Kairie's posts
Posted in Private
Posted 5 years ago
დ დ დ დ დ
Listening to the elf beside him Vicran took her words to heart as he listened to her, feeling like there was something she wasn't mentioning. Staring at her for a bit longer he finally nodded deciding trying to get information or continue the conversation would not be worth it. "We should definitely start moving faster, otherwise we'll have to stop for the night." Vicran agreed, frowning as something nagged at the back of his mind.
Realizing what what getting to him the drow did the only thing he could do at the moment to alleviate the nagging feeling. "Look, I realize I'm not the most eloquent, nor am I the most friendly drow you'll ever meet, and that is no excuse for me to pass along any ill feelings your way. Since you haven't done anything to deserve it." Keeping his tone even he forced a small smile as he felt uncomfortable by the small action. "I guess what I am trying to say is I apologize, I'm more mad at the elders anyways, I guess unlike you I haven't ever been one to really follow the rules, and following an order blindly like this is well," Pausing, the drow seemed to think over his words carefully before continuing. "Intimidating I guess? Especially with the backlash we're going to receive." Finishing the sentence simply Vicran let out a breath. "I wish I had half your faith in this I guess." He finished plainly deciding to not list any of his other concerns as he picked up his pace. "Guess I'll be quiet and speed up, since we don't want to arrive at the library tomorrow, especially since this artifact must be needed for our people."
Listening to the elf beside him Vicran took her words to heart as he listened to her, feeling like there was something she wasn't mentioning. Staring at her for a bit longer he finally nodded deciding trying to get information or continue the conversation would not be worth it. "We should definitely start moving faster, otherwise we'll have to stop for the night." Vicran agreed, frowning as something nagged at the back of his mind.
Realizing what what getting to him the drow did the only thing he could do at the moment to alleviate the nagging feeling. "Look, I realize I'm not the most eloquent, nor am I the most friendly drow you'll ever meet, and that is no excuse for me to pass along any ill feelings your way. Since you haven't done anything to deserve it." Keeping his tone even he forced a small smile as he felt uncomfortable by the small action. "I guess what I am trying to say is I apologize, I'm more mad at the elders anyways, I guess unlike you I haven't ever been one to really follow the rules, and following an order blindly like this is well," Pausing, the drow seemed to think over his words carefully before continuing. "Intimidating I guess? Especially with the backlash we're going to receive." Finishing the sentence simply Vicran let out a breath. "I wish I had half your faith in this I guess." He finished plainly deciding to not list any of his other concerns as he picked up his pace. "Guess I'll be quiet and speed up, since we don't want to arrive at the library tomorrow, especially since this artifact must be needed for our people."
დ დ დ დ დ

Posted in honeyglazed ★
Posted 5 years ago
დ დ დ დ დ
Pop up some popcorn and snack. >:)
დ დ დ დ დ

Posted in A handy dandy hangout
Posted 5 years ago
დ დ დ დ დ
Ramen is always a good choice. >:)
We made curry so I haven't touched my ramen supply yet, but come tomorrow. >:)
We made curry so I haven't touched my ramen supply yet, but come tomorrow. >:)
დ დ დ დ დ

Posted in honeyglazed ★
Posted 5 years ago
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Butter is not an insult when u have been called pee all day :v
დ დ დ დ დ

Posted in A handy dandy hangout
Posted 5 years ago
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Maybe I will!!
I will stock up on all the noodles so that I can die in peace this week
I will stock up on all the noodles so that I can die in peace this week
დ დ დ დ დ

Posted in honeyglazed ★
Posted 5 years ago
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Ty for the compliment
and not being like masa and bullying me :(
Ty for the compliment
and not being like masa and bullying me :(
დ დ დ დ დ

