Jazz's posts
Posted in Treat's Quote The Imps Contest
Posted 7 years ago
"No blow bubbles in the house!!! It'll make soap rings on the wall!" >>

Posted in Treat's Quote The Imps Contest
Posted 7 years ago
True... When got random stuff was always happy with it and to me was more about being able to stay up late and get hopped up on sugar.
Dude... Bubbles? I got in so much trouble with that stuff lol
Dude... Bubbles? I got in so much trouble with that stuff lol

Posted in Treat's Quote The Imps Contest
Posted 7 years ago
Exactly, Manners is a thing especially when it comes to hospitality and gifts. But wouldn't be surprised at the Spoiled/Entitlement/PC culture these days. If don't have different kinds such as chocolate free/nut free/sugar free and so on people can just get rude and get mad/upset at the giver... It's like "Wtf man? It's free, Take that shit and smile." and swapping candy with friends/family after was always my favorite part, No one really liked the sweeties so traded stuff they did like for em. Which is probably where my love for em came lol

Posted in Treat's Quote The Imps Contest
Posted 7 years ago
"Yeah that makes sense. Gonna dress up, go to the doors and say trick or treat, but then tell them no when they give me candy? "
No no take the candy and like you said give it to friends, completely agree on that.
But if they don't have it or can only get a few bags of candy to give out, how are they gonna feel when someone says "No, I don't/can't eat that!" seems rude to the candy giver IMO.
When i grew up fairly poor my snack/candy fest was always day after halloween candy sales lol
No no take the candy and like you said give it to friends, completely agree on that.
But if they don't have it or can only get a few bags of candy to give out, how are they gonna feel when someone says "No, I don't/can't eat that!" seems rude to the candy giver IMO.
When i grew up fairly poor my snack/candy fest was always day after halloween candy sales lol

Posted in Treat's Quote The Imps Contest
Posted 7 years ago
Then go for the fun and buy the candy you want the day after halloween >>
Then your death is on you silly, Didn't get to big of a tummy ache after?
Then your death is on you silly, Didn't get to big of a tummy ache after?

Posted in Treat's Quote The Imps Contest
Posted 7 years ago
Yeha but if allergic to chocolate then why eat the candy at all? I mean can get for the fun and all but just weird to me lol
>> How you die on chocolate miss ghost?
>> How you die on chocolate miss ghost?

Posted in Treat's Quote The Imps Contest
Posted 7 years ago
lol... that is adorable... But who would't want chocolate?

Posted in Treat's Quote The Imps Contest
Posted 7 years ago
o.o wtf? who gives chips? I've never gotten chips on halloween o.o

Posted in Treat's Quote The Imps Contest
Posted 7 years ago
*pouts and noms on a whopper* That's sad.. they're my favorites ;_;

Posted in Treat's Quote The Imps Contest
Posted 7 years ago
I'll take the whopers then!!! Ate all the sweeties? :(

Posted in Treat's Quote The Imps Contest
Posted 7 years ago
*eyes the candy* I'm picky... What kinds you got? any sweeties?

Posted in Treat's Quote The Imps Contest
Posted 7 years ago
Lol how much candy did you get?

Posted in Treat's Quote The Imps Contest
Posted 7 years ago
>> Bad! No eats all the candy! At least not without sharing with me!

Posted in Treat's Quote The Imps Contest
Posted 7 years ago
Nothig wrong with it then, How was your halloween?