Littlewhitedragonlet's posts
Posted in Daily Lore & Evolving Goldfish
Posted 6 years ago
Fae Says --->
is your sister PMSing or pregnant, perhaps? XD
I don't have money for pizza so I'm making myself suffer too TAT

~!*!~ LittleWhiteDragonlet ~!*!~
Voltra Art Shop ~OPEN~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery
is your sister PMSing or pregnant, perhaps? XD
I don't have money for pizza so I'm making myself suffer too TAT

~!*!~ LittleWhiteDragonlet ~!*!~
Voltra Art Shop ~OPEN~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery

Posted in Daily Lore & Evolving Goldfish
Posted 6 years ago
Fae Says --->
my tattoo, before, during, and after the ink instagram post~

~!*!~ LittleWhiteDragonlet ~!*!~
Voltra Art Shop ~OPEN~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery
my tattoo, before, during, and after the ink instagram post~

~!*!~ LittleWhiteDragonlet ~!*!~
Voltra Art Shop ~OPEN~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery

Posted in Daily Lore & Evolving Goldfish
Posted 6 years ago
Fae Says --->
I actually did the initial sketches for the 1 I have :'D
but mostly I'm of the opinion that if I haven't wanted the same tattoo for at least 2 years, I won't be able to stand having it on my body forever
so the longer I go wanting the same tattoos, the less likely I'll ever dislike them
my current one is actually on my right inner ankle! so supposedly a reeeeally painful spot...I didn't feel any of it and was reading on my phone the whole time XD
CURSE YOU ALL now I want pineapple and pepperoni pizza :viocry:

~!*!~ LittleWhiteDragonlet ~!*!~
Voltra Art Shop ~OPEN~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery
I actually did the initial sketches for the 1 I have :'D
but mostly I'm of the opinion that if I haven't wanted the same tattoo for at least 2 years, I won't be able to stand having it on my body forever
so the longer I go wanting the same tattoos, the less likely I'll ever dislike them
my current one is actually on my right inner ankle! so supposedly a reeeeally painful spot...I didn't feel any of it and was reading on my phone the whole time XD
CURSE YOU ALL now I want pineapple and pepperoni pizza :viocry:

~!*!~ LittleWhiteDragonlet ~!*!~
Voltra Art Shop ~OPEN~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery

Posted in Daily Lore & Evolving Goldfish
Posted 6 years ago
Fae Says --->
I love and would kill for every single cat I have seen a picture of today

~!*!~ LittleWhiteDragonlet ~!*!~
Voltra Art Shop ~OPEN~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery
I love and would kill for every single cat I have seen a picture of today

~!*!~ LittleWhiteDragonlet ~!*!~
Voltra Art Shop ~OPEN~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery

Posted in Daily Lore & Evolving Goldfish
Posted 6 years ago
Fae Says --->
HELLO I'm back sorry mom just got home from work
not everyone but my comment also wasn't directed at everyone haha xD
I have 1 tattoo and 10 planned that I currently have no money for |D

~!*!~ LittleWhiteDragonlet ~!*!~
Voltra Art Shop ~OPEN~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery
HELLO I'm back sorry mom just got home from work
not everyone but my comment also wasn't directed at everyone haha xD
I have 1 tattoo and 10 planned that I currently have no money for |D

~!*!~ LittleWhiteDragonlet ~!*!~
Voltra Art Shop ~OPEN~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery

Posted in Daily Lore & Evolving Goldfish
Posted 6 years ago
Fae Says --->
run from the mods because you all randomly talk about strippers and kinks

~!*!~ LittleWhiteDragonlet ~!*!~
Voltra Art Shop ~OPEN~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery
run from the mods because you all randomly talk about strippers and kinks

~!*!~ LittleWhiteDragonlet ~!*!~
Voltra Art Shop ~OPEN~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery

Posted in Daily Lore & Evolving Goldfish
Posted 6 years ago
Fae Says --->
GODS Mdom I was trying to not look at your avi too hard
so many mods layered on top of each other XD

~!*!~ LittleWhiteDragonlet ~!*!~
Voltra Art Shop ~OPEN~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery
GODS Mdom I was trying to not look at your avi too hard
so many mods layered on top of each other XD

~!*!~ LittleWhiteDragonlet ~!*!~
Voltra Art Shop ~OPEN~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery

Posted in Daily Lore & Evolving Goldfish
Posted 6 years ago
Fae Says --->
yeah, but Veng and her crew is mostly in a dif timezone than most of us so it works out

~!*!~ LittleWhiteDragonlet ~!*!~
Voltra Art Shop ~OPEN~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery
yeah, but Veng and her crew is mostly in a dif timezone than most of us so it works out

~!*!~ LittleWhiteDragonlet ~!*!~
Voltra Art Shop ~OPEN~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery

Posted in Daily Lore & Evolving Goldfish
Posted 6 years ago
Fae Says --->
also I love cats,,,,,,,so much,,,,,smol gymnasts,,,,

~!*!~ LittleWhiteDragonlet ~!*!~
Voltra Art Shop ~OPEN~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery
also I love cats,,,,,,,so much,,,,,smol gymnasts,,,,

~!*!~ LittleWhiteDragonlet ~!*!~
Voltra Art Shop ~OPEN~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery

Posted in Daily Lore & Evolving Goldfish
Posted 6 years ago
Fae Says --->
Note to staff: just ping Vengeance, Tsundererra, Mdom, and I at the start of events and the thread will keep moving enough that other people will walk in to stuff to talk about XD

~!*!~ LittleWhiteDragonlet ~!*!~
Voltra Art Shop ~OPEN~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery
Note to staff: just ping Vengeance, Tsundererra, Mdom, and I at the start of events and the thread will keep moving enough that other people will walk in to stuff to talk about XD

~!*!~ LittleWhiteDragonlet ~!*!~
Voltra Art Shop ~OPEN~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery

Posted in Daily Lore & Evolving Goldfish
Posted 6 years ago
Fae Says --->
OH DAMN we only hit 140 yesterday night around this time XD 30 pages in less than 24 hours, go us!

~!*!~ LittleWhiteDragonlet ~!*!~
Voltra Art Shop ~OPEN~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery
OH DAMN we only hit 140 yesterday night around this time XD 30 pages in less than 24 hours, go us!

~!*!~ LittleWhiteDragonlet ~!*!~
Voltra Art Shop ~OPEN~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery

Posted in Daily Lore & Evolving Goldfish
Posted 6 years ago
Fae Says --->
I love the concept of soft claw caps so much
don't declaw ever sobs
there's like 3 items that have Exposed Leggy that's also thottie and Vin and I are wearing 2 of them lmao

~!*!~ LittleWhiteDragonlet ~!*!~
Voltra Art Shop ~OPEN~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery
I love the concept of soft claw caps so much

there's like 3 items that have Exposed Leggy that's also thottie and Vin and I are wearing 2 of them lmao

~!*!~ LittleWhiteDragonlet ~!*!~
Voltra Art Shop ~OPEN~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery

Posted in Daily Lore & Evolving Goldfish
Posted 6 years ago
Fae Says --->
OMG are those the glitter claw caps?!

~!*!~ LittleWhiteDragonlet ~!*!~
Voltra Art Shop ~OPEN~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery
OMG are those the glitter claw caps?!

~!*!~ LittleWhiteDragonlet ~!*!~
Voltra Art Shop ~OPEN~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery

Posted in Daily Lore & Evolving Goldfish
Posted 6 years ago
Fae Says --->
the Sea Witch EI from last years Beach Breaker event also has Thicc Legs...
the artists are trying to tell us something I'm just not sure what

~!*!~ LittleWhiteDragonlet ~!*!~
Voltra Art Shop ~OPEN~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery
the Sea Witch EI from last years Beach Breaker event also has Thicc Legs...
the artists are trying to tell us something I'm just not sure what

~!*!~ LittleWhiteDragonlet ~!*!~
Voltra Art Shop ~OPEN~ | Voltra Item Shop | Avatar and Art Gallery