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@Lunakiri: Oh okay. Yeah, I thought that, but then when you talked about understanding it, I thought maybe it was some kind of code like with words hidden within it XDD

@Unicorn: That's cool, what are you planning on making? An avatar on here?

@Lunakiri: All I got from that is that you're trying to get rid of bugs? I can't decipher the gibberish XD

Noon isn't too bad, no, I just prefer night shifts, like 5pm until 10pm XD

@Lunakiri: I have work on Saturday at noon and Sunday I think I am off, but no, I don't have plans XD How about you?

Almost Saturday for me XD

6 since I had 3 before
@Unicorn: I'm doing okay. How about yourself? I like how the eye color you have goes with that hair color.


Thanks, Vig
Posted in [s] Sweet Cakes @ 9.6k Posted 8 years ago
@Thalanil: Are you interested in buying Queen Bee or only the crate itself to see if you get the rare item? I have a Queen Bee to sell.
Posted in [b] September Crate or Queen Bee Posted 8 years ago
@Dotty: Hello, Dotty! I have a Queen Bee to sell if you are still looking for one.
Oh no, how embarrassing! Someone saw me twerk XD
@Mica: My nails look really nice right now. I have aqua as a bottom layer in the back, then a light blue after that, then purple, and at the tip of the nails is black. Yes, every nail has four different colors on it XD
Posted in Closed Posted 8 years ago
Great! I definitely look forward to seeing all of the stuff we're going to get c: I will buy everything XD
@Unicorn: Hi there, Unicorn! *waves at you*

Posted in Count to 1 million Posted 8 years ago
Two Hundred Sixty Four
Posted in Fictional Characters A-Z Posted 8 years ago
P is for Popeye from Popeye the Sailor Man
Posted in Which 7 Deadly Sin is the AAY? Posted 8 years ago
I am Thor, God of Thunder! *I raise my mighty hammer* XD
