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Posted in School is soon... Posted 6 years ago

@vengeance: It is. I had to go to one last year but that school was really small as it was 2 stories. This school has buildings EVERYWHERE. Hopefully I adapt quickly like I did with the last campus ;w;

@Laufeia: Oh, I understand to a degree! here we get 5 minutes to get to class, and now I get around 7 because the classes are farther and in separate buildings !! But I understand the teacher thing omg

@vengeance: Huh, alright. And that wasn't very long ago, only a business week! I wonder why they sent out an update so soon afterwards, and why it won't let you in install it. I'm assuming your computer has the space... and I don't think it would interfere with you having possibly outdated drivers for anything else. That's so odd! Hopefully, the computer shop or someone here on voltra can help you. Good luck, though!

Wait hold on you can actually turn those off? ..... give me the deets ? (I run windows 10 if thats anything)
Also thats so odd @vengeance: ?? Did microsoft stop offering updates for windows 7???

Posted in School is soon... Posted 6 years ago

and I'm sooooo nervous. Usually I'm not this nervous but!! This year is a huge change for me.
For one, it's another NEW campus for me, and this time it's a college based campus (meaning it as the layout of a college.) and it's HUGE.
Another thing is that for my gym credit, I'm taking beginners gymnastics. I'm not too scared of being flipped and stuff it's just. My entire abdomen is EXTREMELY ticklish and just over-all vvvv senstive and i'm just. oh no. bad idea.
There's also the fact that me and my irl close friend (i love her to bits) have 0 classes together AGAIN for like. the 4th year in a row D: but all of our classes except 1 are either in the same building or right next to each other so I get to walk with her to every class :D
AND there's the OTHER fact that I'm taking a dual credit history class (DC Us History to be exact) meaning its college level learning and !!!!! Im a baby spare me.
And Finally, the fact that for lunch we are allowed to go OFF. CAMPUS. omg.... finally. Plus its an hour long!!! Yeah!!!! Thankfully if lunch gets out after 5th, I'm very close to the two restaurants I like so I can grab and go but. Man I'm nervous for this year!!!!
OH! and one more thing; i didn't get painting this year :( I got ceramics. But NEXT YEAR. next year for sure!!!!!! Soon mr. teacher.... soon.......

Posted in Avatar Borders not working? Posted 6 years ago

@Lilypoo: Ah alright, thank you!!! You can lock this thread now !!!

Is the update itself not installing? Or is the update messing your computer up? Because I have the same issue, but with dell. It wants me to install a "critical update" but it won't install! It installed the optional ones though? So if you get any updates on that, let us know!!! ;w;

Posted in More friends! Posted 6 years ago

@LupaPrinceRomulus: Yup! Because it's simply uncomfortable for them

Posted in Avatar Borders not working? Posted 6 years ago

@Lilypoo: It did! Thank you!!! Also one more question! If I have two sets of the same item (in this case the summer monkey), will the same logic apply to the whole two sets or just each set separately?

Posted in Avatar Borders not working? Posted 6 years ago

To clarify, I mean for the tree spirit rare crate. I'm currently trying to use the mask for a new avi, but I'd also like to use the tree border outline, but everytime I try to equip it, it removes the mask/takes it off. Is this a bug or is this intentional??
edit'; i wasn't sure if this belonged in bugs and reports or help so i just put i here, sorry if its in the wrong spot!

Posted in new to the site Posted 6 years ago

@mini jelly: Welcome to voltra!!!! I hope you enjoy your time here with us!!
Also, like everyone else, i adore your username. Super cute !!!!

Posted in More friends! Posted 6 years ago

@mini jelly: Me too!!!! Absolutely babies.

@LupaPrinceRomulus: I suppose so. The sam idea applies to dogs as well; they have sensitive pads on their paws for feeling the ground and with things covering them, it makes them walk weird.

Posted in um hey Posted 6 years ago

@Noiresse: Hello and Welcome to Voltra! I hope you enjoy your time here with us!
How are you on this fine evening?

Posted in More friends! Posted 6 years ago

@LupaPrinceRomulus: No, generally cats dont like things on their paws at all, as they cant feel the floor. cat paws are very sensitive so you manage to touch one without them taking it back, its a big sign of trust!


Posted in More friends! Posted 6 years ago

@LupaPrinceRomulus: They can, but they certainly wont like it!