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Posted in Ch. 9 The Duchess' Cottage Posted 6 years ago

If anyone is interested in the Dutchess chapter I've actually found it online:

Posted in Ch. 9 The Duchess' Cottage Posted 6 years ago

@Kcalb: Yeah if only one person has to do it, I don't want it to be me.

Posted in Ch. 9 The Duchess' Cottage Posted 6 years ago

Enough I believe but I don't believe anyone has officially sent it, we have to ping Static don't we?

Posted in Ch. 9 The Duchess' Cottage Posted 6 years ago

@AliceinZombieland: True, true.

I'll stick with talking morals into her.

Posted in Ch. 9 The Duchess' Cottage Posted 6 years ago

Hmm, could Static perhaps tickle her to get her to drop the cleaver in the swamp?

Posted in Ch. 9 The Duchess' Cottage Posted 6 years ago

I say moral talk and if possible try to get the cleaver away from her.

Posted in Ch. 9 The Duchess' Cottage Posted 6 years ago

I like the idea that the cleaver has some kind of a dark hold on her but why would we need a mirror?

Posted in Ch. 9 The Duchess' Cottage Posted 6 years ago

I'm saying talk some morals into her so she'll change Frizz back.

Posted in Ch. 9 The Duchess' Cottage Posted 6 years ago

This seems like a good time to somehow put Carroll's Dutchess's motto to use: "Everything has got a moral, if only you can find it."

Posted in Ch. 9 The Duchess' Cottage Posted 6 years ago

@Theory: I agree. I'm intrigued to see what they'll do with what we're putting out there.

Posted in Ch. 9 The Duchess' Cottage Posted 6 years ago

@Siron: Of course, of course and I dig it. It just seems the writer might not have accounted for such creativity.

Posted in Ch. 9 The Duchess' Cottage Posted 6 years ago

@Theory: True, offering a multiple action move, we did kind of complicate things for the writer.
But I'd be interested to see what he/she does with what we're doing.

Posted in Ch. 9 The Duchess' Cottage Posted 6 years ago

@Siron: Some folks got a bit into it over the rules specifically stating that 'ten LETTER answers are a loss' which left solve attempts unaddressed.

Posted in Ch. 9 The Duchess' Cottage Posted 6 years ago

I do hope that Siron's user action's test of the rules doesn't cause an argument like yesterday. >_<