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@Unicorn: Things always seem creepier during that time, don't they? XDD;;

@vengeance: Haha, well then I hope your totally-not-shady-legit-club is successful, then! XDD;;

Posted in [closed] Posted 6 years ago
@Hazer: ^ It ate the other slash in my metal emote. XDD;;
I edit the post to put it back, and it's just gone again.
Is this a thing? I think it's similar to what the plus signs like to do.

Yes, I did the CTRL+F5 thing,
so no crouching Hazer, hidden dragon XDD;;

Posted in [closed] Posted 6 years ago
@Mousy: Dude. A pastel pink lobster. Rock on. m/

@Another Movie Addict: Oh, jeez. Well, he is only four, I guess. :/

@vengeance: A shady alleyway somewhere. XDD;;

@Another Movie Addict: *tries to push food through the screen*

@Another Movie Addict: Hopefully he'll be at the age soon where he can occupy himself, instead. XDD;;

@vengeance: Haha, oh my. XDD;;

@vengeance: I am watching YouTube videos and drawing some stuff. :3

@Another Movie Addict: Haha, just like most young people these days. XDD;;

@MoodyBats: Could also be useful for helping with trouble areas, as well.
Like how some people have trouble with hands or feet. :3

@MoodyBats: Yeah, know what you mean. XD;;
Maybe use them for good practice?

@Another Movie Addict: Oh, jeez. That sounds obnoxious.
He's doing pretty well, though, if he's on YouTube already at age 4.
Even if he can't pick them out, yet. I'm sure he'll learn quickly.

@MoodyBats: Yeah, if you have a lot of them, then it might take a while. XDD;;

@Another Movie Addict: Hello there, AMA!
How are you this fine evening? :3

Posted in [closed] Posted 6 years ago
@Saeyra: Yeah, games of chance are not my friend, haha. XDD;;
I haven't won a board game in over 10 years, either.
Once recently at UNO, though. XD;;

@vengeance: I'm sorry to hear that. D: ~hugs~

@MoodyBats: They look like a lot fo fun to make! :3

@vengeance: Hey, Vengy! How goes it? :3

Posted in Black Friday Posted 6 years ago
I generally prefer cyber monday over black friday, myself.
Since you know.... it's in my house.
In my alpacajamas.
NOT getting trampled by crazy people. XDD;;

@MoodyBats: Those "character data sheets" seem to be pretty fun to make. :3
You know, those ones that show all of the expressions and parts from different angles?
Those are neat. :3

@MoodyBats: Yeah, there's a couple of OCs I have that have pain-in-the-_____ color schemes.
Most people who draw would look at them and be "like yeeahhhh no." XDD;;