Howonk's posts
Posted in The Rat's Scrawlings
Posted 6 years ago
@LupaPrinceRomulus: Yes thats it! I played half of it on the wii with my friend at her house. I really enjoyed it!

Posted in More friends!
Posted 6 years ago
@KairoSama: Oh wow thats. a Lot. I looked it up and it said it began airing on October 20, 1999. Its been going on for over TWO DECADES jeSUS.

Posted in How many lanterns do you have
Posted 6 years ago
47 right here! One bove you!

Posted in The Rat's Scrawlings
Posted 6 years ago
@LupaPrinceRomulus: Really? Thats very neat !!!! Tbh it reminded me of a game series I played on the wii that I cant remember the name of! You played as a series of doctors, each doing something in a certain scenario (like an ER person rushing to a scene of a crash at a mall and having to keep certain patients stable for say 5 minutes.) can't remember its name tho :0(

Posted in The Rat's Scrawlings
Posted 6 years ago
@LupaPrinceRomulus: Ah, okay then. And no, it still doesn't really ring a bell to me. Though I did look it up, Im guessing its probably produced by the same team (or at least same art direction) for the personas series.

Posted in The Rat's Scrawlings
Posted 6 years ago
@LupaPrinceRomulus: Yeah. And other than Tensei, no! But even then tensei is a character from bnha so doesnt really count, does it?

Posted in The Rat's Scrawlings
Posted 6 years ago
@LupaPrinceRomulus: Nope! From the top of my head, the only animes I've really watched are Bnha, osomatsu-san, opm, serial experiments lain, like one episode of haikyuu, parts of gyakuten saiban (though ive played the games so i know what happenes except for the ovas), mob psycho 100, like half of yuri on ice, first parts of zombieland saga, a random episode of hunterxhunter, and i think thats really it tbh!

Posted in The Rat's Scrawlings
Posted 6 years ago
@LupaPrinceRomulus: I haven't heard of anyone of those except for Kill la Kill, but I haven't made time to watch it! I've seen very few animes so I'm usually better discussing games (like destiny, minecraft, undertale, etc.) but i really wanna get into more anime!

Posted in What Music are you obsessed with right now?
Posted 6 years ago
@Scribartz: Ah alright! Then I would recommend staying away from certain songs (especially Mind Fuck, its a really graphic song) but theres plenty of songs that are very light hearted and such! One good example from the top of my head is Pon pon pon, although its older. A newer one would be Viva happy by mitchie M! Its super upbeat and the animation in it is SOOOOO cute! (also check out channel 39 by them! also super cute.)

Posted in The Rat's Scrawlings
Posted 6 years ago
@LupaPrinceRomulus: You can probably find a lot of art of Ishida on pixiv!!! I constantly see him there.
I tried to but unfortunately I couldn't make it as I couldn't understand what was happening.
I tried to but unfortunately I couldn't make it as I couldn't understand what was happening.

Posted in The Rat's Scrawlings
Posted 6 years ago
@LupaPrinceRomulus: Ahhhhh thank you!!!! Im glad you like them !!! (btw if you'd like to request something as well, heres my tumblr where you can request it ~ )

Posted in More friends!
Posted 6 years ago
@KairoSama: Hasn't it been going for over a decade now? with 1k+ episodes of anime????

Posted in What Music are you obsessed with right now?
Posted 6 years ago
@Scribartz: Thats a good idea! I personally really like it but its not for everyone. kikuo also makes really awesome stuff!

Posted in The Rat's Scrawlings
Posted 6 years ago
@LupaPrinceRomulus: Yes actually! over on my tumblr I've been doing a few doodle requests!
And I know!!!! Though I personally like Ishida, sometimes the way people portray him rubs me the wrong way lol.
Here are the requests btw! Im doing more but Im taking a small break!

And I know!!!! Though I personally like Ishida, sometimes the way people portray him rubs me the wrong way lol.
Here are the requests btw! Im doing more but Im taking a small break!
