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Posted in A handy dandy hangout Posted 5 years ago
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Trueee. I guess a coworker dumpster dives in sephora dumpsters and get a lot of makeup from it.

Just a bit more! >:)

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Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago
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omg did he let you take pictures of him

Living the best dog life I can afford haha
Ahaha the first cat wants to be lazy now
omg how does he not eat treats
if i even mention/think about food my dog is instantly on me lmao

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Posted in A handy dandy hangout Posted 5 years ago
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Just dumpster dive all the time, it'll be fine.

Maybe they'll give you a nicer apartment. :o

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Posted in scaly cat ★ the hangout Posted 5 years ago
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Gotta make them give you that money.

Aaaah that is fair. Well there is always next time!!

Feeding yourself when nothing sounds good except fastfood. :(

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Posted in Looking for 1x1 rps Posted 5 years ago
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@LupaPrinceRomulus: Very nice! c:

They can. x3

And I should be updating my profiles soon, just working on the final magic type. u wu

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Posted in A handy dandy hangout Posted 5 years ago
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Even illegally it is hard. xD

Ahh that was lucky on your part. If you take the shady place will they let you stay in your current apartment? ;o

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Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago
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Omggg. xD One brave boy.

Yard space is definitely needed.

No, He didn't really seem like he wanted to learn any tricks, but he is still my baby. <3

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Posted in A handy dandy hangout Posted 5 years ago
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Can't live without money. ID

Really? D; Beds have to be a pain to move too if you have to move apartments. orzz

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Posted in scaly cat ★ the hangout Posted 5 years ago
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Well here's hoping they give you the increase!

Oh no. :( Their loss!

It really is, especially when you don't really have food in the house. >>

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Posted in A handy dandy hangout Posted 5 years ago
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Gotta get that $$$.

Ooo I see.
Do they come with beds or do you have to buy/move a bed every time? ;o
since that is an important piece of furniture. xD

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Posted in honeyglazed ★ Posted 5 years ago
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omg he truly is a king just in the wrong sized body.

Hopefully she has bigger accommodations in England!

Not really. xD I think the most fun thing he does to me is when my boyfriend tries to kiss me/come into bed/or just come cuddle me he will get so defensive and growl/bark as he crawls into my lap as fast as he can lmao. He is a very jealous little boy. xD

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Posted in scaly cat ★ the hangout Posted 5 years ago
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Ahaha well luckily you can still accept it.

Yes. ;)
Man I need to eat before I sleep but idk what I want. >>

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Posted in Looking for 1x1 rps Posted 5 years ago
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@LupaPrinceRomulus: I have not. ;o
Though she looks really interesting, though I'm trying not to read too much so I don't copy anything from her on purpose for one of my characters. xDD

And profile-making is fun!

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Posted in Private Posted 5 years ago
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(oops realized I didn't put a name in my profile lol, updated that.)

Shifting a hand to the dagger at his side, Vicran's silver eyes squinted at his surroundings a frown forming on his lips. It was way too bright here for the drow's taste, yet the elders called him and regardless of personal views no elf ignored the elders calling. The trees around him started to thin as a clearing came into view signalling that he was almost at his destination. As a tall wooden building came into view he moved his hand away from the dagger to appear less threatening his eyes darted to the woodland elf guards that were already glancing his direction as he approached.

"State your name drow." A voice spoke up as a woodland elf moved to stand in front of him stopping him from going forward. "Your kind are not welcome here."

Hesitating he bit back a retort, instead deciding to attempt to be civil. "Vicran Khurae. Though I think I am welcome considering the elders called me." Shooting a glare he straightened, pushing past the guard with his shoulder, receiving a grunt. "And last I checked I did not need your permission to pass if I had the elders blessing." Glaring back at the guard who looked at him disgusted before muttering something, Vicran continued walking. The mutterings of the elves around him were plenty, but tuning them out was second nature at this point.

As he reached the doors, he stopped giving a small bow of his head to the two elves at the door, after all he did want access to the building. Ignoring the mutterings of the guards as they moved aside and opened the door he moved past them, adjusting his cloak as he entered the dark building. Light eyes adjusted to the darkness easily as his eyes landed on four drows, and four woodland elves. Doors closing behind him, he bowed his head as his eyes averted to the ground, though he said nothing to the elders in front of him.

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