra's 2nd Anniversary! [RAFFLE DONE!] Posted 5 years ago

ALFDJLKF I meant this raffle

but yeah dying I don't think I've ever hit 1k in any event currency that's TOO MUCH POSTING......
except for the vibrance day event. that was an exception bc thirst was involved