Howonk's posts
Posted in Money Money Money
Posted 6 years ago
@Tuijp: perhaps "replacing your underwear?" not completely sure what it could mean by just giving you underwear lol

Posted in total newbie
Posted 6 years ago
Hello and Welcome to Voltra !!! I hope you find it homie here ~ Loving how your avi is turning out so far!

Posted in Money Money Money
Posted 6 years ago
@Tuijp: That is? so odd o_o

Posted in Money Money Money
Posted 6 years ago
@Tuijp: Maybe! Though Daily chance doesnt like me much, all i ever get is volts, and the two times I've gotten items, I already have them :p
@Vii: Yeah, I'm also going on vacation very soon so it doesn't help my case Dx
@Q t e a p o n: Thank you soooo much! This is very sweet of you! And thank you for the info, I'll keep that in mind !!
@Vii: Yeah, I'm also going on vacation very soon so it doesn't help my case Dx
@Q t e a p o n: Thank you soooo much! This is very sweet of you! And thank you for the info, I'll keep that in mind !!

Posted in Money Money Money
Posted 6 years ago
@Q t e a p o n: Sorry I didn't see this earlier !!!! ;; and yes I'd like to confirm that the turnip set is indeed what i wanted instead of my 2nd melon cutie ! (it was my first time opening a crate so i didn't really know how to do it ah,)
@Tuijp: And thank you !!!! Im surprised I even got it xD
(also thank you Hazer !!! I wont ping you but thank you for pinging teapon~)
@Vii: that is also very true!!! Though i should slow down for a bit, I don't get more money until my birthday next month and I'm already below 250$
@Tuijp: And thank you !!!! Im surprised I even got it xD
(also thank you Hazer !!! I wont ping you but thank you for pinging teapon~)
@Vii: that is also very true!!! Though i should slow down for a bit, I don't get more money until my birthday next month and I'm already below 250$

Posted in Money Money Money
Posted 6 years ago
@vengeance: Thank you ~ It looks really cool so I'm excited to try and plan a new avatar with it !

Posted in Money Money Money
Posted 6 years ago
Accidentally selected the wrong set for crates when opening them so now I have two sets of the melon cutie but thats alright! I dont mind. Got the tree spirit one while I was at it :0)
I was also able to purchase dngrnpa ae:udg while I was at it for only 11$ on steam (offer ends the 9th)
AND I got two new figurines of both Miku on the way for my birthday ! (the only other figurine I have is an 8" Kokoro Bandori figure)
so. much. money. spent! But all worth it in the end !!! :vanora-celebrate:
I was also able to purchase dngrnpa ae:udg while I was at it for only 11$ on steam (offer ends the 9th)
AND I got two new figurines of both Miku on the way for my birthday ! (the only other figurine I have is an 8" Kokoro Bandori figure)
so. much. money. spent! But all worth it in the end !!! :vanora-celebrate:

Posted in The Rat's Scrawlings
Posted 6 years ago
@SirLionelNigelConrad: For at least 5 years now I would say! Since around 2012, 2011ish ! I have taken long breaks inbetween (the most being a year) but i started getting really back into art around 2016ish

Posted in The Rat's Scrawlings
Posted 6 years ago
@SirLionelNigelConrad: thank you! I’m glad you find it enjoyable !!!

Posted in The Rat's Scrawlings
Posted 6 years ago
New ! Wips ! And ! Comments!
Only ! 2! Though! Cause ! I'm ! lazy!
Only ! 2! Though! Cause ! I'm ! lazy!

Posted in The Rat's Scrawlings
Posted 6 years ago
My Chihiro Fujisaki, the Ultimate Programmer piece, is finally done !


Posted in a new challenger has arrived!!
Posted 6 years ago
@taugeeee: The Daily chance is the airship you see floating to the right of your avatar on the homepage! Whenever it shakes and blows out steam, you can click on it for a daily chance item! You can get clothing or currency! (There might be more you can earn but I've gotten mostly currency and like. 1 item personally)

Posted in a new challenger has arrived!!
Posted 6 years ago
@taugeeee: Hello and Welcome to Volrta !!!!! (love your choice of first clothing xD)
The main way to earn currency is by making forum posts (like I am here!)
You can also earn volts by daily chance, or even making shops in the forums (with art) but the main ways are the two former.
The main way to earn currency is by making forum posts (like I am here!)
You can also earn volts by daily chance, or even making shops in the forums (with art) but the main ways are the two former.

Posted in New rat in town
Posted 6 years ago
@Monorea: Ah true. Those two things are indeed, really brave.
@Ixora: Also really?? That's so neat! I JUST got the windmill fixed and got the wind celestial brush! (im 10 hours in rn)
Also there's an alt. to steam ???
@Ixora: Also really?? That's so neat! I JUST got the windmill fixed and got the wind celestial brush! (im 10 hours in rn)
Also there's an alt. to steam ???