Kairie's posts
Posted in honeyglazed ★
Posted 5 years ago
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I can't bc guest service :))))
yeah they can't pay without a positive test, so the only option is to work
yeah they can't pay without a positive test, so the only option is to work
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Posted in A handy dandy hangout
Posted 5 years ago
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here is ur onion
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Posted in honeyglazed ★
Posted 5 years ago
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I have the symptoms they're just not as bad so I probably do have it.
Also me a poor:
just give me paycheck now so i don't infect everyone at work
the rich:
no bc then u would get money for free for three days, time for everyone to be infected
Also me a poor:
just give me paycheck now so i don't infect everyone at work
the rich:
no bc then u would get money for free for three days, time for everyone to be infected
დ დ დ დ დ

Posted in A handy dandy hangout
Posted 5 years ago
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do u want an onion in this trying time
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Posted in 一 二 三 ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ {zzz
Posted 5 years ago
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or maybe you'll forget what you were so sure about~
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Posted in honeyglazed ★
Posted 5 years ago
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But like, I can't shut down my work unless he is 100% verified
bc that is the only way I will get paid lmao
But like, I can't shut down my work unless he is 100% verified
bc that is the only way I will get paid lmao
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Posted in A handy dandy hangout
Posted 5 years ago
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Neither have I! But we add just a little bit for a big quantity, so I can't imagine how much i should use as a normal person lolol
It can hold 6 pans of rice, so very big lol. Like maybe the size of an oven just taller
i also just about wrote onion, yes the size of an onion >>
It can hold 6 pans of rice, so very big lol. Like maybe the size of an oven just taller
i also just about wrote onion, yes the size of an onion >>
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Posted in 一 二 三 ᕕ( ᐛ )ᕗ {zzz
Posted 5 years ago
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at least it wasn't 5, bc then u wouldn't be sure
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Posted in honeyglazed ★
Posted 5 years ago
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aldjaljg my boyfriend got tested but they won't know for 3 days but they are like 'ye u have it'
but they can't fill out employer paperwork without verification so I am just like :)))
but they can't fill out employer paperwork without verification so I am just like :)))
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Posted in honeyglazed ★
Posted 5 years ago
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watch out for all the sweet in korea
I am fine with that! :v
I am fine with that! :v
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Posted in A handy dandy hangout
Posted 5 years ago
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we stick rice/water/oil in a pan in a giant steamer. xD
yes but not the old crunchy rice
yes but not the old crunchy rice
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Posted in honeyglazed ★
Posted 5 years ago
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weirddddd, I do not like that thought since i do not like kettle corn
Not a dream anyone wants tho <:
Not a dream anyone wants tho <:
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Posted in A handy dandy hangout
Posted 5 years ago
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I know how we do it at work but i can't do that at home lmao
after all I don't have a whole machine to steam the rice
after all I don't have a whole machine to steam the rice
დ დ დ დ დ

Posted in Demigods and Werewolves 1x1
Posted 5 years ago
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So much was happening at once that Olivia was starting to doubt her own choices but it was too late to start doubting them too much. Eyeing the hover-bike momentarily she ignored the voice in her head as she followed the man onto the hover-bike. Trust him, tell him more, words that were innocent on the outside but could put her in more danger than she wanted. "Depending on the information given to me I do not see why I couldn't tell you any information I have." She replied, eyes looking at her surroundings and the people around her.
Taking a deep breath Olivia could feel the energy leaving her body the longer everything went on. Yet relaxing wasn't something she would be able to do quite yet, she wasn't in a position where she felt safe. Even if there were owls signalling a connection to Athena it didn't mean she was safe.
Raising an eyebrow towards the girl next to her, she decided to amuse the girl slightly by giving her a small hairflip. "I guess I can't say no to you." Ellla replied before giving a quick wink as a faint blush covered her cheeks once more.
Agreeing to Cheries additional addings of demigods and reasonings she gave a small nod. "No arguments here, but that isn't really my business on what they do or do not do. As long as they aren't messing with me or trying to get in my pants I guess I am good." Vaguely thinking about how and which God she would even let near her before shaking her head. The answer was really none, Gods were far too much drama for her.
