Lilmisskushy's posts
Posted in Puff Puff Pass
Posted 5 years ago
.......puff puff pass.......

Posted in Puff Puff Pass
Posted 5 years ago
.......puff puff pass.......

Posted in Puff Puff Pass
Posted 5 years ago
.......puff puff pass.......

Posted in Puff Puff Pass
Posted 5 years ago
.......puff puff pass.......

Posted in Puff Puff Pass
Posted 5 years ago
.......puff puff pass.......

Posted in Puff Puff Pass
Posted 5 years ago
.......puff puff pass.......

Posted in Puff Puff Pass
Posted 5 years ago
.......puff puff pass.......

Posted in Puff Puff Pass
Posted 5 years ago
.......puff puff pass.......

Posted in Any ideas ?
Posted 5 years ago
@wildfire: thank you so much wildfire ^.^ i will look into that shaving cream finger painting book and see what its like.. they love anything that makes a mess lol.. havent got a wee sand pit yet because i think they would eat it to be honest.. well my niece would anyway she eats everything XD and also that play doh i might try and just make sure she doesnt eat it lol.. baking i can do with them not being 2 yet they probably would only enjoy the eating part XD
@koneko: yes dad was very sneaky at games like that XD
@koah: it is hard i usually go out with my friends and sisters but i didnt wanna go out with the pandemic still going on.. so just stayed at home with the kids.. my 2 are usually in their nappies and vests when inside because its so hot in my apartments i hate it lol aww that was so lovely of u guys to take another little one on and adopt her.. i havent adopted my niece or nephew they're going back home when this is all over XD
@totalanimefan: aww thank you hun.. and its no problem.. i know you've alot going on <3
@koneko: yes dad was very sneaky at games like that XD
@koah: it is hard i usually go out with my friends and sisters but i didnt wanna go out with the pandemic still going on.. so just stayed at home with the kids.. my 2 are usually in their nappies and vests when inside because its so hot in my apartments i hate it lol aww that was so lovely of u guys to take another little one on and adopt her.. i havent adopted my niece or nephew they're going back home when this is all over XD
@totalanimefan: aww thank you hun.. and its no problem.. i know you've alot going on <3

Posted in Any ideas ?
Posted 5 years ago
@koneko: i have to agree its even fun for adults xD i remember my dad at christmas when i was wee he hid our special presents on the Christmas tree he had took the gift like bobbles off the tree opened them up and used the foil to wrap our gifts up with and put them back on the tree so it took us hours finding them becuse we didnt think that they'd be there they just looked like tree bobbles he had to give us loads of clues XD and me and my 3 sister's opened them up to find our gold rings.. it was our first ever real jewellery piece so it was so exciting .. yeah my nanny was full of surprises me and my sister can never wash our hands without atleast blowing atleast one big bubble its just a habit now XD

Posted in Any ideas ?
Posted 5 years ago
@koah: thanks so much.. yes we had great fun yesterday they love bubbles we did some painting as well which was messy but they loved it XD two 2 Year olds ? Are they twins ? <3
@wrik: such a good idea thank you.. if its a good day today we might do some arty stuff with gluing involved .. they love making a mess XD
@koneko: you just reminded me that i have empty egg shaped cases left over from easter that i can put some stuff in and hide them round the garden.. thank u.. i totally forgot.. yes bubbles are great my nanny taught me when i was wee how to put washing up liquid and water on ur hands and rub it all round ur hands and then use ur thumb and fore finger and do an ok sign and when u blow through it u can make huge bubbles then u give ur wrist a flick and the bubble floats away XD its so satisfying every time it turns me into a big kid XD
@xvz:aww thank you so much <3 we had an amazing day yesterday... they just enjoy making a mess XD
@nephila: aww thanks so much hun <3 wow i didnt know u had a 19 year old daughter.. i bet u guys are the bestest of friends ^.^
@lilykin: aww that brings back so many memories i used to love making jewellery with all different kinds of beads and materials.. my childhood was full of art and creative stuff.. and thats how i will bring my little one up.. because it was always so fun .. and thank you so much for the link i think the girls would really enjoy that... i made flour babies for them with balloons but they bit into them and POOF the flour was everywhere lmao
@wrik: such a good idea thank you.. if its a good day today we might do some arty stuff with gluing involved .. they love making a mess XD
@koneko: you just reminded me that i have empty egg shaped cases left over from easter that i can put some stuff in and hide them round the garden.. thank u.. i totally forgot.. yes bubbles are great my nanny taught me when i was wee how to put washing up liquid and water on ur hands and rub it all round ur hands and then use ur thumb and fore finger and do an ok sign and when u blow through it u can make huge bubbles then u give ur wrist a flick and the bubble floats away XD its so satisfying every time it turns me into a big kid XD
@xvz:aww thank you so much <3 we had an amazing day yesterday... they just enjoy making a mess XD
@nephila: aww thanks so much hun <3 wow i didnt know u had a 19 year old daughter.. i bet u guys are the bestest of friends ^.^
@lilykin: aww that brings back so many memories i used to love making jewellery with all different kinds of beads and materials.. my childhood was full of art and creative stuff.. and thats how i will bring my little one up.. because it was always so fun .. and thank you so much for the link i think the girls would really enjoy that... i made flour babies for them with balloons but they bit into them and POOF the flour was everywhere lmao

