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Posted in I Hate Not Having The Internet! Posted 6 years ago

@Mellonin: That's a major bummer.
Good luck figuring something out.

Posted in So I went to the dentist Posted 6 years ago

I have a very colorful history of dental work:
- Oral surgery for a crowded mouth
- Neck gear
- Braces (I deeply resent Invisalign for not existing yet at the time)
- Fillings
- A partial root canal
- Bad tooth removals
Just to name some.

I get nerves when going in for procedures but I become quite comfortable almost instantly when the dentist begins and I take the novocaine. No biggie.

Posted in Yello, newbie here Posted 6 years ago

Welcome @luxidoptera.
I'm fairly new myself and have found this to be possibly the best experience I've had on an avatar site.

Unfortunately, you've just missed an event but do stick around for the next one, they're elaborate and exciting.

Posted in Ernyan Hangout Thread Posted 6 years ago

Wazzup fellow Ernyan refugees?

Posted in The sanctuary Posted 6 years ago

@Another Movie Addict: I'm going with the latter.

Posted in The sanctuary Posted 6 years ago


@Tuijp: How horrible! And they gave the dog back---to a psychopath?! What were they on?

Posted in The sanctuary Posted 6 years ago

This sounds juicy. What happened?

Posted in The sanctuary Posted 6 years ago

Well the event is officially over now, the threads are gone.


Posted in Hello all! Posted 6 years ago

Welcome. I dig the name.
Hope you had a chance to get some stuff out of the event before it ended.

Posted in Hello Posted 6 years ago

Welcome to Voltra.
I dig the username, it's poetic.

I was on Gaia and Solia several years ago but Gaia banned my account and won't respond to my inquiry on Facebook to have it returned and Solia's new concept bites.

I'm fairly new here myself but I learned quickly that this place is bitchin'. Especially the events.

Posted in Ch. 14 Home Sweet Home Posted 6 years ago

Probably not because that would require me to load the shop anew.

Posted in Ch. 14 Home Sweet Home Posted 6 years ago

I don't refresh except when I'm logged out once a day.

Posted in Ch. 14 Home Sweet Home Posted 6 years ago

Hehe, I have 8k unspent. XD

Posted in Ch. 14 Home Sweet Home Posted 6 years ago

Oh, it's still open.
Morning all.