"I have no doubt other people of Apollo's blood would intermingle, but I guess I don't take after my father or his kin too much in that way." As she registered the additional compliment she gave another raised eyebrow to the girl next to her. "To be fair I didn't really get my looks from mom, that is one thing I have to thank Apollo for since his genes took over for my apeparance." Waving a hand in front of her face she decided to not touch the Adonis conversation at all as she tried not to ruin the mood of the conversation.
As it seemed Cherie was looking to train, Ella couldn't help but let out a soft groan. "Unfortunately I've ran into a few magic-users in my time, most of them are too full of themselves to put their magic to good use. Or even be useful in general. The ones who are usually worth the magic they're given tend to not last long, or at least not stick around." Thinking of a few of the idiots she had met she shuddered thinking about being stuck training with them before looking back at Cherie.
"Well if you're looking for places to train in actuality I can't help you too much. I tend to just hide out, avoid people when I can or at get rid of them if they become insistent in my joining them. Because to be honest it is easier if I don't stick around people I enjoy being around when training, I really only should join people I don't like." Thinking to her own powers she gave a small sigh, she wouldn't become very popular if she took control of any of those around her. Eying the lolipop that Cherie was offering, Ella only hesitated a moment before reaching her hand out to take it. "Thanks." She replied simply, unwrapping the lolipop before sticking it in her mouth, having a soft spot for sweet things.
So much was happening at once that Olivia was starting to doubt her own choices but it was too late to start doubting them too much. Eyeing the hover-bike momentarily she ignored the voice in her head as she followed the man onto the hover-bike. Trust him, tell him more, words that were innocent on the outside but could put her in more danger than she wanted. "Depending on the information given to me I do not see why I couldn't tell you any information I have." She replied, eyes looking at her surroundings and the people around her.
Taking a deep breath Olivia could feel the energy leaving her body the longer everything went on. Yet relaxing wasn't something she would be able to do quite yet, she wasn't in a position where she felt safe. Even if there were owls signalling a connection to Athena it didn't mean she was safe.
Raising an eyebrow towards the girl next to her, she decided to amuse the girl slightly by giving her a small hairflip. "I guess I can't say no to you." Ellla replied before giving a quick wink as a faint blush covered her cheeks once more.
Agreeing to Cheries additional addings of demigods and reasonings she gave a small nod. "No arguments here, but that isn't really my business on what they do or do not do. As long as they aren't messing with me or trying to get in my pants I guess I am good." Vaguely thinking about how and which God she would even let near her before shaking her head. The answer was really none, Gods were far too much drama for her.
"I have no doubt other people of Apollo's blood would intermingle, but I guess I don't take after my father or his kin too much in that way." As she registered the additional compliment she gave another raised eyebrow to the girl next to her. "To be fair I didn't really get my looks from mom, that is one thing I have to thank Apollo for since his genes took over for my apeparance." Waving a hand in front of her face she decided to not touch the Adonis conversation at all as she tried not to ruin the mood of the conversation.
As it seemed Cherie was looking to train, Ella couldn't help but let out a soft groan. "Unfortunately I've ran into a few magic-users in my time, most of them are too full of themselves to put their magic to good use. Or even be useful in general. The ones who are usually worth the magic they're given tend to not last long, or at least not stick around." Thinking of a few of the idiots she had met she shuddered thinking about being stuck training with them before looking back at Cherie.
"Well if you're looking for places to train in actuality I can't help you too much. I tend to just hide out, avoid people when I can or at get rid of them if they become insistent in my joining them. Because to be honest it is easier if I don't stick around people I enjoy being around when training, I really only should join people I don't like." Thinking to her own powers she gave a small sigh, she wouldn't become very popular if she took control of any of those around her. Eying the lolipop that Cherie was offering, Ella only hesitated a moment before reaching her hand out to take it. "Thanks." She replied simply, unwrapping the lolipop before sticking it in her mouth, having a soft spot for sweet things.
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