Littlewhitedragonlet's posts
Posted in Hearth and Home
Posted 6 years ago
Fae Says --->
@star2000shadow: that makes sense; it took me a while of using my laptop to get used to the size of the keyboard and how flat the keys are

~!~ Little White Dragonlet ~!~
Voltra Art Shop ~Open~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery
@star2000shadow: that makes sense; it took me a while of using my laptop to get used to the size of the keyboard and how flat the keys are

~!~ Little White Dragonlet ~!~
Voltra Art Shop ~Open~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery

Posted in Hearth and Home
Posted 6 years ago
Fae Says --->
@star2000shadow: we have a desktop comp at my house, but we dont really use it much; its like 10 years old i think and is slow, plus its in the craft area/landing on the second floor haha

~!~ Little White Dragonlet ~!~
Voltra Art Shop ~Open~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery
@star2000shadow: we have a desktop comp at my house, but we dont really use it much; its like 10 years old i think and is slow, plus its in the craft area/landing on the second floor haha

~!~ Little White Dragonlet ~!~
Voltra Art Shop ~Open~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery

Posted in Dragonlet's Art Shop ~!~ Open ~!~
Posted 6 years ago
Fae Says --->
@Amber Lynne: yeeee, so most of the time, if i wanna see a movie, ill see it no matter what other people are saying sbout it...unless its flashing light warnings, since those give me migraines and id rather not get one at a movie theater xD
@Unicorn: man i wish i could train myself to get up earlier...

~!~ Little White Dragonlet ~!~
Voltra Art Shop ~Open~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery
@Amber Lynne: yeeee, so most of the time, if i wanna see a movie, ill see it no matter what other people are saying sbout it...unless its flashing light warnings, since those give me migraines and id rather not get one at a movie theater xD
@Unicorn: man i wish i could train myself to get up earlier...

~!~ Little White Dragonlet ~!~
Voltra Art Shop ~Open~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery

Posted in Dragonlet's Art Shop ~!~ Open ~!~
Posted 6 years ago
Fae Says --->
@Amber Lynne: yeaaaah critics are getting more and more out of touch lol
even most of the people I hear reviews from I take with a grain of salt, since purity culture and personal bias and stuffz

~!~ Little White Dragonlet ~!~
Voltra Art Shop ~Open~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery
@Amber Lynne: yeaaaah critics are getting more and more out of touch lol
even most of the people I hear reviews from I take with a grain of salt, since purity culture and personal bias and stuffz

~!~ Little White Dragonlet ~!~
Voltra Art Shop ~Open~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery

Posted in Dragonlet's Art Shop ~!~ Open ~!~
Posted 6 years ago
Fae Says --->
@Amber Lynne: yeah, that's true. just look at the rotten tomato scores for critics vs The Public lol

~!~ Little White Dragonlet ~!~
Voltra Art Shop ~Open~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery
@Amber Lynne: yeah, that's true. just look at the rotten tomato scores for critics vs The Public lol

~!~ Little White Dragonlet ~!~
Voltra Art Shop ~Open~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery

Posted in Dragonlet's Art Shop ~!~ Open ~!~
Posted 6 years ago
Fae Says --->
@Amber Lynne: reviews have been iffy, but so have most reviews for superhero movies for the past few years so I don't really pay attention to them anymore lol

~!~ Little White Dragonlet ~!~
Voltra Art Shop ~Open~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery
@Amber Lynne: reviews have been iffy, but so have most reviews for superhero movies for the past few years so I don't really pay attention to them anymore lol

~!~ Little White Dragonlet ~!~
Voltra Art Shop ~Open~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery

Posted in Hearth and Home
Posted 6 years ago
Fae Says --->
@macsen191: awe well I'm glad it's going well and he's found someone to claim :p
@star2000shadow: yeah, I prefer my laptop for writing rp replies and drawing but other than that I use my phone more anyways ha

~!~ Little White Dragonlet ~!~
Voltra Art Shop ~Open~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery
@macsen191: awe well I'm glad it's going well and he's found someone to claim :p
@star2000shadow: yeah, I prefer my laptop for writing rp replies and drawing but other than that I use my phone more anyways ha

~!~ Little White Dragonlet ~!~
Voltra Art Shop ~Open~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery

