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Posted in Ch. 10 Rose Garden Posted 6 years ago

@Miss Kitty: Exactly.

Posted in Ch. 10 Rose Garden Posted 6 years ago

This is the third day in a row that the EI handouts have been late. It seems the enormity of this event is getting the better of them.

Posted in Ch. 10 Rose Garden Posted 6 years ago

@Theory: Noted.

Posted in Ch. 10 Rose Garden Posted 6 years ago

@Theory: Interesting suggestion. I'll give that a try.

@dragoness129: Brilliant.

Posted in Ch. 10 Rose Garden Posted 6 years ago

Not to be nit-picky, I just don't want that to potentially affect the overall outcome of the chapter.

Posted in Ch. 10 Rose Garden Posted 6 years ago

@dragoness129: The error in our last hand that shows us as having lost also needs to be fixed.

Posted in Ch. 10 Rose Garden Posted 6 years ago

@Siron: It is, it's just intermission.

Posted in Ch. 10 Rose Garden Posted 6 years ago

@Theory: I've got problems like that as well but before I've even written the idea.

For example, lets say I want I want my character who lives in Texas to end up in New York for a particular NY exclusive experience. But I'll be at a total loss of how to write them there.

Posted in Ch. 10 Rose Garden Posted 6 years ago

@Theory: Precisely.

Posted in Ch. 10 Rose Garden Posted 6 years ago

I'm an aspiring writer myself, I've dabbled in fanfiction but I'm such a perfectionist with a muse that does half-jobs that I tend to be ADDish in my writing.

Posted in Ch. 10 Rose Garden Posted 6 years ago

Welp, I suppose I'll get the vacuuming done.

Posted in Ch. 10 Rose Garden Posted 6 years ago

@Kcalb: You could Google Blackjack. I know what I've said earlier about these rules differing from the traditional but it's close enough. The idea is the same.

Posted in Ch. 10 Rose Garden Posted 6 years ago

@dragoness129: We'll see.
I might be unclear, I'm totally messing around.

Posted in Ch. 10 Rose Garden Posted 6 years ago

Ha! She didn't correct the error. She is cheating!