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Posted in feel free to lock, I'm leaving k thx bye Posted 6 years ago
Selling items is too much work. Want all my rares and EIs?

Edit: I'mma just give you everything and you can keep it or donate it to charity or whatevs.
Posted in Selling Everything Posted 7 years ago
Event Items


Posted in Selling Everything Posted 7 years ago
I am giving up on here since it (still) can take over 20 minutes to load a single page on mobile (without wifi).
Selling literally everything except my commons.
Taking any fair offer.
(Will be posting screen caps of my main and mule account inventories and will update every 5 sales as that's easier for me than trying to count and type out quantities for now.)
Posted in feel free to lock, I'm leaving k thx bye Posted 7 years ago
Well, considering that this is my first post on Voltra in....what, 3 months? I'd say my questing is probably going terribly.
But since Voltra still is super slow to load on my phone (an issue that probably isn't high priority to anyone since they all chalk it up to just my phone and not to a poor mobile site) and also since I haven't felt the most....welcome I guess (?) on here, I probably won't stick around that much.
I mean, I pretty much only get replies in my own threads on the rare occasion that anyone deigns to even show up and seldom am responded to in other places, so it's like, why bother right?
Tbh, I'll very likely just sell off all my items except commons soon and just kind of give up on here.
Posted in Miyo's Impossible Quest (Chat with me? ouo) Posted 7 years ago
@Miyo02: Ah, I've been such a lame-butt and have barely been on recently. But yeah, if you're still interested, let me know and/or send trade to my mule account, Derpy McBlueEyes.
Posted in Kad & Min's Craft Room Posted 7 years ago
Totally have neglected this place lately.
Posted in feel free to lock, I'm leaving k thx bye Posted 7 years ago
@Miyo02: Whoops! Totally meant to reply to that sooner.
I'm always up for convos!
Posted in Kad & Min's Craft Room Posted 7 years ago
@The Youngest Granny: Stop abandoning me! Do you know how hard it is to run a successdul hangout on your own?!
But seriously, no worries. I just figured you got busy with rl stuff, which is totally fine.
Posted in Kad & Min's Craft Room Posted 7 years ago
@FuuChan: Yeah...I'm half-ass learning to sew. Basically, I bought a bunch of patterns and fabrics, but haven't really made anything yet. But I loom knit, which is pretty great (and easy to learn, in my opinion). I do want to learn crochet too since there are way more stuffed animal and amigurimi options/patterns than there are for loom knitting.

I'm pretty jealous of people who make art, tbh. Mainly because I have no natural akill at ot and I just don't have the discipline to practice and get good at it.
Posted in What's your current post count? Posted 7 years ago
Posted in How rich ARE you? Posted 7 years ago
6,386 Volts
Ah, thanks for that reminder Addy... XP
Posted in feel free to lock, I'm leaving k thx bye Posted 7 years ago
@Miyo02: Half the time, depending on the other person's input to the conversation, I will just kind of fade out and disappear if they aren't putting any effort into it. But if they make an effort to start or continue a conversation, I try to keep it going. Unless I legitimately run out of stuff to say, but in those cases, I often will say that I don't know what else to say just so we can change topics or something.
Posted in Kad & Min's Craft Room Posted 7 years ago
@Turtle Sensei: ...Uh....what glittery yarn? Were we talking about glittery yarn?

@FuuChan: Haha...I basically consider anything that produces an end product of some kind as a craft tbh. So like, singing? Totally counts. Woodworking? Yep! Writing? You betcha!
Pretty much everything can be considered a craft depending on how you look at it really.
Posted in Kad & Min's Craft Room Posted 7 years ago
@FuuChan: I'd say it does, yes.