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Posted in So, I was eating some grapes... Posted 6 years ago
@Tuijp: At least it wasn't an entire grape. That would just get stuck.
Talk about a really embarrassing trip to the doctor. :p

@Queen of Trash: We've been getting almost nothing but rain here lately.
So when today was sunny out, I wanted to take full advantage of it. ^^b
So naturally, I out-vampired my sunscreen lotion and got burnt anyway. :/ lol

Posted in Heyoooo~ Posted 6 years ago
@Eevee: Welcome! Glad you're here! :3
Eevees are super cute Pokemon. :3
I always catch them if I see them, but you can stay free since you seem nice. XD

Looking forward to seeing your around the forums!

@Queen of Trash: So can I, at least until I go to sleep within the hour. :3
I got sunburnt, so i'm all exhausted and wired at the same time. XDD;;

How are you doing this fine evening? :3

@Queen of Trash: That''s good! It could use some loves. :3

Posted in Hazer's Unholy Horde: A Hangout Posted 6 years ago
Shudder to think what the punishment would be, judging by that avatar.

crickets chirping

Awwww, peoples in the thread.

@Queen of Trash: Ugh, that’s the worst. I lived once where the heat was very dry, and I swear normal heat with high humidity is wayyy worse. D:

@Anarchist Beauty: I would take a lottle of your colder air for sleeping time.
Trade for some heats? :3

@vengeance: Here, it seems to be going up, up, and up. With some thunderstorms next week as a result.

@vengeance: VERY, VERY WARM. Seriously, it is boiling today, OMG.

How is everyone doing today? :3

@Queen of Trash: Doing as alright as circumstances allow.

How about you? :3

Posted in Keep your username at the end of this post Posted 6 years ago
Mine now!

Posted in Change 1 Letter! Posted 6 years ago