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Posted in [closed] Posted 6 years ago

Posted in [closed] Posted 6 years ago
Let's see if anything happens. XDD;;

@Unicorn: Ack, yikes. x_x;;
Yeah, I can kinda see why that would mess with you a little. D:

@Unicorn: Ugh, stuffed noses suck for sleep in any form.
Which noises were creepy? o_o;;
Közi likes creepy stuff XDDD;;

@Unicorn: Thank you for the song list! I'll give them a listen.

~sets out some ice cream and cookies~

@Boss Rimi: I think I tried that. Or maybe it was at somewhere else... hmm
I know I had a gingerbread doughnut. That was just lovely.

@MoodyBats: Hmm, I think I know what you mean.
That's a pretty color. :3

@Unicorn: I have not heard of this artist. Shall have to check them out.
What style of music is it?

@Boss Rimi: Oh man, a gingerbread latte? D:
Might just go for that one. XDD;;
I have been craving gingerbread like MAD this year. WTF.
And yeah, very. But it's better now. :3

@MoodyBats: Yay! Commons are awesome.
I need to catch up on buying the ones we have first, haha. XDD;;
What kinds of colors would you want to add? I'm curious. :3

@Boss Rimi: Thank you!
Oof, that is always a difficult choice to me make. XD
Maybe narrow it down between hot and cold drinks? :3
And it goes decently well. Much better than it was.

@Elithiya: OMG. Your avatar is so freaking cute.
And thank you!

@MoodyBats: Yeah, playing around with avatars is probably my favorite thing around here.
It's like a kind of obsession.
I just can't stop messing with them. XD;;

@Boss Rimi: O hai. :3
How goes it?

@MoodyBats: Sunshine and Blush are probably the ones I love,
that don't get used as much anymore. D: RIP
They need some more love.

@MoodyBats: Oh, definitely. I love the color "sunshine" in particular.
Just so darn sunny! XD
This item would be really popular in lots of colors, I think! :3

@elithiya: BOOP. ^
Pinging for future reference.

@MoodyBats: I would love to see that item get some really awesome recolors in the future, too.
Moons forever XDD;;

@MoodyBats: Yeah, it can be a challenge.
I love that item, though. XDD;;

@MoodyBats: Awww.
I see you changed your avatar, it's cute. :3