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@Mica: Yeah I don't pay people to do it, I like messing with it myself XD If you didn't want anything super great, I could give you my code. I don't do anything super special because I don't know how, so mine is still on the simple side XD
@Mica: I'm okay, yo! Just messing with my profile right now XD
@Panda: OpalDeerling. I left a comment on her profile asking if she would please tell me how to do that to the header XD
@Panda: You're welcome. I saw someone's profile on here that was amazing because the header at the top was done up and so was the image that shows the avatar's face. I tried figuring out how to do that, but I can't get it XD
@Panda: Hehe well I was thinking about changing mine anyway so I might give you those codes and you can just have that one with the sparkles XD
@Panda: Okay, I will just pm you the code too, but without all my image links XD
@Panda: I can give you my code if you want and then you just put in your own images and colors that you desire instead of how my profile looks.
@Panda: I was just messing with my profile on here now that I found out some coding.

So how is everyone doing today?
Posted in Fictional Characters A-Z Posted 8 years ago
Q is for Quicksilver - Marvel
Posted in Fictional Characters A-Z Posted 8 years ago
O is for Oyashiro-sama from Higurashi no Naku Koro Ni
Posted in Rate The Avatar Above You Posted 8 years ago
It's cute, I like it 9/10
Posted in Fictional Characters A-Z Posted 8 years ago
M is for Momotarou Mikoshiba from Free!-Iwatobi Swim Club
Posted in What Pokemon Type is the Avatar Above You? Posted 8 years ago
Rock and flying