Posted in honeyglazed ★
Posted 5 years ago
დ დ დ დ დ
დ დ დ დ დ

Posted in A handy dandy hangout
Posted 5 years ago
დ დ დ დ დ
I am afraid to try kimchi ramen
though considering I like kimchi idk why I am >>
though considering I like kimchi idk why I am >>
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Posted in scaly cat ★ the hangout
Posted 5 years ago
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ooo yes so u will get a break from xiv hell
დ დ დ დ დ

Posted in honeyglazed ★
Posted 5 years ago
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Mmmm the only way to have steak.
And time for me to go to work. u Au Have a good night Aisu!
And time for me to go to work. u Au Have a good night Aisu!
დ დ დ დ დ

Posted in Private
Posted 5 years ago
დ დ დ დ დ
At her response Vicran stopped momentarily and studied the elf to see if he could find any lies in her words or in the way she held herself. After a moment he decided that she was telling the truth causing the male elf to ponder his own actions a moment. "Are you really okay with them deciding your life like this?" The words came out a bit harsher than intended, causing Vicran to frown at his own tone. "I don't mean that in a bad way, but they have decided our futures for us without even asking, or even giving us a heads up." Gesturing to the air slightly, Vicran trailed off before running a hand through his hair, taking note of her name when she finally gave it.
"You can just call me Vicran." He replied deciding it was only fair that he gave his name in return. It was a fair trade after all. Taking a deep breath the male stopped walking as he pushed thoughts of running away for the moment. Running away from someone who was willing to follow the elders orders wouldn't end well for him, no one in his clan would be able to save him if he did that. After a moment of clearing his thoughts he started walking again his eyes moving towards Alice as he took her appearance in fully. She wasn't ugly if he was being honest, was she a drow? No, but she wasn't ugly in Vicran's opinion, but he wasn't wanting to settle down now regardless of what the elders said.
Looking away from her again and focusing straight ahead Vicran decided to get what information he could while he was here. "So I hate to ask since it means I am debating if what the elders said is true, but what makes you well known among your people? You'll have to forgive me for not knowing already."
At her response Vicran stopped momentarily and studied the elf to see if he could find any lies in her words or in the way she held herself. After a moment he decided that she was telling the truth causing the male elf to ponder his own actions a moment. "Are you really okay with them deciding your life like this?" The words came out a bit harsher than intended, causing Vicran to frown at his own tone. "I don't mean that in a bad way, but they have decided our futures for us without even asking, or even giving us a heads up." Gesturing to the air slightly, Vicran trailed off before running a hand through his hair, taking note of her name when she finally gave it.
"You can just call me Vicran." He replied deciding it was only fair that he gave his name in return. It was a fair trade after all. Taking a deep breath the male stopped walking as he pushed thoughts of running away for the moment. Running away from someone who was willing to follow the elders orders wouldn't end well for him, no one in his clan would be able to save him if he did that. After a moment of clearing his thoughts he started walking again his eyes moving towards Alice as he took her appearance in fully. She wasn't ugly if he was being honest, was she a drow? No, but she wasn't ugly in Vicran's opinion, but he wasn't wanting to settle down now regardless of what the elders said.
Looking away from her again and focusing straight ahead Vicran decided to get what information he could while he was here. "So I hate to ask since it means I am debating if what the elders said is true, but what makes you well known among your people? You'll have to forgive me for not knowing already."
დ დ დ დ დ

Posted in honeyglazed ★
Posted 5 years ago
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Mmmmm sounds yummy.
Steak is always a good choice. >:)
Steak is always a good choice. >:)
დ დ დ დ დ

Posted in scaly cat ★ the hangout
Posted 5 years ago
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and u have VII or whatever coming out soonish right
Or am I forgetting when it comes out
and u have VII or whatever coming out soonish right
Or am I forgetting when it comes out
დ დ დ დ დ

Posted in honeyglazed ★
Posted 5 years ago
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They are delicious omnomnom
Mmm beef tongue isn't bad in tacos! I haven't had the other two though :o
Mmm beef tongue isn't bad in tacos! I haven't had the other two though :o
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