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Posted in Ginji's Avatar Closet! Posted 8 years ago
*Open to chat* Come talk to me! :D
Posted in Rate The Avatar Above You Posted 8 years ago
You're adorable. Not everything goes together perfectly, but what can you really do about that yet? XD
Posted in Which AAY do you like better? Posted 8 years ago
And I know I should just leave and find another job, but when I fill out applications, no one ends up getting back to me and I don't feel like continuously calling and being like "Did you get my application? Can I come in for an interview?" If they're not responsible enough to call back people looking for a job, I don't want to deal with them. I already have retail experience, so there would be no reason that I wouldn't even get an interview XD plus, I only had one job so far and for four years.
I know prices could inflate, but I want more money. I only get 8 dollars an hour after working at this same job for almost four years now. The minimum wage there was $7.25 so that's what I started at, but then minimum wage was raised to $7.50 so they had to give everyone more money. This place is just extremely cheap with their money. a lot of places give a minimum of $10 an hour to start.

There is a bill that might be passed in the United States that will make all minimum wage jump to $15 an hour. I hope it passes XD

@Panda: I know, it's cruel and disgusting. Bunch of cheap people XD

I like your current avatar. The dark skin looks really good on it.

@Totalanimefan: I guess it has to be with how expensive homes are there XD The minimum wage for Pennsylvania is still $7.50 I believe.
@Totalanimefan: I live in Pennsylvania and make no where close to $16 an hour because the employer I am with is very greedy with raises. I need to get a new job soon.
Posted in Which Hogwarts House does the AAY belong to? Posted 8 years ago
@Totalanimefan: Ah. I'm okay with snow. I hate heat so Florida and anywhere really hot would drive me mad XD

That is way to expensive. It's ridiculous. I hope your new job is amazing and pays very well since you got out of retail. We all know retail doesn't pay well enough.
Posted in Word Association Posted 8 years ago
Posted in How rich ARE you? Posted 8 years ago
I am back up to 2,063 Volts. That's good!
Posted in Fictional Characters A-Z Posted 8 years ago
M is for Miroku from Inuyasha