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Posted in HEELlloooooo guys! It's cedes! Posted 7 years ago
I know you from at least one other site, and have like 3 or 4 drawings from you. But I plan to start a massive collection. <3
Posted in Hiya Guys! Posted 7 years ago
Welcome! I look forward to seeing you around the forums!
Posted in ㅇㅅㅇhello, i'm neko! Posted 7 years ago
Welcome! I already see you all over the forums! I'm excited to get to know you and talk more!
Posted in Hey There! Posted 7 years ago
Oh man, I need a sleep schedule to function. I do love coffee though. Mochas!! XD

Posted in I can't even TTwTT Posted 7 years ago
Welcome Dipper! I've had a great time talking with you on discord so I'm really looking forward to posting with you!
Posted in Herro~ Posted 7 years ago
Great to see you! I'm really looking forward to posting with you!
Posted in Meet FuuChan Posted 7 years ago
Dogs are the best thing ever!
Posted in Dragon is Here! Posted 7 years ago
Welcome Dragoness! I'm glad to see you joined! /hug
Posted in Hello! Posted 7 years ago
Vlad is here!?!
Welcome! I look forward to seeing you around the site!!

What should I call you now though..? Thal?
Posted in hey Posted 7 years ago
Ghost, I think I love you.
(Totally not trying to get free art) >:3
Posted in Hi! o wo Posted 7 years ago
I'm a twin! I have a twin brother. We're totally different though, he's never had any interest in things like this.
Posted in Hello! Posted 7 years ago
Welcome! I look forward to posting with you!
Posted in Hey Everyone! Posted 7 years ago
I love seeing bjd so please post pictures sometime! I don't have any of my own, so I have to gush over everyone else's.

Horror movies?? But they are so scary! OnO
Posted in Meet Your Local Sly Posted 7 years ago
Welcome! (lol)
Good to see you around the forums again!

This is going to be great!