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@Queen of Trash: You and Rimi are over in here, so you are also my people.


@Queen of Trash: *gathers up all of his peoples and hoards them jealously*

My peoples. :<

@Queen of Trash: Well, either way we love to have you here. :3

@Boss Rimi: Aww. :< I hope you feel better

@Queen of Trash: Yahhh, seriously. I had the same problem with the room cleaning i'm in now.
It looked SOOO daunting. x_x;; but not so bad once you're all into it.

@Queen of Trash: I'm sure you'll do a great job with it, though! :3

@Queen of Trash: Omggggggg. That sounds sounds so damned tedious, though. Ugh. x_x;;

@Queen of Trash: Ahhh yeah, then definitely primer. Maybe even two coats of primer, depending.

@Boss Rimi: Heyyyy I have been okay, I guess. How about you? :3

@Queen of Trash: Ugh, painting sucks. Especially when it's hot out, since you have to keep the windows open.
Since, yuck. Fumes. D:

Posted in Fozzy & Friends [UNDER CONSTRUCTION!] Posted 6 years ago
@Hazer: Your mission as chief bug smusher, should you chose to accept it, is one of great importance.
Here is your fly swatter and industrial size can of RAID.

Get rid of the bouncer.

Do not get caught. Your reward will be fifty bananas.

*rolls back through the thread during food break from cleaning*


Posted in Hazer's Unholy Horde: A Hangout Posted 6 years ago
*throws confetti around the thread when Hazer isn’t looking*

@vengeance: Yeah, you guys are a good bit later over there, time-wise.

@queen of trash: Feel free to grab a comfy spot. :3 Maybe we can have food delivered XDD;;
and watch them not be able to find us lol

@vengeance: Yeah, since I have to go do errands. So I will be on my phone now and then, as usual.

@vengeance: Haha, me either. XDD;; Since you know... obvious reasons. Haha