Kittyzilla's posts
Posted in wish list/check list (come and chat if you want)
Posted 4 years ago
Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.
@Totalanimefan: No we been having cooked meals. Our new house is only 13 min walk from our old house. so we been eating whats here and since my dad says we wont be fully moved in until the 19th we haven't touched the kitchen yet. Though i'm kind of tempted to be like 'hey friday i'm spending the night at the new house' -_- i got a hybrid bed at the new house i haven't had a new matress since 2006 so i'm always wake up in pain so sleeping in my new half coil half memory foam bed would be a nice change but yea i would have to come back to my old bed. So i might just wait til we are full moved. which i don't see why it can't be sooner. I know my parents are talking new frame matress and box spring but they could sleep on the air matress (like when my sister lived with us for a year and half) for a little while so we can only come to the old house to clean the basement and finish gathering things. Mom and i are like 'umm after this weekend we could be living in the new house' but nope he wants to wait til the 19th so whatever. Cuz i mean we got camp chairs at the new house i need to finish glueing the table (had this table since before my sister and i were born) but we have stuff over there he has clothes there i have clothes there my mom doesn't but with Friday Saturday sunday *shruges* i don't know what his deal is but we will just do what he wants just means i can help focus on other rooms since all i need to do is bring the rest of my stuff and the cat stuff over and then i'm fully done.
Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their reality.
Posted in wish list/check list (come and chat if you want)
Posted 4 years ago
Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.
@totalanimefan: my desk is now all taken apart on the ground. Tomorrow when i go to the new house at some point ill measure the empty space near my bed for a new desk. My desk i have now is to big for that small room so it's going to my nephew or niece but it was my desk when i was taking college classes were you need your book plus computer plus notebook on the top . so now i just need one big enough for a laptop and maybe a sketchbook at the same time
Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their reality.
Posted in wish list/check list (come and chat if you want)
Posted 4 years ago
Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.
@Totalanimefan: oh i did not know that ^^ thank you for letting me know that. gah -_- need to get motivation for breaking down the desk again i took the top shelf off and i want to have it to my sister before this weekend. She said something about one of the kids using it for school and school starts next week fro them
Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their reality.
Posted in a
Posted 4 years ago
Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.
@Lina: Same i don't even remember the whole story of why the dogs were left cuz they did live on a farm but just remembered the story of why he was afraid of being out in the dark.
Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their reality.
Posted in ACNH Swap/Trade Thread!
Posted 4 years ago
Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.
@Kitalpha Hart: my bed room in the new house is pretty much all done and since i was going to get a new matress and boxspring it's already in the new house too. -_- i haven't even gotten to lay on it and most likely wont until either the 19th or 20th .. but when i had brought my cat to the new house he laid on it. I just can't wait to be able to craft again.
Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their reality.
Posted in ACNH Swap/Trade Thread!
Posted 4 years ago
Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.
@Kitalpha Hart: yep i'll try to do more tonight for tomorrow.. -_- being forced to go threw more then i planned. I was planning just were the extra food like can goods go and the expired medications and such then i was told do under the sinkins and put the acs in boces and i still have to finish my room. 1 wall is washed i still need to break down my desk for my sister to take and i haven't gotten that done
Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their reality.
Posted in wish list/check list (come and chat if you want)
Posted 4 years ago
Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.
@Totalanimefan: Double post?
Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their reality.
Posted in Hi all I'm new just started
Posted 4 years ago
Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.
I would love to be your firend i'm maybe a 'week' old so i am also getting use to things so i can try to help you as much as possible
Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their reality.
Posted in ACNH Swap/Trade Thread!
Posted 4 years ago
Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.
@Kitalpha Hart: I was but i'm awake now in a few minutes I'll be doing my work out and throwing my game on the charger i started to move the flowers you wanted on to my beach so they were all in one spot but while iw as doing it my switch was saying it was about to die so hopeful we can do it today at some point
Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their reality.
Posted in wish list/check list (come and chat if you want)
Posted 4 years ago
Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.
@Totalanimefan: well a little fell on my moms wallet and her pen thing for her journal so she washed them , some was on his blanket i made him so i rinsed it but I'll be washing it tomorrow.. -_- the rest was in my hand
Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their reality.
Posted in a
Posted 4 years ago
Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.
@Lina: hmm don't know in that setting. I know my parents had adopted a dog way before i was born and it was hated being in the dark with no lights. Like inside he was fine but outside he would freak out. But they found out from who they adopted him from an owner before them abounded him and his sister in the middle of a field at night so since then he hated beig outside in the dark.
Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their reality.
Posted in hello everyone how is things going?
Posted 4 years ago
Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.
@Ghostie: I just got all my clothes minus the ones at the old house put away. I put a lot to the side to put in the donation box but I have a tone of space still left but i also watched a youtube video on how to fold clothes for more space. Which is nice cuz now i can also tell what shirt is what with out digging threw them all
Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their reality.
Posted in a
Posted 4 years ago
Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.
@Lina: was the dog a puppy or adopted?
Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their reality.
Posted in wish list/check list (come and chat if you want)
Posted 4 years ago
Those who dream by day are cognizant of many things which escape those who dream only by night.
@Totalanimefan: well we brought him to the new house today while we did some box moving and such he was hissing the whole time and when we went to go back to the old house (since it wont be til 2 weeks before we move in completely) he threw up in the car. only one thing so far broke. I got all but two of my boxes unpacked but we are also packing up the old house too
Words have no power to impress the mind without the exquisite horror of their reality.