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@vengeance: Yup. Put us together, and we make one completely sunburnt person. XDD;;

@Totalanimefan: Which sucks, because I love my showers like... scalding. XDD;; whoops.

@Totalanimefan: Doing alright. :3
A little bit sunburnt, but I got a lot of vitamin D, at least. XDD;;

Anyone around? :3

Must... eat... melons....

These all look awesome, you guys!
I can't wait to see all the people rocking these!

@vengeance: Rest well, then. :3

Hey, everyone. How goes it? :3

@vengeance: Don’t play chicken with the cars, Veng. XD They hurt. :p

@Monorea: Mostly a lot of house cleaning. I have a lot of mold in my basement to tackle.
Then hopefully a lot of relaxing, Netflix binges, and catching up on doctor's appointments. XDD;;

@vengeance: I'm used to shipping that expensive for clothes from Japan and stuff, though.
So I supposed it's not that unusual.

@Monorea: I'm still at home. I just have a week left of no work, until I have to go back again.

@vengeance: Good lord. That's really expensive. That would be hard to afford so regularly. D:

@vengeance: Yeah, it can be. Lots of family members, though. :/

Happy July, by the way!

@vengeance: Doing alright. Glad to be on vacation, since some stuff is going on.
Get to go swimming today, though. So that's cool. literally

@vengeance: That sucks. Thankfully, that stage doesn't last forever.

Hello, everyone. Hope you're all well. :3