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@Nyuu: Aww! You might have gotten a tummy bug that's going around. I've heard of lots of people getting that lately. D: Poor Nyuu-chans.
@Shark: It does! XD;; I didn't even dot hat on purpose. o_o;; WHOO!

@Nyuu: Heylo again. :3 Are you feeling any better?
@Nyuu: Depends on mood for me, really. I would really love a cute foresty version with lots of green trees and stuff. I'm very explory and woodsy IRL. XDD;;
@Nyuu: I will likely switch them back and forth constantly, since dressing up your avatar is way easier on the normal one. :3
@Shark: I like that it's easier on my eyes than all of that stark white. XDD;; #nightshiftlife
@Shark: This version looks to be a lot more playable, though. I did like the grey on dark grey look the older one had, but i love the dark indigo color that this one has. :3
Posted in Change 1 Letter! Posted 6 years ago
Posted in Pokemon A - Z Posted 6 years ago
K is for Kringler.
Ooooh, I tried the new blackout theme. I like it. I'll have to update my hangout's head image, though.
I thought I made it with a transparent background, but apparently not. x___x;;
@Shark: It's one of those things, it seems. either people love it completely or they don't at all. XDD;;

@Nyuu: Oh no! ~makes you some tummy-friendly soup~ I hope you feel better!
Posted in The Surge: Developer Updates Posted 6 years ago
DUDE OMG. THIS IS TRULY SOME EPIC SH- stuff. Blackout theme is so lovely, especially for people like me who are up super late, and don't like having their retinas fried. LOL
Thank you for the moon emoji. It is truly wonderful.

@Hazer: Dude you rock. How much freaking coffee did you use? o_____o;;;
@Nyuu: I'm doing much better now. I'm now home from a really rough day of work. x___x;; How about you? better I hope. :3

@Shark: Ohhh, those cookie biscuit stick things. I have some of those in matcha green tea flavor.
@vengeance: I’ll have to look at that later when I’m not on my phone. :3

@Shark: Ooh, those both sound good right about now. Edible straw?? :o

@Nyuu: That sounds like my life =_=;;
@Shark: Aww damn, that sucks. D: I'd take just about any flavor at this point, lol.
What kind did you originally want? What did you end up getting instead? Dreams are weird sometimes. XDD;;