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A Fuu shop!? I guess I know where I'm living. XD
Posted in Cha-Ching [SLOTS OPEN] Posted 7 years ago
Cute base choice! I'm going to order some for sure!!
Posted in Voltra's First Shop, constantly resting [OPEN] Posted 7 years ago
I love your art!
Expect all the orders!!!! D:<
Posted in What is your favorite color on Voltra? Posted 7 years ago
All of them?
Sea, forest, lime, crocodile... the greens and blues I guess. XD
Posted in First hangout Posted 7 years ago
I'm going to start a new hangout for the official launch. I just had to claim first!
Posted in Item Suggestion Thread Posted 7 years ago
We have it set up so that arm and leg mods are possible. So that's just a matter of time. Anything specific you want to see with mods?

I can't remember what mouths we have, but once they're released let me know if you still want lipstick or if they're good.
Posted in First hangout Posted 7 years ago
Just you all wait until I have the most popular thread if alpha.

/waits for alpha >.>
Posted in First hangout Posted 7 years ago
I can't help it if I'm this awesome. :vanora_sun:
Posted in First hangout Posted 7 years ago
I just wanted to be first.... :vanora_sweat: