Littlewhitedragonlet's posts
Posted in Ren Faire!!!
Posted 7 years ago
Jesi Says:
@RainbowPanda: yeah that makes it hard; I got my license at 17 (actually on my birthday lol) but that was cause I didn't want to do the online schooling. My mom was super impatient for me to get my license cause then someone else could finally drive xD;
@nyreen: haha yeah, concerts/events/basically any place large groups of adults gather that serves alcohol are always filled with them XD the ren faire just has about as many scantly clad people as a rave, but it's the middle of the day and there's also fursuits running around most of the time lol
Mask under the cut cause I can only find the big skeet of their masks, no individuals of the rabbit >:
Posted in Ch. 6 Madder Tea Party
Posted 7 years ago
Jesi Says:
sshhhhhhh if you don't sleep you just get one REALLY LONG DAY, and then you got to sleep. When you wake up somehow it's 3 days later and you have no memories of what you did. :D
Posted in Ren Faire!!!
Posted 7 years ago
Jesi Says:
@nyreen: they're great!!! lots of nice people too, a lot of the time ^-^ lots of drunk people too lol I had one raspberry cider but lots of people get WASTED
I got ;;; so much this year ;;;
AND YET! I didn't get the rabbit mask I wanted D:< but I might be getting a custom mask based on a drawing of a mask I did, so there's that.
Posted in Ch. 6 Madder Tea Party
Posted 7 years ago
Jesi Says:
afsgedrhthyu it's not TECHNICALLY the next day until you go to sleep ;)
Posted in Ren Faire!!!
Posted 7 years ago
Jesi Says:
@RainbowPanda: lmaoooooo the Mood when you don't have your own money/transportation haha
@Lady Luna: :P I was just so star struck haha I think I rambled a bit at Liam and I'm...not sure if he got most of it r i p
Posted in Ch. 6 Madder Tea Party
Posted 7 years ago
Jesi Says:
@Kcalb: it's night for me but good morning!!! <3
Posted in Ren Faire!!!
Posted 7 years ago
Jesi Says:
@Lady Luna: oh yeah always!!! but also like the last 2 pics show, I met 2 of the actors from Critical Role and I D I E D lol
@RainbowPanda: aaaaaaaaah yeah that's fair :\
Posted in Ren Faire!!!
Posted 7 years ago
Jesi Says:
@Lady Luna: it's only for a month and a half every year, and it's only on weekends, so it's like...a really special thing that's also a normal thing for us? yeaaaah
@RainbowPanda: tickets are usually in the mid price range (we pay $25 I think, but that's a returning member pre-event promo only available online until about a month or 2 before the fair; then they go up to $30) but everything inside the fair is...expensive lol water bottles are $4 (((:
Posted in Ren Faire!!!
Posted 7 years ago
Jesi Says:
@Lady Luna: yeah! We also didn't get presents for each other (my mom, brother, and I) for christmas this past year so we could get ren faire stuff cause we already know a lot of what we wanted hahaha
Posted in Ch. 6 Madder Tea Party
Posted 7 years ago
Jesi Says:
I think one of the guides is just what the person thinks they should be priced at? idk
Posted in Ren Faire!!!
Posted 7 years ago
Jesi Says:
@Lady Luna: we buy so much stuff lol the only things in my pics I didn't get at the faire sometime in the past couple years was my wig, my beanie my mom crochet me, my garters, and my shoes :vanora_xd:
Posted in Ren Faire!!!
Posted 7 years ago
Jesi Says:
@RainbowPanda: OMG thank you!!!! The one I go to is the Original California Renaissance Pleasure Faire but almost every vendor + stage player does ren faires for a living so they travel all over the country! the US is crazy lol one of my fav vendors is doing 2 faires this 2 different states oAo
@Lady Luna: yuuuuuuuuuuuupp. I MEAN we spent like...$3000 or $4000 total this year, but. that's in STUFF, not ONLY GAS lmao
Posted in Ren Faire!!!
Posted 7 years ago
Jesi Says:
@Lady Luna: I auditioned to be part of the faire but I got a volunteer position and couldn't afford gas every weekend for 3 and a half months r i p
Posted in Ch. 6 Madder Tea Party
Posted 7 years ago
Jesi Says:
that is. so high oAo the guides run on reported prices, right? so some poor soul paid 16000 for Demonic?! D: