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@Shark: It's fine. XDD;; I will not die without pixels, oddly enough. So feel free to send over a trade whenever you want. I'll be donating again soon, so i'm not that worried.
@Shark: Oh wow, how do you even have that much gold? LOL My character is always dirt poor, since I blow on all of the new commons when they come out. I'll sell you mine, if you want. I seem to have decent luck, and could probably swing another one.
@Shark: I am literally having the opposite problemto that! I spent tons trying to get the Ryou, and ended up with Alicorn, which at least was on my list, as well. XDD;; At least you got one, though! I bet it looks awesome.

@Nyuu: Yeah, they're all good girls. Even if they were being rather.... fresh today. LOL
@Unicorn: I've been trying to sneak in stuff like that when my stomach is feeling amicable. I have probiotic gummies, frozen yogurt (if it doesn't hurt too much to eat it, at the time) and these little yogurt drops for babies that taste like peaches. XDD;; I made a big mistake last time in not taking anything like that, and it took MONTHS for my inner flora to figure themselves out again. X_____x;;; Never again.
@vengeance: Oh, nice! Anywhere fun? Sad? Sea? Forest? Or maybe a big city! :3

@Unicorn: Nah, once every 12 hours. And Motrin 800 every 6 hours, though i've been slacking on that due to my stomach being in freaking shreds.

@Nyuu: This is probably going to sounds terrible, but only some of them have names. The rest all look the same, so I can't tell them apart easily. So we have Josephine (Josie), McNugget, Burger, Fries, and the girls. XDD;; #iamterrible
@Nyuu: Aww! I have six of them, all girls. They were a little mischievous today, though. XDD;; I had to boop a few beaks who pecked too close to the hand offering greens to them. LOL

@vengeance: Hey there! how goes it?

@Unicorn: Not yet, but it's getting there! I have to be on the stomach-crippling antibiotics for a full 10 day course, then out she goes. And then, finally, relief. x_______x;;
@Nyuu: Thank you!! I like yours, too. And yes, they did! They were playing with each other. :3
Posted in Blegh Posted 7 years ago
@nyreen: I hope you're feeling more energetic soon!
@Unicorn: Good, actually! Best mood I've had in weeks.
I guess that infection was really dragging me down, but I didn't notice it until a crucial point. x_x;;
Posted in Count to 100 before the staff gets us! Posted 7 years ago
..... One. XDD;;
Posted in Change 1 Letter! Posted 7 years ago
Posted in Count to 100 before the moderators catch us!!! Posted 7 years ago
Posted in A to Z Feelings & Emotions Posted 7 years ago
R is for Reserved.
Posted in A to Z Food & Drinks! Posted 7 years ago
(( @Hazer: F____, now i'm hungry. Haha XDD;; ))

V is for Venison Stew.