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Posted in Terrible Places to Throw Confetti Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!

Anywhere with glitter

Put ya guns awn!
Posted in Anniversary card readings open Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!

@Crystalkitsune85: Two of Pentacles, Ten of Swords, Nine of Wands
Something in your life is off balance and is causing this art block. Once you determine what is doing so, draw. Don't worry if it's a bunch of lines or scribbles, you need vigilance to know when the art block can be overcome
Don't worry about quality, that will come in time

Put ya guns awn!
Posted in Anniversary card readings open Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!

@Starlight: you're welcome!

Put ya guns awn!
Posted in "Life Itself" | ACNH thread Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!

it's easier if you have sections as designated areas
This area is residential
This is the shopping area
Here's a lounge area
Here's a park
Here's the orchard

Put ya guns awn!
Posted in Anniversary card readings open Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!

@Starlight: Shimazu Yoshihiro! You're very boisterous, and look forward to seeing how the future pans out. Optimistic, you think it'll ultimately be good, no matter the current conditions. You like hot springs/baths and will work ceaselessly to ensure the next generations have a good base to start upon
May or may not be part of a cult, but eyes are wide open and they don't have you pulled tightly within your grasp, so you pop in and out as you please, ignoring the aspects you dislike and enjoying the parts you do like

Put ya guns awn!
Posted in Anniversary card readings open Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!

Reserved ovo

Put ya guns awn!
Posted in Anniversary card readings open Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!


I'd like a tarot reading!
Deck: please choose one of the tarot decks
Question: specific is better
[b]I'd like a tarot reading![/b]

I'd like a personality reading!
Who for: yourself or another
[b]I'd like a personality reading![/b]
Who for:

I'd like an Oracle reading!
Broad question: this deck seems to prefer less specific questions than my tarot trio
[b]I'd like an Oracle reading![/b]
Broad question:

Put ya guns awn!
Posted in Anniversary card readings open Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!

The decks:
Shadowscapes tarot
Manga tarot
Kawaii tarot
Sengoku BASARA playing cards
Foxfire Oracle

Prices are PWYW, be it items I'm questing for or currency

The not-deck:
Yes you can chat here too. The more places to gather event currency the better

Put ya guns awn!
Posted in "Life Itself" | ACNH thread Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!

I think that's a lot of people

Put ya guns awn!
Posted in "Life Itself" | ACNH thread Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!

In an hour and twenty minutes I'll no longer have Del and I can go hunting for a more house aesthetic pleasing villager
And I need so goddamn many flowers x.x

Put ya guns awn!
Posted in Does anyone even like celery??? Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!

It's good for soup, yeah
All chopped up, or in big pieces to fish out at the end. Adds a subtle flavor, kinda like the spices

Put ya guns awn!
Posted in medically, i'm scared. stroke/aneurysm. Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!

Dad was 198/something low triple digits and he was discharged despite obviously having a stroke. So that was an adventure of orz

But yeah, you sound a loooooot more like stress induced anxiety than anything else
Also, Google is about as bad as WebMD with the medical stuff, so don't deal with them

Do sounds relax you? may be good for you, lots of options and even within the setting there's many things that can be changed to fine tune them

Put ya guns awn!
Posted in Sometimes I Think I'm Not Cut Out For Groups Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!

Being talked over
I wonder how long it will take for them to notice that you left?

Put ya guns awn!
Posted in i got locked in my bathroom Posted 5 years ago
Are ya ready, guyz?!

Whelp, time to axe it

Put ya guns awn!