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Posted in The Reaper's Pub (Character Chat/Hangout) Posted 7 years ago
(*coughs* I'm sorry, I forgot to look in here for a while and uh I'm bad at catching ip with things so uh lol oops sorry)

Luc nodded as Faust slid him the tea, trying to restrain himself from smirking when Jazz was being scrutinized. Oh man, that was hilarious... He snorted when Faust asked Nala what she thought his age was. Luc wanted to bet that Faust didn't even know, after all, keeping track of years was so bothersome and it was easy to miscount a few.

Luc swivelled as he heard a new voice, and blinked as he saw a headless man. Okay then. Unsure exactly what to do, he turned back to his tea and took a sip. Almost as childish as Jazz, he thought as the man almost skipped to the bar. But a better brand of childish, almost.
Posted in The LGBTI+ Underworld Posted 7 years ago
@War: Haha nah, I'm fine with Luc, my character's too scared of the stigma to go by his full name so he always shortens it to Luc, lol.

You can only have three accounts though, so who's the spare? XD

Yeah I'm silently hoping she won't be a parent maybe, idk lol
Posted in The Reaper's Pub (Character Chat/Hangout) Posted 7 years ago
Luc chuckled, "Well, whoever said a pub couldn't be fancy?" He paused to ponder if he had seen any fancy pubs before. "Ah, thanks," he nodded. It was good to know that.
Posted in The Reaper's Pub (Character Chat/Hangout) Posted 7 years ago
"I understand, it's fine," Luc waved it off. "Sure, just pick whatever tea you think is best..." He trailed off, staring into space as a thought occurred to him about money.

"Hey, would you say your place is cheap, normal, or fancy?" He coughed. "I mean...just don't pick something that's like 10k a glass, please?"

"Hmm, an ID?" he smirked slightly, watching Faust flick Viceroy in the forehead. "Maybe I really should get one some day...hmm." Luc groaned, imaging the effort it would take.
Posted in The Reaper's Pub (Character Chat/Hangout) Posted 7 years ago
"Gabe? Ha," Luc snorted. "Can you imagine him wanting me near humans at all, let alone a place which requires ID? In fact....can you even see us queuing for one for ages? Ha. We don't have all those silly human documents one needs to have one anyway. Birth certificates? Heh, those didn't exist at all when I was born."

He sighed and stretched out a little, "All I know is that my birthday was on the last night of a specific time... I guess in human time I'd say the last day of the year I guess, but years isn't what they were back then. I don't know how to explain time to you."
Posted in The Reaper's Pub (Character Chat/Hangout) Posted 7 years ago
Some ID.. Luc felt his stomach sink a little. He hadn't thought it was important to get one while among all these humans because he hadn't needed one yet after all these years, but.... When did this idea of having an ID to identify oneself come into fashion in human society anyway? He couldn't quite recall. He had never been particularly interested in the affairs of humans while there were other much more interesting and a lot less irritating beings to observe. Like squirrels. Squirrels were cute.

Shaking his head, Luc massaged his temples, "Just any drink, I don't care if it's orange juice or tea or what." He groaned and plonked himself down on a stool at the bar, trying unsuccessfully to ignore everything going on around him, feeling a slight ache start up in his temples already.
Posted in The Reaper's Pub (Character Chat/Hangout) Posted 7 years ago
Luc groaned as the circus arrived in full and turned back to Faust. "Actually, a drink sounds pretty good round about now..."
Posted in The Reaper's Pub (Character Chat/Hangout) Posted 7 years ago
Luc groaned internally and a scowl creeped onto his face as he heard the peppy voice behind him. He didn't even have to turn to know it was Nala behind him...ever-cheerful, excitable Nala...who pestered him constantly along with another friend of hers.
Posted in The Reaper's Pub (Character Chat/Hangout) Posted 7 years ago
"Curiouser and curiouser....I think I might stay and explore a while...That is, if I can come here too," Luc looked around. "Not at the moment, thank you. Faust....that's an interesting name.... You can call me...Luke, I suppose, heh."

He glanced momentarily at where he first saw Faust, sharpening the scythe, then back to where Faust was now. "That scythe... It needed sharpening?"
Posted in *screeches* Posted 7 years ago
@nyreen: Probably ones from anime I like, but the first one I ever see physically, I might end up impulsively buying if it's cute and I have enough money because most nendos are cute and I want one...or several.
Haven't particularly thought about it because I can't imagine myself getting one, and I don't shop online because I'm a childish idiot who's still wary about that and only buys things physically, heh
Posted in *screeches* Posted 7 years ago
Nendos are cute. Someday I hope I can get some.
Posted in *taps on mic* HELLO IS THIS ON Posted 8 years ago
Hey mdom, was wondering when I'd see you here
Posted in *hops on brandwagon* Posted 8 years ago
Hi Tuijp, I'm glad to see you again. :vanora_smile:
I'm rather sad to hear about Solia...I had a lot of memories there.