Kiri's posts
Posted in How many lanterns do you have
Posted 6 years ago
I now have 63 lanterns.

Posted in How many lanterns do you have
Posted 6 years ago
I have 60 lanterns.

Posted in The Summerhouse - Winners announced! *C*
Posted 6 years ago
@Kozi: Hello there.

Posted in The Summerhouse - Winners announced! *C*
Posted 6 years ago
@Lithinel: I understand anxiety. I have it too. Trust me, you can have a job. It gets better the more you work, though I don't know how far your anxiety reaches. Mine is social anxiety. At first, I would hide behind things. When customers came to check out, I would go do something else until they left. Now, I just work in the backroom of the store. I rarely have to deal with customers unless they really need me on register. It's nice back there. Quiet. I get left alone for the most part because the backroom associates are supposed to be the last called out of everyone. My other problems are I am very anxious about phone calls. I panic if I have to make one so I usually avoid even calling a doctor when I think I need it. I also don't drive because I am afraid to go to driving classes and have to be taught by someone I don't know, but eventually I know I'll have to drive. My parents won't live forever to take me to work.

Posted in The Summerhouse - Winners announced! *C*
Posted 6 years ago
@Tuijp: Are the neighbors really close like in a double block or you just mean a house next to your house?

Posted in The Summerhouse - Winners announced! *C*
Posted 6 years ago
@Lithinel: Luckily I don't need 8 to 10. I get 6 all the time or maybe a little bit less, but if so, not by much and I feel fine. I actually feel tired if I get 8 or more and then I keep wanting to pass back out XD
@Tuijp: Yeah, I used to be like that, but I adapted to the noise. Kind of like when I had a hamster. At first, I couldn't sleep with the wheel going but then when the hamster passed away, I couldn't sleep without the wheel. It works both ways. I eventually adapt.
@Tuijp: Yeah, I used to be like that, but I adapted to the noise. Kind of like when I had a hamster. At first, I couldn't sleep with the wheel going but then when the hamster passed away, I couldn't sleep without the wheel. It works both ways. I eventually adapt.

Posted in The Summerhouse - Winners announced! *C*
Posted 6 years ago
@Lithinel: Yeah, a lot of money is not worth lack of sleep. I know because there were times where I went a whole month with very little sleep because my internal clock was out of whack. I went insane. Lots of people do it. Doctors barely sleep at all, but I don't care. Maybe that's fine for them, but not for me XD

Posted in The Summerhouse - Winners announced! *C*
Posted 6 years ago
@Tuijp: Yeah, I know what you mean. I hate heat. I used to go through only sleeping 2 hours a night during the summer time for weeks, but I have AC now in my room so I crank it all the way up. The noise helps me too. I actually got used to it so now I leave it on low in the winter even XD

Posted in Summer Event Avatar Closets!
Posted 6 years ago
Same. I added my current avatar now XD

Posted in The Summerhouse - Winners announced! *C*
Posted 6 years ago
@Lithinel: I see. Blood never bothered me. I am a trained phlebotomist actually, though I didn't take the position because the working hours were too crazy for me XD Swing shifts are ridiculous. Yeah, I chose being able to sleep over having a better paying job XD
@Tuijp: I understand. This way, you make up for it. I think maybe I lost sleep over the week too. I usually only sleep for 6 hours anyway, but I haven't been counting or my sleep hasn't been as structured as it usually was in the past. I am starting to lighten up on it a bit. Like I might fall asleep listening to something on youtube, so then when I get up, I finish up what I needed to do and then go back to bed. In the past, I had a strict bed time. Could not let myself nap, had to shut all technology off and go to sleep XD
@Tuijp: I understand. This way, you make up for it. I think maybe I lost sleep over the week too. I usually only sleep for 6 hours anyway, but I haven't been counting or my sleep hasn't been as structured as it usually was in the past. I am starting to lighten up on it a bit. Like I might fall asleep listening to something on youtube, so then when I get up, I finish up what I needed to do and then go back to bed. In the past, I had a strict bed time. Could not let myself nap, had to shut all technology off and go to sleep XD

Posted in How many lanterns do you have
Posted 6 years ago
I have 33 lanterns.

Posted in The Summerhouse - Winners announced! *C*
Posted 6 years ago
@Lithinel: Are you easily frightened or anxious by them? I love anything horror related and I don't scare easily so I never find anything frightening that happens in them. I also love Halloween time and haunted attractions. I want to go to a real haunted house.
@Tuijp: That sucks. You probably feel like you wasted part of your day sleeping too then. Not that I do anything important on my days off, but I like them to last and when you spend time sleeping, that only gives you less hours to be up. Sleeping is a pain.
@Tuijp: That sucks. You probably feel like you wasted part of your day sleeping too then. Not that I do anything important on my days off, but I like them to last and when you spend time sleeping, that only gives you less hours to be up. Sleeping is a pain.

Posted in The Summerhouse - Winners announced! *C*
Posted 6 years ago
@Tuijp: I'm doing well. I usually wake up around 8:30 AM but I woke up at 9:40 AM or sometime around there. I wasted part of the day already XD
@Lithinel: I'm just chilling as well. Going to watch horror movies all day probably.
@Lithinel: I'm just chilling as well. Going to watch horror movies all day probably.

Posted in Daily Lore & Evolving Goldfish
Posted 6 years ago
Violet gave Vichard the second book in a trilogy about a bumbling mechanic making their way through the world