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Posted in how is everyone today (and happy thanksgiving) Posted 4 years ago
I can’t run away from the beast
RIP the scab and set it free
It’s the killer in me

@Totalanimefan: well my hair was long but when the hair dressers opened i wanna say in may during this hole thing i got it chopped short just in case if we got back to lockdown of everything but grocery stores and essential places since the numbers are going back up

There is blood on the path I walk
And each step I take is haunting me
Embraced by the darkness, I'm losing the light
Encircled by demons, I fight

Posted in how is everyone today (and happy thanksgiving) Posted 4 years ago
I can’t run away from the beast
RIP the scab and set it free
It’s the killer in me

@Totalanimefan: wig i bought it to wear on halloween but ended up working all day and knew i wouldn't be able to wear it all day and working in procude stalking shelfs and dealing with a lot of heavy stuff the wig would get caught and stuff. the image with short hair is me naturally

There is blood on the path I walk
And each step I take is haunting me
Embraced by the darkness, I'm losing the light
Encircled by demons, I fight

Posted in how is everyone today (and happy thanksgiving) Posted 4 years ago
I can’t run away from the beast
RIP the scab and set it free
It’s the killer in me

@vessel: I'm sorry you haven't been having a good day. If you like to talk I am will to talk or just listen. I know this is kind of crappy holiday due to most being with family during this time. I wish I could help you on something to eat right now.

There is blood on the path I walk
And each step I take is haunting me
Embraced by the darkness, I'm losing the light
Encircled by demons, I fight

Posted in how is everyone today (and happy thanksgiving) Posted 4 years ago
I can’t run away from the beast
RIP the scab and set it free
It’s the killer in me

@Totalanimefan: No i love apples. and i can't say its the baked apples cus i love apple chrisp which is kind of apple pie with out the pie part. *shruges* i don't know what it is... And i gave up on drawing my character for the rp i told you about.. ^^; I just took a pictures with my uglyness

There is blood on the path I walk
And each step I take is haunting me
Embraced by the darkness, I'm losing the light
Encircled by demons, I fight

Posted in how is everyone today (and happy thanksgiving) Posted 4 years ago
I can’t run away from the beast
RIP the scab and set it free
It’s the killer in me

@Totalanimefan: normally i hate apple pie but since it's home made with home made crusted (mom and i pitched together she makes really watery fillings but awesome crust so she made the crust so i tried my hand at the filling)

There is blood on the path I walk
And each step I take is haunting me
Embraced by the darkness, I'm losing the light
Encircled by demons, I fight

Posted in how is everyone today (and happy thanksgiving) Posted 4 years ago
I can’t run away from the beast
RIP the scab and set it free
It’s the killer in me

@Totalanimefan: very true next time maybe i'll actually do an outline

@sunny: very true

sorry guys went to make the apple pie filling then ate dinner

There is blood on the path I walk
And each step I take is haunting me
Embraced by the darkness, I'm losing the light
Encircled by demons, I fight

Posted in how is everyone today (and happy thanksgiving) Posted 4 years ago
I can’t run away from the beast
RIP the scab and set it free
It’s the killer in me

@Totalanimefan: well i found an artical that says you should right 1,667 words each day so by day 30 you have 50,000 and normally i write fanfiction nd i can easily get 4,000 out but since i'm doing my own story it's harder.. like i know this novel is a piece of poop... but i said i was going to do something and i'm doing it... like i'm not even going to send i to a publisher ... i mean if i did the one i was originally going to do before this whole move was thrown at us maybe... Cus i originally wanted to do a horror story but my dad been watching Christmas movies since before my birthday (which is September 16th) so it killed the horror mood so i been legit just writing this by the seam of my pants.

There is blood on the path I walk
And each step I take is haunting me
Embraced by the darkness, I'm losing the light
Encircled by demons, I fight

Posted in how is everyone today (and happy thanksgiving) Posted 4 years ago
I can’t run away from the beast
RIP the scab and set it free
It’s the killer in me

@sunny: as one of my coworkers said 'with the way the year is the only way is up now'

There is blood on the path I walk
And each step I take is haunting me
Embraced by the darkness, I'm losing the light
Encircled by demons, I fight

Posted in how is everyone today (and happy thanksgiving) Posted 4 years ago
I can’t run away from the beast
RIP the scab and set it free
It’s the killer in me

