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Posted in Anyway want to chat? Posted 4 years ago
I can’t run away from the beast
RIP the scab and set it free
It’s the killer in me

@Peptibismol: the body color is going to be multicolor the yarn is called cookies and cream but the roses are going to be a blue and green

There is blood on the path I walk
And each step I take is haunting me
Embraced by the darkness, I'm losing the light
Encircled by demons, I fight

Posted in Anyway want to chat? Posted 4 years ago
I can’t run away from the beast
RIP the scab and set it free
It’s the killer in me

@Peptibismol: It's nice to meet you too. And actually i would have had more done but i created a crochet guild and hangout.... but i'm making a Dragon lamp sorta speak. I have a 3d printed moon lamp my dad got me but i don't know if that will hold so i might actually have to buy a lamp for it but i'm starting with the base first vs the dragon.

There is blood on the path I walk
And each step I take is haunting me
Embraced by the darkness, I'm losing the light
Encircled by demons, I fight

Posted in Anyway want to chat? Posted 4 years ago
I can’t run away from the beast
RIP the scab and set it free
It’s the killer in me

Kind of feeling alone since all my friends are either working or spending time with there loved ones (not saying it's a bad thing) and just looking for people to chat with while i crochet and listen to Vox Machina.

There is blood on the path I walk
And each step I take is haunting me
Embraced by the darkness, I'm losing the light
Encircled by demons, I fight

Posted in Magic wands, chains, and creating things Posted 4 years ago
I can’t run away from the beast
RIP the scab and set it free
It’s the killer in me

@Ruby: You can post if you like
@LilMissKushy: So far more information will be add when i can think of more

There is blood on the path I walk
And each step I take is haunting me
Embraced by the darkness, I'm losing the light
Encircled by demons, I fight

Posted in Magic wands, chains, and creating things Posted 4 years ago
I can’t run away from the beast
RIP the scab and set it free
It’s the killer in me


There is blood on the path I walk
And each step I take is haunting me
Embraced by the darkness, I'm losing the light
Encircled by demons, I fight

Posted in Magic wands, chains, and creating things Posted 4 years ago
I can’t run away from the beast
RIP the scab and set it free
It’s the killer in me


There is blood on the path I walk
And each step I take is haunting me
Embraced by the darkness, I'm losing the light
Encircled by demons, I fight

Posted in Magic wands, chains, and creating things Posted 4 years ago
I can’t run away from the beast
RIP the scab and set it free
It’s the killer in me


There is blood on the path I walk
And each step I take is haunting me
Embraced by the darkness, I'm losing the light
Encircled by demons, I fight

Posted in Magic wands, chains, and creating things Posted 4 years ago
I can’t run away from the beast
RIP the scab and set it free
It’s the killer in me


There is blood on the path I walk
And each step I take is haunting me
Embraced by the darkness, I'm losing the light
Encircled by demons, I fight

Posted in Magic wands, chains, and creating things Posted 4 years ago
I can’t run away from the beast
RIP the scab and set it free
It’s the killer in me


There is blood on the path I walk
And each step I take is haunting me
Embraced by the darkness, I'm losing the light
Encircled by demons, I fight

Posted in Magic wands, chains, and creating things Posted 4 years ago
I can’t run away from the beast
RIP the scab and set it free
It’s the killer in me


There is blood on the path I walk
And each step I take is haunting me
Embraced by the darkness, I'm losing the light
Encircled by demons, I fight

Posted in Magic wands, chains, and creating things Posted 4 years ago
I can’t run away from the beast
RIP the scab and set it free
It’s the killer in me


There is blood on the path I walk
And each step I take is haunting me
Embraced by the darkness, I'm losing the light
Encircled by demons, I fight

Posted in Magic wands, chains, and creating things Posted 4 years ago
Stitches and terms

I will be updating this when I learn stitches and learn new terms that I might not know just yet.

Basic Stitches
alt - alternate
approx- approximately
beg- begin/beginning
bet -between
BL or BLO -back loop or back loop only
bo -bobble
BP- back post
BPdc- back post double crochet
BPdtr- back post double treble crochet
BPhdc- back post half double crochet
BPsc- back post single crochet
BPtr- back post treble crochet
CC -contrasting color
ch -chain stitch
ch- refer to chain or space previously made, e.g., ch-1 space
ch-sp- chain space
CL- cluster
cont- continue
dc -double crochet
dc2tog -double crochet 2 stitches together
dec -decrease
dtr -double treble crochet
edc -extended double crochet
ehdc -extended half double crochet
esc -extended single crochet
etr -extended treble crochet
FL or FLO- front loop or front loop only
foll -following
FP- front post
FPdc- front post double crochet
FPdtr- front post double treble crochet
FPhdc- front post half double crochet
FPsc- front post single crochet
FPtr- front post treble crochet
hdc- half double crochet
hdc2tog- half double crochet 2 stitches together
inc -increase
lp -loop
m -marker
MC- main color
pat or patt- pattern
pc -popcorn stitch
pm- place marker
prev -previous
ps or puff -puff stitch
rem -remaining
rep -repeat
rnd -round
RS -right side
sc -single crochet
sc2tog- single crochet 2 stitches together
sh -shell
sk -skip
sl st -slip stitch
sm or sl m- slip marker
sp- space
st- stitch
tbl- through back loop
tch or t-ch -turning chain
tog -together
tr -treble crochet
tr2tog- treble crochet 2 stitches together
trtr -triple treble crochet
WS -wrong side
yo -yarn over
yoh -yarn over hook

* repeat the instructions following the single asterisk as directed
* * repeat instructions between asterisks as many times as directed or repeat at specified locations
{ } work instructions within brackets as many times as directed
[ ] work instructions within brackets as many times as directed
( ) work instructions within parentheses as many times as directed or work a group of stitches all in the same stitch or space

U.S./Canada U.K.
slip stitch (sl st) -slip stitch (ss)
single crochet (sc)- double crochet (dc)
half double crochet (hdc) -half treble (htr)
double crochet (dc) -treble (tr)
treble (tr)- double treble (dtr)
double treble (dtr)- triple treble (trtr)

U.S. - U.K./Canada
gauge- tension
yarn over (yo)- yarn over hook (yoh)
Posted in Magic wands, chains, and creating things Posted 4 years ago

For years I never understood yarn size due to it never really made a difference. Until I made a project that was supposed to be a lot smaller then it was. That is when I started to pay attention to the yarn size for patterns vs just doing what was pretty.

Posted in Magic wands, chains, and creating things Posted 4 years ago

For how many years I been working with crocheting there are many sizes and many styles. You can get crochet made from metal, plastic, and wood. There may be more out there but those are the ones I have worked with over the years.

Thread crochet hooks
Millimeter Range /U.S. Size Range
3.50 mm/ 00
3.25 mm/ 0
2.75 mm/ 1
2.70 mm/ 00
2.55 mm/ 0
2.35 mm/ 1
2.25 mm/ 2
2.20 mm/ 2
2.10 mm/ 3
2 mm/ 4
1.90 mm/ 5
1.80 mm/ 6
1.75 mm/ 4/0
1.70 mm/ 5
1.65 mm/ 7
1.60 mm/ 6
1.50 mm/ 8/7/2
1.40 mm/ 9/8
1.30 mm/ 10
1.25 mm/ 9/4
1.15 mm/ 10
1.10 mm/ 11
1.05 mm/ 11
1 mm/ 12/6
0.95 mm/ 13
0.90 mm/ 14/8
0.85 mm/ 13
0.75 mm/ 14/10
0.60 mm/ 12

'Normal' size

Metric diameter/Crochet Hook Size
2.25 mm/B-1
2.75 mm/C-2
3.25 mm/D-3
3.5 mm/E-4
3.75 mm/F-5
4 mm/G-6 (Boye G-6 is 4.25mm)
4.5 mm/ 7
5 mm/H-8
5.5 mm/ I-9
6 mm/ J-10
6.5 mm /K-10.5
8 mm/ L-11
9 mm/ M/N-13
10 mm /N/P-15
15 mm/ P/Q
16 mm/ Q
19 mm/ S
25 mm/ U