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@vengeance: I’m sure you’re old enough where they can respect you if you say you’d rather not go to something.
I will be in a similar boat this weekend.
Family things can be stressful sometimes.

@vengeance: I’m sure you will manage to get plenty of posts in, either way.

@vengeance: I am not surprised. XD

@vengeance: I am indeed. Are you?

Posted in Do you use CBD? Posted 6 years ago
@Lilypoo: The smells sets me off, too. Reeealllly bad. Almost instantly. like death. x____x;;
But I get the gummy bears, and they don’t have a flavor like that. Get the sour ones, if you can. Those are even better for that.
Or else just get the little fudge chocolates. Those are good, and they can help you sleeps. :3

Posted in Tinypic is closing down Posted 6 years ago
Well, that sucks.
I’ve been using Imgur anyway, ever since Photobucket went all weird.

@Monorea: Maybe. I'm not sure yet.

@Monorea: Of course! :3 And yeah, I made one too, and it was super hard to do. XDD;;

Cute looking avatars in here, you guys! :3

Posted in Bagel bites are a dangerous weapon Posted 6 years ago
What the heck?

The only thing that can hurt you with bagel bites is hot cheese burn. XD;;

@vengeance: Sometimes I do.
Sometimes it’s just easier to buy lunch at work, since the food comes from a different place, and can be more interesting.

@Kawaii Neko teaa: Hi there!! :3
How goes it?

Posted in Do you use CBD? Posted 6 years ago
It takes the edge off of my migraines, as well.
I used to also use it for anxiety attacks, but it got to be too often, and too expensive.
Pity, since It worked though, RIP. XD;;

@Monorea: I will for a little bit to go buy my lunch, then I will be back. (On my phone)

Posted in countries! Posted 6 years ago
@KairoSama: East Coast US here. XD
I looked up photos of Wales, and it looks lovely. :3

*packs a box*