Littlewhitedragonlet's posts
Posted in Hearth and Home
Posted 6 years ago
Fae Says --->
@star2000shadow: thanks!!! I had to wait until I posted enough cause I bought the skin and realized I was 50 volts short for the dress XD

~!~ Little White Dragonlet ~!~
Voltra Art Shop ~Open~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery
@star2000shadow: thanks!!! I had to wait until I posted enough cause I bought the skin and realized I was 50 volts short for the dress XD

~!~ Little White Dragonlet ~!~
Voltra Art Shop ~Open~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery

Posted in Hearth and Home
Posted 6 years ago
Fae Says --->
@star2000shadow: sleep and interwebs is always fun :>

~!~ Little White Dragonlet ~!~
Voltra Art Shop ~Open~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery
@star2000shadow: sleep and interwebs is always fun :>

~!~ Little White Dragonlet ~!~
Voltra Art Shop ~Open~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery

Posted in Dragonlet's Art Shop ~!~ Open ~!~
Posted 6 years ago
Fae Says --->
@Unicorn: yeah, we normally bag everything, but my sister has been taking our bags home with her so my mom got annoyed and decided we were wrapping all of their presents XD

~!~ Little White Dragonlet ~!~
Voltra Art Shop ~Open~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery
@Unicorn: yeah, we normally bag everything, but my sister has been taking our bags home with her so my mom got annoyed and decided we were wrapping all of their presents XD

~!~ Little White Dragonlet ~!~
Voltra Art Shop ~Open~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery

Posted in Hearth and Home
Posted 6 years ago
Fae Says --->
@star2000shadow: I like naming my avi files weird things even when I'm the only person who ever sees them haha
how're you? how's your xmas going? :>

~!~ Little White Dragonlet ~!~
Voltra Art Shop ~Open~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery
@star2000shadow: I like naming my avi files weird things even when I'm the only person who ever sees them haha
how're you? how's your xmas going? :>

~!~ Little White Dragonlet ~!~
Voltra Art Shop ~Open~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery

Posted in Dragonlet's Art Shop ~!~ Open ~!~
Posted 6 years ago
Fae Says --->
@Amber Lynne: lmao right? 4 kids! it's so many xD one of my exes has 7 siblings tho and that's just. w h y
@Unicorn: omg rip you; my mom made me do all the wrapping-wrapping while she did all the bagging of presents this year haha

~!~ Little White Dragonlet ~!~
Voltra Art Shop ~Open~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery
@Amber Lynne: lmao right? 4 kids! it's so many xD one of my exes has 7 siblings tho and that's just. w h y
@Unicorn: omg rip you; my mom made me do all the wrapping-wrapping while she did all the bagging of presents this year haha

~!~ Little White Dragonlet ~!~
Voltra Art Shop ~Open~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery

Posted in Dragonlet's Art Shop ~!~ Open ~!~
Posted 6 years ago
Fae Says --->
@Amber Lynne: asdfgthj no my phone autocorrected my bad spelling to the wrong word lol I meant brood, my sister has 4 kids XD
that's fair! my mom makes me drive and I get stir-crazy if I can't drive myself places ha

~!~ Little White Dragonlet ~!~
Voltra Art Shop ~Open~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery
@Amber Lynne: asdfgthj no my phone autocorrected my bad spelling to the wrong word lol I meant brood, my sister has 4 kids XD
that's fair! my mom makes me drive and I get stir-crazy if I can't drive myself places ha

~!~ Little White Dragonlet ~!~
Voltra Art Shop ~Open~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery

Posted in Dragonlet's Art Shop ~!~ Open ~!~
Posted 6 years ago
Fae Says --->
@Amber Lynne: yee, my sister and her brood and my grandpa are also coming out, but they're coming later in the week lol
awe not having a car is no fun

~!~ Little White Dragonlet ~!~
Voltra Art Shop ~Open~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery
@Amber Lynne: yee, my sister and her brood and my grandpa are also coming out, but they're coming later in the week lol
awe not having a car is no fun

~!~ Little White Dragonlet ~!~
Voltra Art Shop ~Open~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery

Posted in Dragonlet's Art Shop ~!~ Open ~!~
Posted 6 years ago
Fae Says --->
@Amber Lynne: lol yeah! my mom, bro, and I are going out to my grandma's house tomorrow and we are either staying out for a couple days or for a week :> you?

~!~ Little White Dragonlet ~!~
Voltra Art Shop ~Open~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery
@Amber Lynne: lol yeah! my mom, bro, and I are going out to my grandma's house tomorrow and we are either staying out for a couple days or for a week :> you?

~!~ Little White Dragonlet ~!~
Voltra Art Shop ~Open~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery

Posted in Dragonlet's Art Shop ~!~ Open ~!~
Posted 6 years ago
Fae Says --->
@Amber Lynne: yeah!!! it'll get here when it's here haha

~!~ Little White Dragonlet ~!~
Voltra Art Shop ~Open~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery
@Amber Lynne: yeah!!! it'll get here when it's here haha

~!~ Little White Dragonlet ~!~
Voltra Art Shop ~Open~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery

Posted in Dragonlet's Art Shop ~!~ Open ~!~
Posted 6 years ago
Fae Says --->
@Amber Lynne: yeeee, I know there's a lot of things on the list so I just wait for things to come as they come :3

~!~ Little White Dragonlet ~!~
Voltra Art Shop ~Open~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery
@Amber Lynne: yeeee, I know there's a lot of things on the list so I just wait for things to come as they come :3

~!~ Little White Dragonlet ~!~
Voltra Art Shop ~Open~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery

Posted in Dragonlet's Art Shop ~!~ Open ~!~
Posted 6 years ago
Fae Says --->
@Amber Lynne: MAN I just buy things as I need them, but a "buy every color" option would make buying the ones I don't use as often easier lol

~!~ Little White Dragonlet ~!~
Voltra Art Shop ~Open~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery
@Amber Lynne: MAN I just buy things as I need them, but a "buy every color" option would make buying the ones I don't use as often easier lol

~!~ Little White Dragonlet ~!~
Voltra Art Shop ~Open~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery

Posted in Winter Wonderland {Dice roll game prizes}
Posted 6 years ago
Fae Says --->
the dice game is still going! I'm just not rolling often lol

~!~ Little White Dragonlet ~!~
Voltra Art Shop ~Open~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery
the dice game is still going! I'm just not rolling often lol

~!~ Little White Dragonlet ~!~
Voltra Art Shop ~Open~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery

Posted in Dragonlet's Art Shop ~!~ Open ~!~
Posted 6 years ago
Fae Says --->
@Unicorn: LOL unfortunately most of the people who could be in the kitchen with me are my family and all of them are older than me r i p

~!~ Little White Dragonlet ~!~
Voltra Art Shop ~Open~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery
@Unicorn: LOL unfortunately most of the people who could be in the kitchen with me are my family and all of them are older than me r i p

~!~ Little White Dragonlet ~!~
Voltra Art Shop ~Open~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery

Posted in Dragonlet's Art Shop ~!~ Open ~!~
Posted 6 years ago
Fae Says --->
@Unicorn: oh I hate cooking when there's other people in the kitchen lol

~!~ Little White Dragonlet ~!~
Voltra Art Shop ~Open~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery
@Unicorn: oh I hate cooking when there's other people in the kitchen lol

~!~ Little White Dragonlet ~!~
Voltra Art Shop ~Open~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery