Kaderin Triste's posts
Posted in feel free to lock, I'm leaving k thx bye
Posted 7 years ago
@Addy: I'll have to check my quest list again and let you know.
Also, please cancel the trade. I accidentally hit start trade when fumbling my phone as it fell.
Also, please cancel the trade. I accidentally hit start trade when fumbling my phone as it fell.
Posted in Vontell's Chat Raffle! [Winner's Announced!]
Posted 7 years ago
@addy: I get discouraged too easily also, so I prefer hobbies that I either am naturally good at or or quick to learn. :vanora_xd:
Lina: Yes! Great plan!
Lina: Yes! Great plan!
Posted in The Autumn Box [Free Art and Stories!] OPEN!
Posted 7 years ago
I do loom knitting and yes, I do a lot. Lately been making a lot of stuffed animals. Also have a mermaid blanket that's almost done and am starting on a glove to test a pattern for some fingerless gloves I want to make for my Halloween costume. Might need to make it a little bigger.
Posted in Vontell's Chat Raffle! [Winner's Announced!]
Posted 7 years ago
@addy: Lol. To be honest, I just don't really have the patience and drive to be a better artist. But I do like to support artists when I can.
Lina: Same here! I've actually been thinking...it's been a while since I've given my OCs any love in the form of art...might be time to get some references uploaded again.
Lina: Same here! I've actually been thinking...it's been a while since I've given my OCs any love in the form of art...might be time to get some references uploaded again.
Posted in The Autumn Box [Free Art and Stories!] OPEN!
Posted 7 years ago
@Dowan: I was about to say I didn't get anything, but one of my out of state friends did buy me a 5 pack of one of my fave yarns that I can use a shawl and/or socks.
Posted in The Autumn Box [Free Art and Stories!] OPEN!
Posted 7 years ago
I've never actually had tiramisu. Always have wanted to though.
Posted in Vontell's Chat Raffle! [Winner's Announced!]
Posted 7 years ago
Lina: Thanks! Wish I could say I drew it, but my art's not even close to that yet. But it was made by Saerya in The Autumn Box event thread.
Posted in The Autumn Box [Free Art and Stories!] OPEN!
Posted 7 years ago
@Dowan: Come visit and I'll make you coffee cheesecake!
Tbh, I hid my birthday on Facebook. I figured anyone who knows it without needing a reminder are the only people who need to know. Which was essentially, my dad, my 2 local friends, and I assume one of my relatives, but whoever it was, I didn't have the number saved in my phone.
Tbh, I hid my birthday on Facebook. I figured anyone who knows it without needing a reminder are the only people who need to know. Which was essentially, my dad, my 2 local friends, and I assume one of my relatives, but whoever it was, I didn't have the number saved in my phone.
Posted in The Autumn Box [Free Art and Stories!] OPEN!
Posted 7 years ago
@Dowan: Yum! Sounds delicious! I made myself a coffee cheesecake for my birthday. It didn't turn out as good as it could have, but was still pretty good. And since everyone was busy or out of town for my birthday (all 2 of my friends), I didn't have to share it.
Posted in The Autumn Box [Free Art and Stories!] OPEN!
Posted 7 years ago
@Dowan: Cheesecake is 10/10 best cake. What kind did you have?
@saeyra: Eeee! Thank you! :vanora_heart:
@saeyra: Eeee! Thank you! :vanora_heart:
Posted in Dragon's Den ~ Milestone BIRTHDAY Celebration!
Posted 7 years ago
Lol. Take your time, I'm not actually in a huge rush.
And happy birthday a little early!
And happy birthday a little early!
Posted in Dragon's Den ~ Milestone BIRTHDAY Celebration!
Posted 7 years ago
We still need to make our hangout!
Posted in Dragon's Den ~ Milestone BIRTHDAY Celebration!
Posted 7 years ago
We still need to make our hangout!
Posted in The not so coordinated
Posted 7 years ago
Ho-boy! Have I ever got some stories for you!
But first, I hope you're okay and that your elbow is really just a bruise and not injured any more seriously than that!
Although, despite being extremely klutzy, I usually only ever end up bruised except the one time I got stitches.
When I was probably only 5 or 6, my little brother and I set up an obstacle course in the playroom and I slipped and cut my ear on my sister's wooden doll buggy. I always trip over nothing. I frequently fall up stairs. In summer camp, I fell head-first down a steep-ish yet small hill and only ended up with a scraped knee. In an attempt to not run over a dog, I wrecked my bike and ended up halfway under a parked car, again with only a few scrapes. I wrecked a bike again in gym class (along the side of the highway) and only ended up with a badly scraped knee and elbow, I rode most of the way back to school before the teacher was able to ride back and get his truck to get me. I freaked out the librarians at the public library out when I was in high school because I didn't realize they were closing soon, so when they turned off the lights, I rushed down the stairs, but tripped and flew down the main section of stairs (I don't really remember much, but I theorize that I only actually hit the last 2-3 stairs), then got up and walked home.
But first, I hope you're okay and that your elbow is really just a bruise and not injured any more seriously than that!
Although, despite being extremely klutzy, I usually only ever end up bruised except the one time I got stitches.
When I was probably only 5 or 6, my little brother and I set up an obstacle course in the playroom and I slipped and cut my ear on my sister's wooden doll buggy. I always trip over nothing. I frequently fall up stairs. In summer camp, I fell head-first down a steep-ish yet small hill and only ended up with a scraped knee. In an attempt to not run over a dog, I wrecked my bike and ended up halfway under a parked car, again with only a few scrapes. I wrecked a bike again in gym class (along the side of the highway) and only ended up with a badly scraped knee and elbow, I rode most of the way back to school before the teacher was able to ride back and get his truck to get me. I freaked out the librarians at the public library out when I was in high school because I didn't realize they were closing soon, so when they turned off the lights, I rushed down the stairs, but tripped and flew down the main section of stairs (I don't really remember much, but I theorize that I only actually hit the last 2-3 stairs), then got up and walked home.