Posted in What a time to be alive
Posted 5 years ago
@alexis: i love anything arty and creative when i was 10 my nanny taught me how to knit and crochet.. so i used to knit teddies and stuff them and crochet doilies and i used to cut up my sisters clothes to sew up my barbies new clothes XD

Posted in Next event?
Posted 5 years ago
@xvz: i love avatar sites they're like a breathe of fresh air ..especially when you've been a gamer of fighting games for years and all u see is drama and trolls.. then my friend babyblueeyez invited me to menewsha and that was me hooked on avatar sites.. the vibe was so chill and peaceful and everyone is so kind and lovely.. yeah i always thought how will i make 5k volties or more for items.. then i learned about the under currency and its much easier now.. sometimes if theres no forum topics i just go there and make some volties until theres topics to talk to people on ^.^
Haha xD i heard i can do that but i havent seen the option or came across it yet i want to save up all my commons till i eventually have them all xD i feel like on this site tho u dont have to sell back stuff because i can make enough on here to make another outfit :)
Thats good i should post some stuff later with my mule and make her some currency.. i wasnt 100 percent sure whether we could post with them or not so i just didn't
Haha xD i heard i can do that but i havent seen the option or came across it yet i want to save up all my commons till i eventually have them all xD i feel like on this site tho u dont have to sell back stuff because i can make enough on here to make another outfit :)
Thats good i should post some stuff later with my mule and make her some currency.. i wasnt 100 percent sure whether we could post with them or not so i just didn't

Posted in Late night poetry by request ;)
Posted 5 years ago
@xanthan: yeah we really had a great time .. it made me happy to see the girls really enjoying themselves being messy with the paint xD im so sorry to hear about family members passing i wish everyone could live forever <3
I hope maintenance show up soon to fix ur AC with the weather u described u guys will need it.. yellow and purple sounds so pretty i feel like purple goes really nice with most colours.. facebook market has some good stuff on there.. and im glad u got what u needed.. i had to get my niece a travelling cot off there because i had been in town and checked all the shops and none of them had one.. so i seen a guy selling a new one not even out of the box so i snapped it up.. my niece is very hyper and shes a big strong girl so shes been through 3 of them cots since ive had her she likes to bounce in it and swing off it and eventually the connections break lol
Im sorry ur ex acted like that.. :/ its better for you that shes an ex now... over here the government said that up to 2 people can social distance in the same garden.. so maybe if u did something nice in the garden with some candles some little bits of decor and some those little pretty fairy lights make dinner .. all while social distancing and wearing ur masks
I hope maintenance show up soon to fix ur AC with the weather u described u guys will need it.. yellow and purple sounds so pretty i feel like purple goes really nice with most colours.. facebook market has some good stuff on there.. and im glad u got what u needed.. i had to get my niece a travelling cot off there because i had been in town and checked all the shops and none of them had one.. so i seen a guy selling a new one not even out of the box so i snapped it up.. my niece is very hyper and shes a big strong girl so shes been through 3 of them cots since ive had her she likes to bounce in it and swing off it and eventually the connections break lol
Im sorry ur ex acted like that.. :/ its better for you that shes an ex now... over here the government said that up to 2 people can social distance in the same garden.. so maybe if u did something nice in the garden with some candles some little bits of decor and some those little pretty fairy lights make dinner .. all while social distancing and wearing ur masks