Posted in Dragonlet's Art Shop ~!~ Open ~!~
Posted 6 years ago
Fae Says --->
@Unicorn: inside is good, inside you can make as warm as you want xD
@Amber Lynne: we saw Aquaman!!! it was really good aaaaaa

~!~ Little White Dragonlet ~!~
Voltra Art Shop ~Open~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery
@Unicorn: inside is good, inside you can make as warm as you want xD
@Amber Lynne: we saw Aquaman!!! it was really good aaaaaa

~!~ Little White Dragonlet ~!~
Voltra Art Shop ~Open~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery

Posted in Winter Wonderland {Dice roll game prizes}
Posted 6 years ago
Fae Says --->
@vengeance: today was good!!! how was your day? ^-^
sorry it took so long to reply haha we went and saw Aquaman (amazing) and then had Mexican food, and then I took my service pupper with my to starbucks and TJMaxx so she could get out of the house and away from my gma's dog lol

~!~ Little White Dragonlet ~!~
Voltra Art Shop ~Open~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery
@vengeance: today was good!!! how was your day? ^-^
sorry it took so long to reply haha we went and saw Aquaman (amazing) and then had Mexican food, and then I took my service pupper with my to starbucks and TJMaxx so she could get out of the house and away from my gma's dog lol

~!~ Little White Dragonlet ~!~
Voltra Art Shop ~Open~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery

Posted in Winter Wonderland {Dice roll game prizes}
Posted 6 years ago
Fae Says --->
@vengeance: OH I forgot about the 91 xP and okaiz

~!~ Little White Dragonlet ~!~
Voltra Art Shop ~Open~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery
@vengeance: OH I forgot about the 91 xP and okaiz

~!~ Little White Dragonlet ~!~
Voltra Art Shop ~Open~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery

Posted in Hearth and Home
Posted 6 years ago
Fae Says --->
@star2000shadow: LOL true; I use a wacom tablet with my laptop but a couple of the artist I talk to have recently started using iPads

~!~ Little White Dragonlet ~!~
Voltra Art Shop ~Open~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery
@star2000shadow: LOL true; I use a wacom tablet with my laptop but a couple of the artist I talk to have recently started using iPads

~!~ Little White Dragonlet ~!~
Voltra Art Shop ~Open~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery

Posted in Dragonlet's Art Shop ~!~ Open ~!~
Posted 6 years ago
Fae Says --->
@Unicorn: thankfully it doesnt snow where I live so I dont have to worry about too much cold xP

~!~ Little White Dragonlet ~!~
Voltra Art Shop ~Open~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery
@Unicorn: thankfully it doesnt snow where I live so I dont have to worry about too much cold xP

~!~ Little White Dragonlet ~!~
Voltra Art Shop ~Open~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery

Posted in Hearth and Home
Posted 6 years ago
Fae Says --->
@star2000shadow: ooo makes sense. My mom and grandma bought me a big Dell laptop a couple years ago for my art but she slows down a lot of shes been in too long and I try to use photoshop

~!~ Little White Dragonlet ~!~
Voltra Art Shop ~Open~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery
@star2000shadow: ooo makes sense. My mom and grandma bought me a big Dell laptop a couple years ago for my art but she slows down a lot of shes been in too long and I try to use photoshop

~!~ Little White Dragonlet ~!~
Voltra Art Shop ~Open~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery

Posted in Dragonlet's Art Shop ~!~ Open ~!~
Posted 6 years ago
Fae Says --->
@Unicorn: lazy days are good days =w= it's so cold in my grandma's house I wish I could stay wrapped up in bed all day xD
@Amber Lynne: I'm going to a movie in a bit but we can chat when I get back from that and eating lunch (we're probably eating out bc that's what my grandpa loves to do but idek if we have a schedule lmao)

~!~ Little White Dragonlet ~!~
Voltra Art Shop ~Open~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery
@Unicorn: lazy days are good days =w= it's so cold in my grandma's house I wish I could stay wrapped up in bed all day xD
@Amber Lynne: I'm going to a movie in a bit but we can chat when I get back from that and eating lunch (we're probably eating out bc that's what my grandpa loves to do but idek if we have a schedule lmao)

~!~ Little White Dragonlet ~!~
Voltra Art Shop ~Open~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery