Luc's posts
Posted in Team Ice Cabin
Posted 5 years ago
A cute kitty, very sweet.

Posted in Team Ice Cabin
Posted 5 years ago
Glad you got some sleep. Hello, Ice Realm.
Ice to meet all of you.
Ice to meet all of you.

Posted in Confessions (Make a Confession)
Posted 5 years ago
My brain keeps being dumb this past week as if it's going "ah yes, let's remember those old diagnoses you had as a kid and pretend you're only that and not your own person at all" which is a pretty shitty brain thing to do
Other shitty brain things are when I'm thinking and just unthinkingly spit out a bad slur in my own direction like damn....this sure is internalized shit huh
Other than that I really need to think about getting a job when everything is over and what kind of job I'd be able to handle that actually pays a wage I can fucking live on
Other shitty brain things are when I'm thinking and just unthinkingly spit out a bad slur in my own direction like damn....this sure is internalized shit huh
Other than that I really need to think about getting a job when everything is over and what kind of job I'd be able to handle that actually pays a wage I can fucking live on

Posted in Effects of quarantine on mental and emotional health?
Posted 5 years ago
I was browsing a site just recently where I think I saw someone say that living through quarantine is a traumatic experience (I think they were quoting something?), and I find the idea quite curious, so of course, I'm researching it right now, but I'm also interested on what people here think of it.
I know the whole purpose of quarantine and lockdown is to keep us physically safe and to flatten the curve, but to ponder the emotional effects it has, too...
How have you coped while having to stay at home constantly? Are you living alone or stuck with relatives? Is your mood being negatively impacted by all this time?
I know I thought I'd be fine staying at home since I'm an introvert and don't like leaving the house much, but I guess my assessment wasn't quite correct in the beginning.
On one hand, I know I'd rather not be at my parents right now staying with them and my sister, but on the other, I know if I was alone right now, I'd end up slipping into slump and not really being able to get out of it until I can see my friend again.
There's a lot of time to do things that need doing, or that you want to do, if your work has closed completely for the time being. Are you managing to pass the hours by without trouble, or do you find your mind floating back to the issue at hand, unable to focus or enjoy the activity you decided to engage in?
Is too much free time a little troublesome, giving you too much time to think things over, or are you enjoying all the new time to do things you planned to do in the relative comfort of home? Are you growing closer to the people you live with, or are they grating on your nerves?
How are you coping, emotionally?
I know I'm physically fine at the moment, but my emotions kind of...decided to half-way shutdown, almost?
Like, I can still tell when I'm happy and enjoying myself, or angry at something, but the more positive emotions are extremely damp at the moment.
I keep losing focus when trying to work on things or watch something on Netflix, like it's not interesting at all, even when normally I'd be super interested in watching.
I just thought I'd ask how everyone is faring and what they think of this global experience that'll affect the future not only physically but also emotionally, most probably.
It'll leave a lasting effect for sure.
I know the whole purpose of quarantine and lockdown is to keep us physically safe and to flatten the curve, but to ponder the emotional effects it has, too...
How have you coped while having to stay at home constantly? Are you living alone or stuck with relatives? Is your mood being negatively impacted by all this time?
I know I thought I'd be fine staying at home since I'm an introvert and don't like leaving the house much, but I guess my assessment wasn't quite correct in the beginning.
On one hand, I know I'd rather not be at my parents right now staying with them and my sister, but on the other, I know if I was alone right now, I'd end up slipping into slump and not really being able to get out of it until I can see my friend again.
There's a lot of time to do things that need doing, or that you want to do, if your work has closed completely for the time being. Are you managing to pass the hours by without trouble, or do you find your mind floating back to the issue at hand, unable to focus or enjoy the activity you decided to engage in?
Is too much free time a little troublesome, giving you too much time to think things over, or are you enjoying all the new time to do things you planned to do in the relative comfort of home? Are you growing closer to the people you live with, or are they grating on your nerves?
How are you coping, emotionally?
I know I'm physically fine at the moment, but my emotions kind of...decided to half-way shutdown, almost?
Like, I can still tell when I'm happy and enjoying myself, or angry at something, but the more positive emotions are extremely damp at the moment.
I keep losing focus when trying to work on things or watch something on Netflix, like it's not interesting at all, even when normally I'd be super interested in watching.
I just thought I'd ask how everyone is faring and what they think of this global experience that'll affect the future not only physically but also emotionally, most probably.
It'll leave a lasting effect for sure.

Posted in Get In the Solstice Spirit: Community Goals
Posted 5 years ago

Posted in Get In the Solstice Spirit: Community Goals
Posted 5 years ago
Also dying, only 9 candy canes? Woof I gotta go do some jigsaw for some items I see

Posted in Get In the Solstice Spirit: Community Goals
Posted 5 years ago
Fjdjdjns maybe work will get my mind off being a dumbdumb for a bit IFJFJFJF

Posted in Get In the Solstice Spirit: Community Goals
Posted 5 years ago
I gotta get ready for work and have breakfast soon rip

Posted in Get In the Solstice Spirit: Community Goals
Posted 5 years ago
*hands chips over hastily*
Unrelated but im sobbing I just noticed my sister liked the dumb doodle I put on insta last night with labcoat boy JFJFJDNDNDN
*hands chips over hastily*
Unrelated but im sobbing I just noticed my sister liked the dumb doodle I put on insta last night with labcoat boy JFJFJDNDNDN

Posted in Get In the Solstice Spirit: Community Goals
Posted 5 years ago
I dared to face vthe vengeance

Posted in Get In the Solstice Spirit: Community Goals
Posted 5 years ago
Sowwy it was me I ate all the chips and scrammed

Posted in Get In the Solstice Spirit: Community Goals
Posted 5 years ago
Im hunger food

Posted in Confessions (Make a Confession)
Posted 5 years ago
You know today's gonna be bad when you stumble walking up stairs from a tiled room and your first thought once your body automatically catches itself from falling is "god, I wish I'd fallen and split my head open"

Posted in Chapter Fourteen: The Gathering
Posted 5 years ago
I guess so? Would make sense... Violet is pretty strong in spellwork, I think?