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Oh... :( Dam thing... *looks more*
@miss kitty: This is a cute tutu!!!
To tempt you into going to the store so they can tempt you into more stuffys!
@miss kitty: That is a bit stupid :/
@miss kitty: I vote either shoes or a tutu!
@miss kitty: Male or female stuffy?
@panda: GOOD LUCK!!!
@miss kitty: Don't remember many of them, Was more into Bones and candy man lol
@panda: Then don't just tell him you're tired and reschedule, Don't want him to pick up on the annoyance and think it's directed at him
@dragoness129: That's freaking awesome!
@miss kitty: WHich is your fav fredy movie?
@dragoness129: You haz dragon kin? o.o
Doing fine for the most part, Trying to get witch set lol
WB superbear, How are you doing todays?
Well... Rip tried to get your friend into a conversation lol