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Jeebus! So many posts while I cut cookies!
Making 2 pans up tonight. First pan in the oven.
Lol. Yes Panda. My evil plot is to make people fat via homemade cookies

Derpy grins and offers a pawful of cookie dough to mdom. "Cookie?"
Derpy sits in the refrigerator eating all the cookie dough. "Nom nom cookies!"

Maybe for Christmas I will send people cookies...
Shadami: I paused to make and dye the dough, and then again for dinner.

Total: Uh....if you can reach through the screen and grab them, yes!
Omnom zombie color animal shape cookies!
Lol. Actually, it's about time for me to open up my folding table and find a makeshift rolling pin for cookie making...
I am so bad at keeping up with chatting in here tonight..
The cookie dough is tasty...
Onnom. Colored cookie dough chilling for a bit while I eat dinner, then making a small batch. Will do the rest tomorrow or possibly Tuesday.
*snuggles Dragoness*
Thank you!

Also, about to dye my cookie dough.
*gives up and leaves to make cookies*
Haha, you're hilarious Panda.
*punches my phone again because it's too f-ing slow for me to ever win quoting stuff*
*punches my laggy phone for making me miss the ticket*