@Totalanimefan: Very true .. the only thing i'm doing that I planned on doing so far is My nano... I'm a day a head i'm at 45,009 words out of 50,000 and since i'm a day a head technically only 3 days left. though that might change later. I might right more tonight if i feel like it and with a few days off i might just write more like i did Sunday. Sunday is where i got one day a head. But for now since i did my 1,667 words i'm treating my self to my next big life changing progress.... My RPG.... i found something that's called life's rpg and it's a guy who created a 'self help' kind of thing but his a gamer as well and realized rpg games are like life so he created this thing were its a little like dnd .. to help you stay motivated and to make it fun he has you create a character (being you) and you created a class and all that and as you do your quests you get exp and it sounded fun.. And unlike other companies he actually emails you. like when i bought the rp (you get the tool kit booklet) and he emails you. the next day he emailed me again and asked me to send any progress i had. I told him how i was doing nano so I was going to wait til December to start it so i wasn't juggling to much. He actually was impressed i was facing my fears and doing the nano and told me that it's a big project to take on and how my rpg adventure can wait. and he created 'facebook' for the whole rpg thing so the community could talk and when he sent me the link in an email it wasn't generic he actually said 'i know your working on the nano so here is the link when you ready' so its nice to know he truly is looking out for those who joined this 'program'

@sunny: well i hope everything gets better for your mom's health I mean arthritis sucks but hopefully the rest of her health gets good luck as time goes on

There is blood on the path I walk
And each step I take is haunting me
Embraced by the darkness, I'm losing the light
Encircled by demons, I fight

Posted in how is everyone today (and happy thanksgiving) Posted 4 years ago
I can’t run away from the beast
RIP the scab and set it free
It’s the killer in me

@Totalanimefan: sadly thats what we thought 2020 was going to be. like 2019 we were like 'next year will be better' yea that didn't happen

@sunny: your welcome ^^ i like giving random gifts

There is blood on the path I walk
And each step I take is haunting me
Embraced by the darkness, I'm losing the light
Encircled by demons, I fight

Posted in how is everyone today (and happy thanksgiving) Posted 4 years ago
I can’t run away from the beast
RIP the scab and set it free
It’s the killer in me

@sunny: nothing its a free gift ^^

There is blood on the path I walk
And each step I take is haunting me
Embraced by the darkness, I'm losing the light
Encircled by demons, I fight

Posted in how is everyone today (and happy thanksgiving) Posted 4 years ago
I can’t run away from the beast
RIP the scab and set it free
It’s the killer in me

@Totalanimefan: I'm not trying to make plans. LAst year i had plans to do an anime con and go to the headless hoursemen event... but my dad ended up needing heart surgery so none of that happened... but ontop of that it was a shit show of a year... first we lost family earlier in the year (3 family members) one of my family i loved dearly who passed was buried on my birthday, a family member had his apendix burst, my dog had an eye issue were he could have lost his eye, my dad had the heart surgery, and then my cat had crystals were i almost lost him but he was in a animal hospital end of 2019 and we couldn't pick him up til the first of 2020

Then this year between covid, family member loseing a baby, another family member almost losing there baby, my realtive with the his appendix busting (last years relatives nephew ) my sister finding out she has a blood cancer (which is rare it's normally only found in older men ) .... It's like i don't want to make plans or anything til i see how next year starts. like my sister keeps talking about getting married next year and i'm like 'you sure you want too?' and she keeps asking if it's cus i don't like the guy i keep laughing and going 'you seen how this year gone you sure you want to get married next year?'

@sunny: yes i did ^^

There is blood on the path I walk
And each step I take is haunting me
Embraced by the darkness, I'm losing the light
Encircled by demons, I fight

Posted in how is everyone today (and happy thanksgiving) Posted 4 years ago
I can’t run away from the beast
RIP the scab and set it free
It’s the killer in me

@Totalanimefan: Hopefully next year will be different. But i'm watching the dog show and just found out there doing test trials on dogs being trained to sniff out covid that is kind of cool

There is blood on the path I walk
And each step I take is haunting me
Embraced by the darkness, I'm losing the light
Encircled by demons, I fight

Posted in how is everyone today (and happy thanksgiving) Posted 4 years ago
I can’t run away from the beast
RIP the scab and set it free
It’s the killer in me

@Totalanimefan: your welcome ^^ how was the family?
@sunny: yea the only funny thing is. He is worried about schooling and how that was going to get done his mom and my grandmother keep telling him 'it will be ok to miss school right now this is a bit different.'

There is blood on the path I walk
And each step I take is haunting me
Embraced by the darkness, I'm losing the light
Encircled by demons, I fight