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@vengeance: Driving. Definitely my biggest problem.
Last time I tried, I got so anxious that I barfed all over the inside of the car. :x

@vengeance: Yeah. XDD Literally my second least favorite thing to do, ever.

@vengeance: I think I recall that.
Also, sorry so slow, I am also cleaning my room.

Posted in Cool kids club Posted 6 years ago
I am an incredibly uncool ancient creature.
I am here out of sheer rebellion.

@vengeance: OMG, those 80’s advertisements. XDD;;


@vengeance: Totally awesome, dude. XDD;;

@vengeance: Hey, Vengy! Looking really rad there. :3

@Boss Rimi: Hey, Rimi! How goes it? :3

@Queen of Trash: YAY, more hidey people like me. XDD;;
*scoots over in hiding spot to make more space*

@Queen of Trash: Very true. I probably wouldn't, to be honest. I am actually very shy IRL. ._.;;
Voltra is a bit of a weird exception to this. XDD;;

@Queen of Trash: I keep thinking about adding some different servers, but then nuuuuu. Voltra.
*hisses at other servers, then hides*

Posted in Name a movie but replace one word with cat Posted 6 years ago
The Cat Witch Project.

^ 10/10 would watch dis XDD;;

@Queen of Trash: I literally only go on Discord for the Voltra ones. XDD;;;
That's the only reason I have it. but I love it.
I found (or at least got to know, at least) some of the best peoples in the world on there.

@Queen of Trash: Shanx. :3
Doing anything fun?