Littlewhitedragonlet's posts
Posted in Ch. 5 Mad Tea Party
Posted 7 years ago
Jesi Says:
@Miss Kitty: I've had 1 lady actually reach to pet her while we were grocery shopping but Annie back away/pressed closer to me so her hand missed. Annie doesn't typically like strangers petting her in public anyways but most people are like "large black dog + small girl +inside store that obviously does not allow pets = working dog, don't pet" lol I do have kids asking to pet her and I typically allow that 1 at a time. Most elderly people like saying "she's so well trained! I wish my dog was that good" and then talking to me for 15 minutes in the produce section about dogs xD

Posted in Ch. 5 Mad Tea Party
Posted 7 years ago
Jesi Says:
@Miss Kitty: r i p I wish I was able to help you; I honestly have no idea who trained her for that or how they did it xP if I did know she wouldn't keep trying to filtch food off our table in the living room |D

Posted in Ch. 5 Mad Tea Party
Posted 7 years ago
Jesi Says:
@Miss Kitty: I've been personally training her for about 6 months, but I got her from the shelter already off-leash trained, housebroken, and with minor commands. She doesn't go to the bathroom or eat when she's 'working' unless it's things I literally hand her to eat, so that's nice lol she doesn't try to get at food on tables in restaurants either, but at home is...another topic entirely XD

Posted in Ch. 5 Mad Tea Party
Posted 7 years ago
Jesi Says:
@Miss Kitty: yeah she's my baby girl and I love her so much haha she's my service dog in-training so she goes grocery shopping and sometimes on coffee/haircut/hangout trips; basically, if I'm not going to the movies, trying on clothes, going to work, or going to my grandma's house she comes with me :vanora_xd: tho the last one is just cause my gma doesn't want to clean up dog fur in her house :vanora_sweat:
Edit: er, well. she also doesn't go with me when I spend the night at my bf's house but that's mainly cause apartments lol

Posted in Ch. 5 Mad Tea Party
Posted 7 years ago
Jesi Says:
@Lovey: I have a rott/lab mix :3
@Miss Kitty: she just likes barking at the people walking their dogs in the morning lol tho she DOES sometimes wake me up on purpose, it's never by barking haha she normally taps her nose on my face and paws at the door before sitting still and staring at me until I get up xD
@Siron: yeah that's true!!! I may not be able to help with today's thread but I CAN chit chat :>

Posted in Ch. 5 Mad Tea Party
Posted 7 years ago
Jesi Says:
My dog woke me up at 6:30 (about an hour ago lmao) but that just means I'm already awake xD so I'm chillin, waiting for mom to get up lol

Posted in Ch. 5 Mad Tea Party
Posted 7 years ago
Jesi Says:
G'mornin' Kitty. How are yoooooou? Besides tired lol

Posted in Dragonlet's Art Shop ~!~ Open ~!~
Posted 7 years ago
Jesi Says:
@Jazz: bloop
@Lady Luna: blam
@Another Movie Addict: bloop
Hey guys, just a lil reminder that I'm not working on Comms today or tomorrow! Thanks for your patience :>

Posted in Ch. 5 Mad Tea Party
Posted 7 years ago
Jesi Says:
@Dipper: lmao I have no idea :D but I'm suuuuure you can figure it out :P

Posted in Ch. 5 Mad Tea Party
Posted 7 years ago
Jesi Says:
@Dipper: :vanora_icon: :vanora_icon: :vanora_icon:
I'm sure you could do something like what Siren suggested, maybe like having your Madness text as free text and then a translation/explanation with every one in a spoiler tag so it's not crowded?
@Siron: I'm going to be gone most of today D: my fam bam is going to the Ren Faire so I'll be watching shows and looking at the in-characer workers/volunteers always comment on out-of-costume people or when in-costume people use modern things unless you're buying something right then :vanora_xd:

Posted 7 years ago
Jesi Says:
@RainbowPanda: oh okai; that's fine!!! I'm sure she has her reasons and don't wanna stress her for nothing :>

Posted in How many mushrooms do you have? [Ends 21st]
Posted 7 years ago
Jesi Says:
I have 149; I've bought 1 of everything and 2 of Wonderland, though (700 'shrooms) so I've earned 849 shrooms this event :D

Posted in Ch. 5 Mad Tea Party
Posted 7 years ago
Jesi Says:
I wanna go back and solve all the riddles I missed but /lazy

Posted in Dragonlet's Chatterbox
Posted 7 years ago
Jesi Says:
@Shadami: Heyo!!! I replied to both of our RPs~!!! I also added/changed a few small things in my first post in the Pirate RP; nothing that changes anything for your reply, but yeah ^-^; also I hope the colors and header banners don't bother you ;v;