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Anything else happening today?

I’m about to head into work

Posted in CLOSED Posted 4 years ago
I know what you mean! I keep changing too!
We had new orb items and new crates! And I bought a new item!
And Halloween is very inspiring!!

Good morning

Thought I'd start today with some questions (optional, of course):
-- Coffee or Tea?
-- Eggs or pancakes?
-- What's the weather today where you are?
-- What do you have planned for today?

I like tea and coffee both.
Cold and rainy
Just another work day for me

Posted in CLOSED Posted 4 years ago
Thank you very much!
I was finally able to get a sticky fingers after lots of searching. I’m thrilled! I feel like I’ll never take it off, except I plan to dress up for the Reaping Ritual. XD

We don’t decorate the store at all, I think it’s just too hard to decorate without covering up something for sale. We’re a little shop so there isn’t any extra room anywhere. I would love to decorate if I could!
The apartment is fairly decorated. It’s not as much as for Christmas but I’m slowly accumulating decorations. I check Party City and Target for decorations, I don’t know where else people get them.

Posted in Lina’s Quest Posted 4 years ago
I thought ohms might give me an edge, but I guess there still has to be someone selling. XD
Not enough old users with extra items!

Posted in Aisu's Ambitions (Open! Come chat?) Posted 4 years ago
I know some sewing but I kind of hate it...?
Or maybe it’s just because we have no tables in the apartment so I have to see with our machine on the floor. But I feel like I find it tedious and it takes too long.

I’m not opposed to binders and the like, but I don’t know of anything that would help my huge butt and hips. My hip bones honestly just so wide I don’t think there’s any hiding them. But I could be wrong.

I have to force myself to do things or nothing gets done. I just never feel like doing anything except art and tv. XD

Posted in Aisu's Ambitions (Open! Come chat?) Posted 4 years ago
I love LOVE the cute prince style!
It’s totally the best. I’m awfully tall and curvy though, I’m not sure I could pull it off even if I had the money to buy it. :/
I sometimes wish I was more androgynous looking....
I love myself; I just think I’d be more comfortable androgynous. It’s what I feel like. (Probably why my avatar is always set to the “male” body no matter what it’s wearing) But I have seriously intense curves. Like a full on hourglass and there’s not really any hiding it..
Except under lots of layers of grayscale. XD

We usually get really busy for the holidays but I’m not sure about this year. With the virus-ness things are different this year. Usually we do trick-or-treating but not this year.

I used to be super cheerful and silly and full of energy, but then I got depression in my teens and a lot of that left. But I think I’m getting back to my old self more and more. ^^

@Wildfire: it’s nice to have time set aside specifically to do things, otherwise I wouldn’t do them; I’m sure.

Posted in Lina’s Quest Posted 4 years ago
I got some ohm in the hope that it would help me find people selling more, but it didn’t seem to help. XD

If you ever want to sell me something I’m looking for... ;)

@Wildfire: we seem to always cram all of our projects and chores and things into just the weekend. It can make the weekend stressful; but it’s nice to not have to worry about getting things done before and after work. It’s good to pace things out so it’s not all at once though.

I’ve just been busy with work. We had some deliveries and pretty many customers. It’s been getting more cold and it’s been rainy this week so I think the mall has been more busy because people want to find an indoor place to be this week. XD

It’s taken me years to be really comfortable at work. And honestly mostly because the husband boss opened his own store and doesn’t come here anymore. He’s perfectly nice, but his voice and face are like he’s constantly disappointed in you. It was unnerving being around him. His wife Rachel (my boss now) is such a sweet and kind person she really puts me more at ease.