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Posted in The sanctuary Posted 6 years ago

Ugh, gross.

Posted in The sanctuary Posted 6 years ago

@dragoness129: Yup that's moi as well.

Posted in The sanctuary Posted 6 years ago

What no AC in here? As if being in a house without it wasn't bad enough!

Fireworks and thunder don't faze my dogs at all.

Posted in The sanctuary Posted 6 years ago

pff Dean dying means nothing nowadays xD


True dat.
I was so sick of all the Winchester deaths by like the 3rd season.
I mainly continued to season 7 to see the episode Charisma Carpenter and James Marsters were in.

Posted in The sanctuary Posted 6 years ago

Did I see someone say "Blackberry pie"?! YUMMERS!
I've never actually had it but I love blackberries.

Posted in The sanctuary Posted 6 years ago

You guys can hear written word? What a fascinating trick!

Posted in The sanctuary Posted 6 years ago

How ironic, the heat has started here.

Posted in The sanctuary Posted 6 years ago

Of course, the thread blows up during my sleep hours but if everyone got Lucifer spoilers out of their systems during this time then it worked in my favor.

Posted in The sanctuary Posted 6 years ago

Please no spoilers. I'm still working on season 3.
Or else warn me so I can duck out of the thread for a bit.

Posted in The sanctuary Posted 6 years ago

@Another Movie Addict: True that.
I'd have sacrificed the bit of nonsense behind the evil source child having grown up for a far better storyline than then evil Wyatt.
I mean the kid was cute of course but I really hate it when kids are glorified as gimmicks.

Posted in The sanctuary Posted 6 years ago

Though the evil source child storyline would probably have been far more interesting.

Posted in The sanctuary Posted 6 years ago

@Another Movie Addict: Ha, that never occurred to me but evil adult Wyatt did kinda look like Chad Kruger.

As for Chris, I heard that was a popular fan theory before his identity was revealed, that he was Phoebe and Cole's unborn and that HMC really was pregnant during the Chris pregnancy but I'm actually glad it ended up the way it did.
I can't make sense of Phoebe and Cole's fetus having grown up considering it died before it was even born.

Posted in The sanctuary Posted 6 years ago

Oh yeah, for me Charmed declined in season 6 with the whole Wyatt gimmick.

Posted in The sanctuary Posted 6 years ago

I bailed after season 4 and didn't watch season 5 until I'd had enough of not being able to understand the references made in forum discussions and once was enough. I was not impressed with the exception of 'You're Welcome' Cordy's farewell episode.